Moneo wondered vaguely what was bothering that hulking Fish Speaker, but his thoughts turned like a compass arrow to Siona.

She has survived as I did. Siona now had an inner sense which told her that the Golden Path remained unbroken. As I have. He found no sense of sharing in this, nothing to make him feel closer to his daughter. It was a burden and it would inevitably curb her rebellious nature. No Atreides could go against the Golden Path. Leto had seen to that!

Moneo remembered his own rebel days. Every night a new bed and the constant urge to run. The cobwebs of his past clung to his mind, sticking there no matter how hard he tried to shake away troublesome memories.

Siona has been caged. As I was caged. As poor Leto was caged.

The tolling of the nightfall bell intruded on his thoughts and activated his workroom's lights. He looked down at the work still undone in preparation for the God Emperor's wedding to Hwi Noree. So much work! Presently, he pressed a call-button and asked the Fish Speaker acolyte who appeared at the summons to bring him a tumbler of water and then call Duncan Idaho to the workroom.

She returned quickly with the water and placed the tumbler near his left hand on the table. He noted the long fingers, a lute-player's fingers, but did not look up at her face.

'I have sent someone for Idaho,' she said.

He nodded and went on with his work. He heard her leave and only then did he look up to drink the water.

Some live lives like summer moths, he thought. But I have burdens without end.

The water tasted flat. It weighed down his senses, making his body feel torpid. He looked out at the sunset colors on the

Sareer as they shaded away into darkness, thinking that he should recognize beauty in that familiar sense, but all he could think was that the light changed in its own patterns. It is not moved by me at all.

With the full darkness, the light level of his workroom increased automatically, bringing a clarity of thought with it. He felt himself quite prepared for Idaho. This one had to be taught the necessities, and quickly.

Moneo's door opened, the acolyte again. 'Will you eat now?'

'Later.' He raised a hand as she started to leave. 'I would like the door left open.'

She frowned.

'You may practice your music,' he said. 'I want to listen.'

She had a smooth, round, almost childlike face which became radiant when she smiled. The smile still on her lips, she turned away.

Presently, he heard the sounds of a biwa lute in the outer office. Yes, that young acolyte had a talent. The bass strings were like rain drumming on a rooftop, a whisper of middle strings underneath. Perhaps she could move up to the baliset someday. He recognized the song: a deeply humming memory of autumn wind from some faraway planet where they had never known a desert. Sad music, pitiful music, yet marvelous.

It is the cry of the caged, he thought. The memory of free- dom. This thought struck him as odd. Was it always the case that freedom required rebellion?

The lute fell silent. There came the sound of low voices. Idaho entered the workroom. Moneo watched him enter. A trick of light gave Idaho a face like a grimacing mask with pitted eyes. Without invitation, he sat down across from Moneo and the trickery was gone. Just another Duncan. He had changed into a plain black uniform without insignia.

'I have been asking myself a peculiar question,' Idaho said. 'I'm glad you summoned me. I want to ask this question of you. What is it, Moneo, that my predecessor did not learn?'

Stiff with surprise, Moneo sat up straight. What an unDuncan question! Could there be a peculiar Tleilaxu difference in this one after all?

'What prompts this question?' Moneo asked.

'I've been thinking like a Fremen.'

'You weren't a Fremen.'

'Closer to it than you think. Stilgar the Naib once said I was probably born Fremen without knowing it until I came to Dune.'

'What happens when you think like a Fremen?'

'You remember that you should never be in company that you wouldn't want to die with.'

Moneo put his hands palms down on the surface of his table. A wolfish smile came over Idaho's face.

'Then what are you doing here?' Moneo asked.

'I suspect that you may be good company, Moneo. And I ask myself why Leto would choose you as his closest companion?'

'I passed the test.'

'The same one your daughter passed?'

So he has heard they are back. It meant some of the Fish Speakers were reporting things to him... unless the God Emperor had summoned the Duncan... No, I would have heard.

'The tests are never identical,' Moneo said. 'I was made to go alone into a cavern maze with nothing but a bag of food and a vial of spice-essence.'

'Which did you choose?'

'What? Oh... if you are tested, you will learn.'

'There's a Leto I don't know,' Idaho said.

'Have I not told you this?'

'And there's a Leto you don't know,' Idaho said.

'Because he's the loneliest person this universe has ever seen,' Moneo said.

'Don't play mood games trying to arouse my sympathy,' Idaho said.

'Mood games, yes. That's very good,' Moneo nodded. 'The God Emperor's moods are like a river-smooth where nothing obstructs him, foaming and violent at the least suggestion of a barrier. He is not be be obstructed.'

Idaho looked around at the brightly lighted workroom, turned his gaze to the outside darkness and thought about the tamed course of the Idaho River somewhere out there. Bringing his attention back to Moneo, he asked: 'What do you know of rivers?'

'In my youth, I traveled for him. I have even trusted my life to a floating shell of a vessel on a river and then on a sea whose shores were lost in the crossing.'

As he spoke, Moneo felt that he had brushed against a clue to some deep truth in the Lord Leto. The sensation dropped Moneo into reverie, thinking of that far planet where he had crossed a sea from one shore to another. There had been a storm on the first evening of that passage and, somewhere deep within the ship, an irritating non-directional 'sug-sug-sug-sugsug' of laboring engines. He had stood on deck with the captain. His mind had kept focusing on the engine sound, retreating and coming back to it like the oversurging of the watery green-black mountains which passed and came, repeating and repeating. Each down crash of the keel opened the sea's flesh like a fist smashing. It was insane motion, a sodden shaking, up... up, down! His lungs had ached with repressed fear. The lunging of the ship and the sea trying to put them down-wild explosions of solid water, hour after hour, white blisters of water spilling off the decks, then another sea and another...

All of this was a clue to the God Emperor.

He is both the storm and the ship.

Moneo focused on Idaho seated across the table from him in the workroom's cold light. Not a tremor in the man, but a hungering was there.

'So you will not help me learn what the other Duncan Idahos did not learn,' Idaho said.

'But I will help you.'

'Then what have I always failed to learn?'

'How to trust.'

Idaho pushed himself back from the table and glared at Moneo. When Idaho's voice came, it was harsh and rasping: 'I'd say I trusted too much.'

Moneo was implacable. 'But how do you trust?'

'What do you mean?'

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