Fascists in City of Kyiv, para. 5, col. 1, IMT v. VII, p. 556.

[69]  Amtliches Material zum Massenmord von Winniza, Franz. Eher Nachf., Berlin 1944.

[70]  N. F. Petrenko, N. T. Gorbacheva, eyewitness testimony, Document USSR-9, IMT v. VII, 1948, p. 541.

[71]  See also A. Ruckerl, op. cit. (note 46), pp. 86f.

[72]  C. Clarke, Eichmann - The Man and His Crimes, Ballantine Books, New York 1960, p. 62.

[73]  L. Yahil, The Holocaust, Oxford University Press, New York 1990, p. 257; first pub. in Israel.

[74]  Wien, op. cit. (note 7), p. 137.

[75]  Ibid., p. 143.

[76]  Ibid., p. 167.

[77]  Ibid., p. 195.

[78]  Zentrales Staatliches Archiv der Oktoberrevolution, Verzeichnis, 65th ed. Chr. 5., Moscow.

[79]  Wien, op. cit. (note 7), p. 477.

[80]  Deutsch-russisches Worterbuch, Sowjetische Enzyklopadie, Moscow 1971, p. 577.

[81]  Ukrainian television, Kyiv, Oct. 6, 1991.

[82]  V. Posner, H. Keyssar, Remembering War: a US-Soviet Dialogue, Oxford University Press, New York 1990, p. 206.

[83]  V. Korotych, Lecture in Toronto, Canada, at the Canadian Institute of Internal Affairs, April 23, 1990.

[84]  R. Grenier, 'Infectious Nationalism', The Washington Times (from New York), September 5, 1991, p. G4.

[85]  Cf. E.R. Wiehn, op. cit. (note 7), pp. 114f.

[86]  D. Humenna, Kreshchaty Yar, Association of Ukrainian Authors and Journalists, New York 1956, p. 195.

[87]  Bolschaja Sowjetskaja Enzyklopedia, Moscow 1950, v. 4, p. 1.

[88]  Bolschaja Sowjetskaja Enzyklopedia, Moscow 1970, v. 2, p. 501.

[89]  Encyclopedia of Ukraine, Shevchenko Scientific Society, Paris / New York 1955, v. II, pp. 5-33.

[90]  Ukrainian National Association (ed.), Ukraine, a Concise Encyclopedia, University of Toronto Press, Toronto 1971, v. II, p. 1271.

[91]  Grand Larousse Encyclopedique, Librairie Larousse, Paris / New York 1960, v. 1, p. 817.

[92]  Brockhaus Enzyklopadie, Wiesbaden 1967, v. 2 and supp. v. 22.

[93]  Enciclopedia Europea, Garzanti, Rome 1976, v. 1, p. 934.

[94]  Enciclopedia Universal Nautea, Ediciones Nauta, Madrid 1977, p. 192.

[95]  Encyclopaedia Britannica, Encycl. Brit. Inc., Chicago, editions from 1945 to 1984.

[96]  Academic American Encyclopedia, Grolier Inc., Danburry 1991, v. 3, p. 7.

[97]  Brockhaus Enzyklopadie, Mannheim 1987, v. 2, p. 446.

[98]  Meyers Enzyklopadisches Lexikon, Bibliographisches Institut Mannheim, Mannheim 1971, v. 3, p. 274.

[99]  J. G. Burg, Schuld und Schicksal, Schutz, Preu?isch Oldendorf 1990, p. 50.

[100]  Johannes Heer, Klaus Naumann (ed.), Verbrechen der Wehrmacht 1941-1944, Hamburger Edition, Hamburg 1995.

[101]  Letter of the Hessische Staatsarchiv of April 15, 1997, to the author.

[102]  Brockhaus Enzyklopadie, op. cit. (note 92), 1970, v. 9, p. 516.

[103]  W. N. Sanning, op. cit. (note 31), English ed. pp. 85ff.

[104]  Ibid., Table 6, English ed. p. 101.

[105]  Zentralblatt des Reichskommissars fur die Ukraine, Rowno, year 2 no. 2, Jan. 9, 1943, pp. 8-20.

[106]  G. Reitlinger, op. cit. (note 44), p. 500.

[107]  W.N. Sanning, The Dissolution..., p. cit. (note 31), p. 119.

[108]  E.R. Wiehn, op. cit. (note 7), p. 112.

[109]  Brockhaus Enzyklopadie, op. cit. (note 92), v. 9, p. 514.

[110]  Cf. Roland Bohlinger, Johannes P. Ney, Zur Frage der Echtheit des Wannsee-Protokolls, 2nd ed., Verlag fur ganzheitliche Forschung und Kultur, Viol 1992, 1994; Roland Bohlinger (ed.), Die Stellungnahme der Leitung der Gedenkstatte Haus der Wannsee-Konferenz zu dem von Bohlinger und Ney verfa?ten Gutachten zur Frage der Echtheit des sogenannten Wannsee-Protokolls und der dazugehorigen Schriftstucke, Verlag fur ganzheitliche Forschung, Viol 1995.

[111]  K. Koch (Buchenwald) and H. Florstedt (Majdanek); cf. A. Ruckerl, op. cit. (note 46), pp. 126f.

[112]  H. Roques, Faut-il fusiller Henri Roques?, Ogmios Diffusion, Paris 1986; cf. the chapter by F. P. Berg, this volume.

[113]  Cf. the chapter by A. Neumaier, this volume.

[114]  Cf. F. Kadell, Die Katyn-Luge, Herbig, Munich 1991.

[115]  Brockhaus Enzyklopadie, op. cit. (note 92), 1970, v. 9, p. 602; and R. Conquest, The Harvest of Sorrow, Oxford University Press, Oxford / New York 1986, p. 328.

[116]  Semit - Das deutsch-judische Meinungs- + Zeitungsmagazin, Dreieich 1991, no. 4, p. 68.

[117]  Neue Zurcher Zeitung, Zurich, Jan. 20, 1963, p. 6.

[118]  V. Nekrasow, Literaturnaja Gazeta, Moscow, Oct. 10, 1959.

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