'A stuck up bitch is more like it. What's so funny about her?'

'She thinks she is right about everything. That's funny.' said Mike.

'How exactly?'

'Oh knock it off Paige! I saw you laughing too, when we first ran into her. You're just pissed because she is ordering us around.'

Paige thought for a minute before answering, 'I still don't like her. You should call your dad anyway, let him know you are safe. I'll call my parents and try and get ahold of my roommates.'

The both got busy on their cell phones, Paige had a brief conversation with her mother, telling her she was all right and in a safe place, but she could not get in touch with her roommates, who were probably still sleeping. She had wandered over to the large flat panel television and was figuring out how to turn it on when Dora came back downstairs with an armful of clothing.

'You might not have to smell like French fries anymore, Paige dear! I found some of Roger's mothers clothing from when she visited last fall. Just a jogging suit, but really it should look good on you. There is a shower in the guest bedroom over this way, c'mon darling, let's get you cleaned up.'

Mike was still on the phone with his father, at least it sounded like it, so Paige let herself be hauled off to the guest bedroom and into a rather well appointed tile bathroom.

'No underwear dear, sorry about that, but I know how to use a wash machine, so you just go commando and toss your dirties out to me to launder. I'll wait for Mike to get his shower in too and let us all get in hot showers before I start the wash.'

'Uh, I don't think my underwear requires washing just yet, but I'll give you my uniform.'

The women stood looking at each other before Paige realized Dora was waiting for her to undress, she turned a bright pink and said sternly 'Out!'

Dora laughed and called over her shoulder, 'Oh, so I don't get to see your goods yet, huh? I was going to suggest we shower together to save time and water during this crisis too.'

As the older woman shut the door Paige couldn't be sure she had been joking. Paige locked the bathroom door, which brought another snicker from the bedroom, then proceeded to shower as quickly as she could.

Back in the living room Dora picked up a massive remote and turned on the sixty inch television with surround sound. Static greeted her ears and she scrambled to turn the volume down and find a channel still broadcasting. The news channels were still up, CNN, FOX and others, but Dora skipped the national channels and went to the local NBC affiliate, hoping for another update from Jim and Diane. It was still on. Dora was pleasantly relieved, after the TV died in the restaurant she had thought the station had gone off the air. Or maybe it had, the picture was all grainy, like they were using old cameras to film the newscasters. Dora watched the broadcast for several minutes, but learned nothing new about what was actually going on. The station did say it was going to broadcast over the old airwaves system in case the digital channels went down.

Mike came and stood by her and she brushed some dirt off of his face, 'You okay hon?'

He blushed and said, 'Sure. My dad says to stay put here, guys in army cloths are shooting anyone outside right now. He was a little…well he was mad we didn't go to his place right off the bat, he has a gun and thinks he can defend us better, so if the army lifts the travel ban we should go over there.'

'A gun? Oh Roger, that's my bastard of a husband, has a gun. Do you know how to shoot?'

Mike nodded.

'Well then let's go get it. Hm now where does he keep it. I think in the garage. Let's check there first.' Dora grabbed Mike's hand and pulled him through the kitchen into the garage. Once there she opened a door to what looked like a storage area beside a work bench and in front of the four car bay. Two of the bays were occupied; there was a large green Suburban in one bay and what looked like a speed boat in the other. Mike was gawking at the vehicles while Dora retrieved a duffel bag from storage.

'Here it is Mike, see what you can do with it.'

Mike took the bag from her and sat it on the work bench, which was completely empty and looked as if it had only ever seen light use. Unzipping the bag he gawked at what he saw, then looked at Dora, then back at the bags contents.

The door to the garage opened and they turned to look at Paige, still dripping from the shower. She was wearing a rather nice set of Kansas City Chief's sweat pants and a matching t-shirt.

'Curses! Foiled again!' mumbled Dora, then more loudly she said, 'I haven't even got his pants off yet darling, you finished your shower too quickly!'

Mike took a second, looking at both women, trying to figure out what was going on, then gave up and said, 'Dora, this isn't going to help us. Well not much anyway.'

'Tut-tut you unbeliever it fires bullets, that is good right? Time for your shower Mike, I simply cannot stand how you smell of old grease and French fries. Plus you must get out of those cloths if you expect to use any of my furniture.'

Mike thought that was probably wise, the furniture in Dora's house all looked pretty high end and the vents had been coated on the inside with grease and smoke and oil, his pants had been soaked through at the knees and would stick to his legs when he was walking. The women headed back inside with hardly a glance at him and Mike was left to gather up the duffel bag of paint ball equipment and lug it in himself.

Chapter 8

Putting the backpack on the granite topped island in the kitchen, Mike let himself be led off into the bathroom for his shower. Dora gave him a set of clothing she said fit her 'bastard husband' a little too tightly and would probably be loose on Mike.

'If you get your clothing off I will toss it into the wash when I do Paige's stuff.'

'Okay, want me to toss it outside when I am done.'

'Well that is one way, I've seen it all before Mikey and just this morning I found out my husband was cheating on me with whom I thought was my best friend…'


Dora moved up to Mike, until she was almost touching him and whispered, 'So…turnabout is fair play, don't you think? Here let me help you get these clothes off.'

Mike was stripped down to his boxers with Dora on her knees in front of him when there was a loud throat clearing noise from the bathroom door. 'What in the hell are you doing Dora?'

Dora got up and turned to face Paige, 'I knew it was too good to last. Just gathering his laundry, come on Mike give me the boxers now.'

Mike blushed and backed away, turning from the women and stuttering, 'O-out! I'll pass them through the door!'

'Fine, you must be the only man I know who would pass up an opportunity to get naked with two attractive women in the same room!' to Paige she said, 'Stop gawking girl, he said 'out', not 'take a seat'!' Pushing the younger woman out into the bedroom Dora waited with the door cracked until Mike handed his clothing through with one hand. He made sure the door stayed open long enough for Dora to get an eyeful and she winked at him and mouthed 'later'.

Paige followed Dora to the laundry room upstairs, Dora has gathered up all the soiled clothing and when she got there she threw it all in with some detergent, bleach and some oxy-clean, then started stripping down and tossing her cloths in as well.

'I will wait to start this until Mike has had a few minutes.'

'What were you doing down there?'

'Having some fun, what do you think I was doing?'

'You were going to blow him.'

'Oh I was hoping for more than that! He does appear to be rather well, oh…proportioned, shall we say? Certainly you noticed it, you've worked with him right?'

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