the entire message.'

Topri began to tremble. Perspiration started from Kobat's forehead. He glanced once at Topri, then returned his attention to Siona. That one glance was like a veil pulled aside for Siona to peer into the relationship between these two.

She smiled. This merely confirmed what she had already learned.

Kobat became very still.

'You may begin,' Siona said.

'I... what do you...'

'The Worm gave you a private message for your masters. I will hear it.'

'He... he wants an extension for his cart,'

'Then he expects to grow longer. What else?'

'We are to send him a large supply of ridulian crystal paper.' 'For what purpose?'

'He never explains his demands.'

'This smacks of things he forbids to others,' she said.

Kobat spoke bitterly. 'He never forbids himself anything!'

'Have you made forbidden toys for him?'

'I do not know.'

He's lying, she thought, but she chose not to pursue this. It was enough to know the existence of another chink in the Worm's armor.

'Who will replace you?' Siona asked.

'They are sending a niece of Malky,' Korbat said. 'You may remember that he...'

'We remember Malky,' she said. 'Why does a niece of Malky become the new Ambassador?'

'I don't know. But it was ordered even before the Go... the Worm dismissed me.'

'Her name?'

'Hwi Noree.'

'We will cultivate Hwi Noree,' Siona said. 'You were not worth cultivating. This Hwi Noree may be something else. When do you return to Ix?'

'Immediately after the Festival, the first Guild ship.'

'What will you tell your masters?'

'About what?'

'My message!'

'They will do as you ask.'

'I know. You may go, ex-Ambassador Kobat.'

Kobat almost collided with the door guards in his haste to leave. Topri made to follow him, but Nayla caught Topri's arm and held him. Topri swept a fearful glance across Nayla's muscular body, then looked at Siona, who waited for the door to shut behind Kobat before speaking.

'The message was not merely to the Ixians, but to us as well,' she said. 'The Worm challenges us and tells us the rules of the combat.'

Topri tried to wrest his arm from Nayla's grip. 'What do you...'

'Topri!' Sonia said. 'I, too, can send a message. Tell my father to inform the Worm that we accept.'

Nayla released his arm. Topri rubbed the place where she had gripped him. 'Surely you don't...'

'Leave while you can and never come back,' Siona said.

'You can't possibly mean that you sus...'

'I told you to leave! You are clumsy, Topri. I have been in the Fish Speaker schools for most of my life. They taught me to recognize clumsiness.'

'Kobat is leaving. What harm was there in...'

'He not only knew me, he knew what I had stolen from the Citadel! But he did not know that I would send that package to Ix with him. Your actions have told me that the Worm wants me to send those volumes to Ix!'

Topri backed away from Siona toward the door. Anouk and Taw opened a passage for him, swung the door wide. Siona followed him with her voice.

'Do not argue that it was the Worm who spoke of me and my package to Kobat! The Worm does not send clumsy messages. Tell him I said that!' -= Some say I have no conscience. How false they are, even to themselves. I am the only conscience which has ever existed. As wine retains the perfume of its cask, I retain the essence of my most ancient genesis, and that is the seed of conscience. That is what makes me holy. I am God because I am the only one who really knows his heredity!

- The Stolen Journals The Inquisitors of Ix having assembled in the Grand Palais with the candidate for Ambassador to the Court of the Lord Leto, the following questions and answers were recorded:

INQUISITOR: You indicate that you wish to speak to us of the Lord Leto's motives. Speak.

HWI NOREE: Your Formal Analyses do not satisfy the questions I would raise.

INQUISITOR: What questions'?

HWI NOREE: I ask myself what would motivate the Lord Leto to accept this hideous transformation, this worm-body, this loss of his humanity? You suggest merely that he did it for power and for long life.

INQUISITOR: Are those not enough?

HWI NOREE: Ask yourselves if one of you would make such payment for so paltry a return?

INQUISITOR: From your infinite wisdom then, tell us why the Lord Leto chose to become a worm.

HWI NOREE: Does anyone here doubt his ability to predict the future?

INQUISITOR: Now then! Is that not payment enough for his transformation?

HWI NOREE: But he already had the prescient ability as did his father before him. No! I propose that he made this desperate choice because he saw in our future something that only such a sacrifice would prevent.

INQUISITOR: What was this peculiar thing which only he saw in our future?

HWI NOREE: I do not know, but I propose to discover it.

INQUISITOR: You make the tyrant appear a selfless servant of the people!

HWI NOREE: Was that not a prominent characteristic of his Atreides Family'?

INQUISITOR: So the official histories would have us believe.

HWI NOREE: The Oral History affirms it.

INQUISITOR: What other good character would you give to the tyrant Worm?

HWI NOREE: Good character, sirra?

INQUISITOR: Character, then?

HWI NOREE: My Uncle Malky often said that the Lord Leto was given to moods of great tolerance for selected companions.

INQUISITOR: Other companions he executes for no apparent reason.

HWI NOREE: I think there are reasons and my Uncle Malky deduced some of those reasons.

INQUISITOR: Give us one such deduction.

HWI NOREE: Clumsy threats to his person.

INQUISITOR: Clumsy threats now!

HWI NOREE: And he does not tolerate pretensions. Recall the execution of the historians and the destruction of their works.

INQUISITOR: He does not want the truth known!

HWI NOREE: He told my Uncle Malky that they lied about the past. And mark you! Who would know this better than he? We all know the subject of his introversion.

INQUISITOR: What proof have we that all of his ancestors live in him?

HWI NOREE: I will not enter that bootless argument. I will merely say that I believe it on the evidence of my Uncle Malky's belief, and his reasons for that belief.

INQUISITOR: We have read your uncle's reports and interpret them otherwise. Malky was overly fond of the Worm.

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