offeree knows about the offer's withdrawal by other means.

When the terms of an offer include a definite time limit for acceptance, the offer is automatically revoked at the expiration of the time stated.

An option contract is an agreement that binds an offerer to hold open an offer for a predetermined or reasonable length of time. In return for this agreement to hold the offer open, the offerer receives money or something else of value from the offeree. Parties to an option contract often agree that the consideration may be credited toward any indebtedness incurred by the offeree in the event that the offer is accepted. Should the offeree fail to take up the option, however, the offerer is under no legal obligation to return the consideration.

Option contracts remove the possibility of revocation through death or insanity of the offerer. The offeree who holds an option contract may demand acceptance by giving written notice of acceptance to the executor or administrator of the deceased offerer's estate or to the offerer's legally appointed guardian.

A special rule has emerged in international law. This rule holds that no consideration is necessary when a merchant agrees in writing to hold an offer open. This is called a firm offer.

Exercise 1. Comprehension questions:

1. What is an offer?

2. What is to be done in order to remove any doubt about contractual intentions of the offer?

3. What information should the offer include?

4. What is a cost-plus contract?

5. What does a current market price contract suppose?

6. What are the ways to transmit the offerer's proposal?

7. What is a public offer?

8. In what cases are acts and conduct of the proposing successful?

9. Who has a right to accept an offer/ how is an offer rejected?

Exercise 2. Find in the text English equivalents to the following:

Договор на условиях оплаты фактических расходов с начислением определенного процента от этих расходов; договор на условиях оплаты по текущим рыночным ценам; предложение товара или ценных бумаг по твердой цене; приглашение сделать оферту; адресат оферты; оферент; оферта, обращенная к неопределенному кругу лиц; отклонение; аннулирование.

Exercise 3. Consult recommended dictionaries and give words or phrases to the following definitions:

Отзыв акцепта; публичная оферта; извещение об отзыве оферты; безотзывность оферты; приглашение делать оферту; акцепт, полученный с опозданием; отказ от акцепта.

Exercise 4. Be ready to talk on one of the following topics:

1. Identify the three requirements of a valid offer.

2. Differentiate between a public offer and an invitation to trade.

3. Explain acceptance of an offer in the cases of a unilateral contract and a bilateral contract.

4. Discuss the mirror image rule.

5. Relate the various means by which an offer can be revoked.

6. Explain what is meant by a firm offer.

Exercise 5. Make up your own dialog on the case: In Universal Oil Products. v. S.C.M. Corp., the seller sent a written offer to the buyer that did not contain a provision for arbitration of any disputes. The buyer responded with a written purchase order that did contain a provision for arbitration. The court treated the buyers order as a counteroffer, rather that as an acceptance with a proposal for additional terms. Since the seller shipped the goods pursuant to the buyers order, the court found that the seller thereby accepted the counteroffer and became bound to arbitrate.

Exercise 6. Resume in industry buzz: Offer: commitment communicated to identified offeree & containing definite terms

1. Commitment: reas. person hearing words under these circum.

believes speaker intends to enter into K (OBJECTIVE) (Public ad to identified offeree, 1st 10, is an offer)

-> Code's way of objectively determining is course of dealing – worst is actual words used

2. Communicated to ID'd Offeree (ACTUAL KNOWLEDGE)

-> Another can tell him; public offer accepts & is ID'd at same time

3. Containing Definite Terms: must address s/matter of K w/ certainty to be valid a. Real Estate (desc. & price)

b. Goods (quantity, except offers for total requiremts based on past hx or offers for total outputs are based on last yr output or most mfrs)

c. Services (term of e/mt by task or time, unless not stated then at will)

-> All other material terms supplied by ct, but if offer tries to address material term, must do so w/certainty or offer is INVALID

4. Limits on Terminating Offers a. Merchant Firm Offer Rule: Merchant who puts offer in writing & it says will hold open Xtime or indefinitely (Rrrevocable for time stated but not open more than 3 mos. w/o consideration b. Option K (like a mini-K): consideration to hold open or consideration substitute; substitute when offeree detrimentally, reas. & foreseeably relies on offer (sub bid) (detrimental reliance or prom. estoppel used)

c. Offer to Make Unilateral K: to give time to perform. Reasons can't terminate (best to worst) (1) stay open reas. time if perf. Begun (2) reliance by offeree – supplies (3) doctrine of divisibility – reas. time to complete any «in works» (4) implied bilateral prom. to complete by commencing perf.

5. Ways to Terminate b/4 Acceptance a. Revocation by Offeror

(1) Express w/ ID'd offeree efftv when receives it (not read or actually knows of) w/ delivery to offeree, anyone offeree's control

Express w/ public offer revocation same or comparable medium as offer

(2) Implied when offeror does act preventing perf. and when offeree learns of act from reliable source b. Rejection by Offeree (refusal or counteroffer)

(1) Express when offeror receives or anyone in his control (no actual knowledge); can never be revived

(2) Implied (conduct) letting offer lapse past time stated or reas. time c. Operation of Law: s/matter destroyed b/4 accept; supervening illegality; death or incapacity of either offeror or offeree terminates OFFER

Unit 4

Mutual Assent and Defective Agreement

Обоюдное согласие и юридически дефектный договор

Для заключения договора необходимо выражение согласованной воли двух сторон (двустороння сделка) либо трех или более сторон (многосторонняя сделка) (раздел I ГК РФ, глава 9 «Сделки»). Сделка, совершенная под влиянием заблуждения, обмана, насилия, угрозы, злонамеренного соглашения представителя одной стороны, а также сделка, которую лицо было вынуждено совершить вследствие стечения обстоятельств на крайне невыгодных для себя условиях, или в тот момент, когда данное лицо не было способно понимать значение своих действий или руководить ими, может быть признана судом недействительной.

List of key terms and word combinations:

– business compulsion – понуждение

– concealment – сокрытие, укрывательство; утаивание, умалчивание

– duress – принуждение

– fiduciary relationship – фидуциарные отношения

– fraud – обман; мошенничество

– liable – подлежащий ответственности

– material fact – существенный факт

– misrepresentation – введение в заблуждение; искажение фактов

– mutual assent – обоюдное согласие, совпадение намерений сторон

– nondisclosure – неоглашение, нераскрытие

– rescission – аннулирование, расторжение, прекращение

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