Владение третьего лица; получение от третьего лица; оплата третьим лицом; договор с третьим лицом; произведенная третьим лицом; в качестве третьего лица; противоправные действия третьих лиц.
1. Differentiate between the legal rights accorded to intended beneficiaries and those accorded to incidental beneficiaries to a contract.
2. Contrast assignment with delegation.
3. Identify the three parties that are associated with any contractual assignment.
4. Indicate who is responsible for giving notice of an assignment.
5. Explain the obligations of the assignor, the assignee, and the obligor after an assignment has been made.
6. Distinguish between a novation and an assignment in contract law.
Where a debtor sells collateral subject to a perfected security agreement, the secured party may proceed (1) against the debtor (a) to collect the debt on the original instrument, or (b) to assert his rights under the security agreement against any identifiable proceeds in the hands of the debtor, or (2) against the purchaser (a) by a repossession of the purchased goods in person or by an action in replevin or (b) by an action in trespass for conversion of the collateral. However, once the purchaser has himself resold the goods, the secured party has no right of action in assumpsit against the purchaser, either for the original debt of for the proceeds of resale.
Non-Party Rights (3P Ben'y/Assignmts/Delegation)
1. General:
-> non-party time formed is 3P ben'y; non-party later is assignmt or delegation
2. 3P Beneficiary (look a promise at a time) (3P ben'y of which promise?) 5 RULES:
a. Intended or Incidental Ben'y
(1) Incidental no rights, just benefit
(2) Intended gets rights; intended b/c ID'd in promise, perf. runs to you & ben'y/promisee relationship supportg intention to benefit b. Donee or Creditor Ben'y
(1) Donee gets as gift
(2) Creditor when promisee owed debt & using promisor's perf. to satisfy c. Ben'y can enforce promise way it existed when rts vested
-> Promisor/ee can change, or rescind promise until vests
-> Vests when ben'y learns & assents (words/conduct), but promise can reserve power in promisee d. Promisee can also enforce promise against promisor (MAJ)
e. Creditor ben'y can sue promisee on underlying obligation or Promisor on 3P promise
3. Assignment (if assign whole K, that's assignmt of rts & delegation of duties)
-> Obligor (owes perf.), Assignor, Assignee a. Is it Assignable? Not if:
(1) K prohibits EXCEPT privilege, not power to assign destroyed so assignmt valid, but Assignor breached and totally enforceable under Code (no breach)
(2) Law Prohibits (make sure it's an ASSIGNMENT 1st!)
(3) Pers. Services K where assignmt = substn'l change in perf., or
(4) Substant'l change in perf. b/c of assignment (requirements Ks suspect or change in time/place of perf.)
b. Was it Properly Assigned?
-> Need desc. of rt assigned & words of present transfer (even if perf. for future)
-> Warranting to assignee assignable & enforceable (Assignee can sue for W breach)
c. Obligor must perform to Assignee, Assignee can enforce, Assignor no rt anymore d. Problems:
(1) Assignor dealing w/ Obligor
-> if b/4 Obligor gets notice, assignee v. assignor for breach W
-> if after notice, assignee v. Obligor, whose stuck paying twice
(2) Assignor multiple assignments
(a) Are any Gratuitous (automatically revoked unless writing delivered, token chose, or estoppel (detrimentally, reas. & foreseeably relied)
(b) Otherwise 1st w/ valid unrevoked assignment unless subsequent w/o knowledge of others gets 1) pd, 2) judgment, 3) token chose from Obligor or works 4) novation w/ Obligor (4 «horsemen» of assignment)
4. Delegations (of duty)
Delegator (of duty), Delegate (does duty), Obligee (gets perf.)
a. Is it Delegable? NOT IF:
(1) K prohibits (works here!)
(2) Prohibited by law
(3) Pers. Services (unless routine)
(4) Substantially changes char. of perf. (output Ks or time/place change)
b. No particular form for delegation (unlike assignment)
c. If delegate for consideration, Obligee can force delegate to perform (delegate makes promise to Delegator to perf. to original Obligee & Obligee now 3P ben'y of their K)
Unit 10
Discharge and Redemies
Исполнение обязательств и средства их обеспечения
Исполнение обязательств может обеспечиваться неустойкой, залогом, удержанием имущества должника, поручительством, банковской гарантией, задатком и другими способами (главы 21–26 ГК РФ).
– actual damages – фактический, реальный ущерб
– anticipatory breach – прекращение (договора) до наступления срока исполнения
– compensatory damages – компенсаторные, реальные, фактические убытки
– complete performance – оконченное исполнение; совершение
– condition concurrent – взаимозависимые условия (подлежащие одновременному исполнению)
– condition precedent – предварительное условие
– condition subsequent – последующее, резолютивное, отменительное условие
– consequential damages – косвенные убытки
– general release – отказ от настоящих и будущих притязаний, общий отказ
– incidental damages – побочные, случайные убытки
– injunction – судебный запрет
– liquidated damages – заранее оцененные убытки; оценочная неустойка; ликвидные убытки
– mutual rescission – взаимное аннулирование, прекращение
– nominal damages – номинальные убытки; номинальное возмещение, имеющее символическое значение
– performance – исполнение; совершение
– punitive damages – убытки присуждаемые в качестве наказания
– reasonable time – разумно необходимый срок
– satisfactory performance – достаточное, убедительное исполнение
– specific performance – исполнение в натуре, реальное исполнение
– speculative damages – предполагаемые убытки