loathing at the sight. The Guild Navigator wore his usual dark leotard bulging at the belt with various containers. Yet... he gave the impression of nakedness when he moved. It was the swimming, reaching movements, Scytale decided, and he was struck once more by the delicate linkages of their conspiracy. They were not a compatible group. That was weakness.
Edric's agitation subsided. He stared out at Scytale, vision colored by the orange gas which sustained him. What plot did the Face Dancer hold in reserve to save himself? Edric wondered. The Tleilaxu was not acting in a predictable fashion. Evil omen.
Something in the Navigator's voice and actions told Scytale that the Guildsman feared the sister more than the Emperor. This was an abrupt thought flashed on the screen of awareness. Disturbing. Had they overlooked something important about Alia? Would the ghola be sufficient weapon to destroy both?
'You know what is said of Alia?' Scytale asked, probing.
'What do you mean?' Again, the fish-man was agitated.
'Never have philosophy and culture had such a patroness,' Scytale said. 'Pleasure and beauty unite in -'
'What is enduring about beauty and pleasure?' Edric demanded. 'We will destroy both Atreides. Culture! They dispense culture the better to rule. Beauty! They promote the beauty which enslaves. They create a literate ignorance - easiest thing of all. They leave nothing to chance. Chains! Everything they do forges chains, enslaves. But slaves always revolt.'
'The sister may wed and produce offspring,' Scytale said.
'Why do you speak of the sister?' Edric asked.
'The Emperor may choose a mate for her,' Scytale said.
'Let him choose. Already, it is too late.'
'Even you cannot invent the next moment,' Scytale warned. 'You are not a creator... any more than are the Atreides.' He nodded. 'We must not presume too much.'
'We aren't the ones to flap our tongues about creation,' Edric protested. 'We aren't the rabble trying to make a messiah out of Muad'dib. What is this nonsense? Why are you raising such questions?'
'It's this planet,' Scytale said. 'It raises questions.'
'Planets don't speak!'
'This one does.'
'It speaks of creation. Sand blowing in the night, that is creation.'
'Sand blowing... '
'When you awaken, the first light shows you the new world - all fresh and ready for your tracks.'
Untracked sand? Edric thought. Creation? He felt knotted with sudden anxiety. The confinement of his tank, the surrounding room, everything closed in upon him, constricted him.
Tracks in sand.
'You talk like a Fremen,' Edric said.
'This is a Fremen thought and it's instructive,' Scytale agreed. 'They speak of Muad'dib's Jihad as leaving tracks in the universe in the same way that a Fremen tracks new sand. They've marked out a trail in men's lives.'
'Another night comes,' Scytale said. 'Winds blow.'
'Yes,' Edric said, 'the Jihad is finite. Muad'dib has used his Jihad and -'
'He didn't use the Jihad,' Scytale said. 'The Jihad used him. I think he would've stopped it if he could.'
'If he could? All he had to do was -'
'Oh, be still!' Scytale barked. 'You can't stop a mental epidemic. It leaps from person to person across parsecs. It's overwhelmingly contagious. It strikes at the unprotected side, in the place where we lodge the fragments of other such plagues. Who can stop such a thing? Muad'dib hasn't the antidote. The thing has roots in chaos. Can orders reach there?'
'Have you been infected, then?' Edric asked. He turned slowly in the orange gas, wondering why Scytale's words carried such a tone of fear. Had the Face Dancer broken from the conspiracy? There was no way to peer into the future and examine this now. The future had become a muddy stream, clogged with prophets.
'We're all contaminated,' Scytale said, and he reminded himself that Edric's intelligence had severe limits. How could this point be made that the Guildsman would understand it?
'But when we destroy him,' Edric said, 'the contag -'
'I should leave you in this ignorance,' Scytale said. 'But my duties will not permit it. Besides, it's dangerous to all of us.'
Edric recoiled, steadied himself with a kick of one webbed foot which sent the orange gas whipping around his legs. 'You speak strangely,' he said.
'This whole thing is explosive,' Scytale said in a calmer voice. 'It's ready to shatter. When it goes, it will send bits of itself out through the centuries. Don't you see this?'
'We've dealt with religions before,' Edric protested. 'If this new -'
'It is not just a religion!' Scytale said, wondering what the Reverend Mother would say to this harsh education of their fellow conspirator. 'Religious government is something else. Muad'dib has crowded his Qizarate in everywhere, displaced the old functions of government. But he has no permanent civil service, no interlocking embassies. He has bishoprics, islands of authority. At the center of each island is a man. Men learn how to gain and hold personal power. Men are jealous.'
'When they're divided, we'll absorb them one by one,' Edric said with a complacent smile. 'Cut off the head and the body will fall to -'
'This body has two heads,' Scytale said.
'The sister - who may wed.'
'Who will certainly wed.'
'I don't like your tone, Scytale.'
'And I don't like your ignorance.'
'What if she does wed? Will that shake our plans?'
'It will shake the universe.'
'But they're not unique. I, myself, possess powers which -'
'You're an infant. You toddle where they stride.'
'They are not unique!'
'You forget, Guildsman, that we once made a kwisatz haderach. This is a being filled by the spectacle of Time. It is a form of existence which cannot be threatened without enclosing yourself in the identical threat. Muad'dib knows we would attack his Chani. We must move faster than we have. You must get to the ghola, prod him as I have instructed.'
'And if I do not?'
'We will feel the thunderbolt.'
= = = = = =
Oh, worm of many teeth, Canst thou deny what has no cure? The flesh and breath which lure thee To the ground of all beginnings Feed on monsters twisting in a door of fire! Thou hast no robe in all thy attire To cover intoxications of divinity Or hide the burnings of desire! -Wormsong from the Dunebook
Paul had worked up a sweat on the practice floor using crysknife and short sword against the ghola. He stood now at a window looking down into the temple plaza, tried to imagine the scene with Chani at the clinic. She'd been taken ill at midmorning, the sixth week of her pregnancy. The medics were the best. They'd call when they had news.
Murky afternoon sandclouds darkened the sky over the plaza. Fremen called such weather 'dirty air.'
Would the medics never call? Each second struggled past, reluctant to enter his universe.