would be a dangerous place down there, a place where mistakes could be made.
The voice came from behind Alia. She turned, saw Zia standing in the arched doorway to the outer chamber. Armed House Guards were close behind her.
'Yes, Zia?'
'My Lady, Farad'n is out here requesting audience.'
'Here? In my chambers?'
'Yes, My Lady.'
'Is he alone?'
'Two bodyguards and the Lady Jessica.'
Alia put a hand to her throat, remembering her last encounter with her mother. Times had changed, though. New conditions ruled their relationship.
'How impetuous he is,' Alia said. 'What reason does he give?'
'He has heard about...' Zia pointed to the window over the plaza. 'He says he was told you have the best vantage.'
Alia frowned. 'Do you believe this, Zia?'
'No, My Lady. I think he has heard the rumors. He wants to watch your reaction.'
'My mother put him up to this!'
'Quite possibly, My Lady.'
'Zia, my dear, I want you to carry out a specific set of very important orders for me. Come here.'
Zia approached to within a pace. 'My Lady?'
'Have Farad'n, his guards, and my mother admitted. Then prepare to bring Ghanima, She is to be accoutered as a Fremen bride in every detail - complete.'
'With knife. My Lady?'
'With knife.'
'My Lady, that's -'
'Ghanima poses no threat to me.'
'My Lady, there's reason to believe she fled with Stilgar more to protect him than for any other -'
'My Lady?'
'Ghanima already has made her plea for Stilgar's life and Stilgar remains alive.'
'But she's the heir presumptive!'
'Just carry out my orders. Have Ghanima prepared. While you're seeing to that, send five attendants from the Temple Priesthood out into the plaza. They're to invite The Preacher up here. Have them wait their opportunity and speak to him, nothing more. They are to use no force. I want them to issue a polite invitation. Absolutely no force. And Zia...'
'My Lady?' How sullen she sounded.
'The Preacher and Ghanima are to be brought before me simultaneously. They are to enter together upon my signal. Do you understand?'
'I know the plan, My Lady, but -'
'Just do it! Together.' And Alia nodded dismissal to the amazon aide. As Zia turner and left, Alia said: 'On your way out, send in Farad'n's party, but see that they're preceded by ten of your most trustworthy people.'
Zia glanced back but continued leaving the room. 'It will be done as you command, My Lady.'
Alia turned away to peer out the window. In just a few minutes the plan would bear its bloody fruit. And Paul would be here when his daughter delivered the coup de grace to his holy pretensions. Alia heard Zia's guard detachment entering. It would be over soon. All over. She looked down with a swelling sense of triumph as The Preacher took his stance on the first step. His youthful guide squatted beside him. Alia saw the yellow robes of Temple Priests waiting on the left, held back by the press of the crowd. They were experienced with crowds, however. They'd find a way to approach their target. The Preacher's voice boomed out over the plaza, and the mob waited upon his words with rapt attention. Let them listen! Soon his words would be made to mean other things than he intended. And there'd be no Preacher around to protest.
She heard Farad'n's party enter, Jessica's voice. 'Alia?'
Without turning Alia said: 'Welcome, Prince Farad'n, mother. Come and enjoy the show.' She glanced back then, saw the big Sardaukar, Tyekanik, scowling at her guards who were blocking the way. 'But this isn't hospitable.' Alia said. 'Let them approach.' Two of her guards, obviously acting on Zia's orders, came up to her and stood between her and the others. The other guards moved aside. Alia backed to the right side of the window, motioned to it. 'This is truly the best vantage point.'
Jessica, wearing her traditional black aba robe, glared at Alia, escorted Farad'n to the window, but stood between him and Alia's guards.
'This is very kind of you, Lady Alia,' Farad'n said. 'I've heard so much about this Preacher.'
'And there he is in the flesh,' Alia said. She saw that Farad'n wore the dress grey of a Sardaukar commander without decorations. He moved with a lean grace which Alia admired. Perhaps there would be more than idle amusement in this Corrino Prince.
The Preacher's voice boomed into the room over the amplifier pickups beside the window. Alia felt the tremors of it in her bones, began to listen to his words with growing fascination.
'I found myself in the Desert of Zan,' The Preacher shouted, 'in that waste of howling wilderness. And God commanded me to make that place clean. For we were provoked in the desert, and grieved in the desert, and we were tempted in that wilderness to forsake our ways.'
Desert of Zan, Alia thought. That was the name given to the place of the first trial of the Zensunni Wanderers from whom the Fremen sprang. But his words! Was he taking credit for the destruction wrought against the sietch strongholds of the loyal tribes?
'Wild beasts lie upon your lands,' The Preacher said, his voice booming across the plaza. 'Doleful creatures fill your houses. You who fled your homes no longer multiply your days upon the sand. Yea, you who have forsaken our ways, you will die in a fouled nest if you continue on this path. But if you heed my warning, the Lord shall lead you through a land of pits into the Mountains of God. Yea, Shai-Hulud shall lead you.'
Soft moans arose from the crowd. The Preacher paused, swinging his eyeless sockets from side to side at the sound. Then he raised his arms, spreading them wide, called out: 'O God, my flesh longeth for Thy way in a dry and thirsty land!'
An old woman in front of The Preacher, an obvious refugee by the patched and worn look of her garments, held up her hands to him, pleaded: 'Help us, Muad'Dib. Help us!'
In a sudden fearful constriction of her breast, Alia asked herself if that old woman really knew the truth. Alia glanced at her mother, but Jessica remained unmoving, dividing her attention between Alia's guards, Farad'n and the view from the window. Farad'n stood rooted in fascinated attention.
Alia glanced out the window, trying to see her Temple Priests. They were not in view and she suspected they had worked their way around below her near the Temple doors, seeking a direct route down the steps.
The Preacher pointed his right hand over the old woman's head, shouted: 'You are the only help remaining! You were rebellious. You brought the dry wind which does not cleanse, nor does it cool. You bear the burden of our desert, and the whirlwind cometh from that place, from that terrible land. I have been in that wilderness. Water runs upon the sand from shattered qanats. Streams cross the ground. Water has fallen from the sky in the Belt of Dune! O my friends, God has commanded me. Make straight in the desert a highway for our Lord, for I am the voice that cometh to thee from the wilderness.'
He pointed to the steps beneath his feet, a stiff and quivering finger. 'This is no lost djedida which is no more inhabited forever! Here have we eaten the bread of heaven. And here the noise of strangers drives us from our homes! They breed for us a desolation, a land wherein no man dwelleth, nor any man pass thereby.'
The crowd stirred uncomfortably, refugees and town Fremen peering about, looking at the pilgrims of the Hajj who stood among them.
He could start a bloody riot! Alia thought. Well, let him. My Priests can grab him in the confusion.
She saw the five Priests then, a tight knot of yellow robes working down the steps behind The Preacher.
'The waters which we spread upon the desert have become blood,' The Preacher said, waving his arms wide.