retrieve me, but I hoped he would wait until the morning.
“Done. I’d wish you good luck, but I don’t think it would help.”
“Why not?”
“My lady, you make your own luck.” Then he shooed me away. “Go.”
I hurried to the kitchen and grabbed enough bread, cheese and dried meat to last for ten days. Captain Marrok had said the Avibian Plains were vast and it took ten days to cross them. If the Sandseed Clan lived on the far side, I would have enough food to reach them, and I hoped I could buy more for the return trip.
With my thoughts focused on supplies, I raced toward the barn. As I approached, Kiki snorted in agitation, and I opened my mind to her.
I spun in time to see Goel rush me. Before I could react, the point of his sword stopped mere inches from my stomach.
“Going somewhere?” he asked.
“What are you doing here?”
“Little birdie told me you flew the coop. It wasn’t hard to track you.”
The guards outside Tula’s room must have alerted Goel. I sighed. My distraction while collecting supplies had made me an easy target.
“Okay, Goel. Let’s make this quick.” I took a step back and reached for my bow, but Goel moved forward. The point of his sword cut through my shirt and pricked my skin just as my hands found the smooth wood of my staff.
“Freeze!” he shouted.
I huffed more in annoyance than fear. I didn’t have time for this. “Too scared for a fair fight? Ow!” The sword’s tip jabbed into my stomach.
“Drop your bow to the ground. Slowly,” he ordered.
He nudged his sword tip deeper when I hesitated. In slow motion, I pulled my bow from its strap, keeping Goel’s attention on me because out of the corner of my eye I saw Kiki open the latch on her stall’s door with her teeth.
The door thumped open. Goel turned his head at the noise. Kiki spun, aimed her hind legs. I scurried back a few paces.
Goel flew through the air and slammed against the pasture’s wooden fence. Then he crumpled in a heap. When he didn’t move, I approached and felt for a pulse. Still alive. I had mixed feelings about his survival. Would he ever give up or would he keep coming after me until he had caught me or until I had killed him?
Kiki interrupted my thoughts.
I retrieved her tack and began to saddle her. As I tightened the girth straps around her chest, I asked,
I laughed and made sure to take some mints from Cahil’s supply, packing them into my bag. I hooked five feed bags and water bags for her onto the saddle along with my own food and water skins.
She looked at me with scorn.
I mounted. We left the Magician’s Keep and headed through the Citadel. Kiki stepped with care as she walked along the crowded streets of the market. I spotted Fisk, my beggar boy, carrying a huge package for a lady. He smiled and tried to wave. His clean black hair shone in the sun and the hollow smudges under his eyes were gone. A beggar no longer. Fisk found a job.
When we passed under the massive marble arches that marked the gateway of the Citadel, Kiki picked up her pace, breaking into a gallop. The view sped past as we traveled along the main valley road that led from the Citadel to the forest.
Harvest activity buzzed in the fields to our right. On the left, the Avibian Plains flowed out to the horizon. The colors of the tall grasses had transformed from the greens and blues of the hot season into reds, yellows and oranges as though someone had taken a giant paintbrush and swabbed large bands of color across the landscape.
The plains appeared deserted, and I saw no signs of wildlife. Only the colors rippled in the wind. When Kiki turned to enter the plains, I spotted a faint trail cutting through the grass.
The long blades rubbed against my legs and Kiki’s stomach. Kiki relaxed her pace. I touched her mind. We were on the right path, and the strong scent of horses filled her nose. She picked out each one by their smell.
Confused at first, it took me a moment to realize Sad Man was Kiki’s name for Leif. From what I had gathered from Kiki, when a horse meets someone for the first time their immediate impression becomes that person’s horse name and they relayed it to other horses. Apparently it doesn’t change. To the horses, it made sense. They gave us names just like we had given them names.
Surprised that Cahil hadn’t taken some of his men with him, I wondered why. Cahil had skirted the plains on our trip to the Citadel, afraid of the Sandseeds even when traveling with twelve men. I guess he felt safer having a Master Magician accompany him. Either that, or Irys had insisted he leave his watchdogs at the Keep.
As we advanced farther into the plains, I realized that the surrounding grassland hid many things. Despite appearing flat, the terrain rolled like a messy blanket. I looked back the way we had come and couldn’t see the farmland. Clusters of gray rocks peppered the plains, an occasional tree rose up from the grass, and I glimpsed field mice and small animals darting away from Kiki’s hooves.
We passed a strange crimson-colored rock formation. White veined the single stone, whose top tier loomed above my head. The thick squarish profile of the structure reminded me of something. I scanned my memory and realized the rock resembled a human heart. The fact that I had recalled my lessons surprised me. Biology at Brazell’s orphanage had been my least favorite subject. The teacher had delighted in making his students sick to their stomachs.
When the light over the plains began to fade and the air chilled, the thought of spending a night in such an exposed place made me uneasy.
The pungent smell of horses mixed with a thin scent of smoke. Through Kiki’s eyes, I could see a distant fire.
I weighed my options. A night alone or the possibility of facing Irys’s anger if I joined her. Not used to sitting in the saddle for more than an hour, my legs and back ached. I needed a break. Kiki, though, could travel much longer. Pulling power, I projected my awareness, feeling for the overall mood of the campsite.
Cahil gripped the handle of his sword; the wide-open sky alarmed him. Leif lounged on the ground almost asleep. Irys—
Decision made. Before she could demand an explanation, I showed her what had happened between Valek and me.
The word triggered a memory.