on his. He forced a smile. “How long have you been here?” he asked.

“Ever since you came aboard. Are you all right?”

He stepped slightly back. “Swell. We had some excitement, but we’re all okay except-” He stopped and shook his head. “Why?”

She just patted his arm with a fragile smile. She couldn’t tell him that the expression he’d worn when he came aboard had frightened her with the intensity of its rage, and devastated her with the depth of its hopelessness. She doubted anyone else had really noticed-men could be so stupid about such things-and he now seemed himself again. But that quick peek beneath his so carefully controlled veneer of confident self-assurance wrenched her heart, not only with fear for her own survival but also with compassion for this man who carried such a heavy burden for them all.

“Nothing,” she said, and smiled a little brighter. She heard Bradford’s voice rise above his dissertation.

“Ah! Lieutenant Tucker! There you are, my dear! You’re quite the surgeon, I understand. Would you be so good as to assist me”-he grinned-“while I slice this bugger up and show these lads where to aim next time?” There were growls of approval and a predatory jockeying for the best view. Bradford wiped his brow and smiled wryly. “I’m afraid if we wait too long, it will be a nasty task indeed.”

Matt sat on his bunk, his face in his hands. His sweat-soaked hair and clothes felt clammy under the fan. He sighed and spoke into the comm. “Bridge, this is the captain.”

“Bridge, aye.”

“Inform Mr. Dowden I’m in my quarters. I’ll be up shortly.”

“Aye, aye, sir.”

Matt paused awkwardly for a moment. “Thanks,” he said at last, and dropped back on the rack to stare at the overhead.

Another one, he thought grimly. All those men lost in the running fight, then Mahan and now Marvaney. What next? There had to be something he could have done to stop all this. Marvaney was a good kid. Unlike Silva, or pretty much the entire ordnance division, he’d never been a discipline problem aboard or ashore. He just did his job. He raised a little hell, like the rest, but he never pushed it too far. Maybe the pretty Filipino girl had something to do with that. Matt only saw her twice, both times when they docked in Cavite after some maneuver. She was always waiting on the quay, to snatch Marvaney up before he could escape with his hooligan friends. He always went willingly, too, without the false bravado and showing off of others under similar circumstances. It was clear he loved her very much. He was distraught when they left Cavite after the Japanese bombed it to splinters. After the Squall, he just sort of… went away. Matt shouldn’t have let him go ashore. He hadn’t even thought about it. Now Mack was dead, and it was his fault.

Finally he grunted and sat up. Sulking wouldn’t do anyone any good, least of all Marvaney. He’d just have to do better, somehow. It was his duty, and he’d never shrunk from responsibility, but this was

… different, and so very, very hard. He wasn’t just a junior destroyer captain anymore, who only had to follow orders. His job had changed profoundly. For a moment he envied men like Silva, men who did their jobs but were free to leave the care and responsibility to others at the end of the watch. Matt’s watch never ended. He was the job. He only hoped no one else would have to die before he figured out what, exactly, it had become.

He replaced his shirt with a dry one, ran a comb through his greasy hair, and put his hat back on. He searched the mirror above his little desk for signs of the anxiety that threatened to overwhelm him, and with a wary snort, he shouldered through the curtain to become captain of DD- 163 again.

Dennis Silva leaned against the vegetable locker between the number three and number four funnels while Stites, Campeti, and Jamie Miller worked. They were sewing Marvaney into his mattress cover, and blood glistened black against the white cloth where it soaked through from his gruesome wound and dried in the afternoon sun. Silva felt.. . depressed, he guessed, and that was an emotion he’d never experienced before. He always said he had only four “feelings”-horny, hungry, happy, and mad-and he was less than half joking. Now he knew a fifth. Mad was part of it, sure. But it was deeper and less focused and had already lasted longer than the others ever did. He’d felt it since Marvaney was killed, and that had been what? Almost three hours ago? Must be depression, he told himself with a sigh. No tellin’ what I’ll be pinin’ over next.

He would miss Marvaney. They’d been shipmates for four years and raised hell from Cavite to Singapore-until the dummy got married and reformed. But they had a lot of laughs and busted a lot of heads, and he’d always been a good man at your back. Now he was dead and Silva realized he’d lost one of the few people that his loose definition of “true friend” applied to. He wished he had a drink.

“Don’t forget ‘the object,’” he grumped, referring to the item that he’d chosen to carry his friend to the depths.

Campeti glared at him. “Can’t you think of nothin’ else? Christ, it ain’t hardly fittin’! And besides, what are we gonna listen to?”

“The object” was a bundle of about fifty records, part of a large collection Marvaney had aboard and often played on a portable wind-up turntable. The 78s were plenty heavy, more than sufficient to carry him down.

“Relax, Sonny. I only picked the old stuff nobody else likes. He liked ’em, though, and he ought’a keep ’em.”

Campeti shook his head. “All right, Dennis, but when they’re gone, they’re gone. We might never hear them songs again.”

“Suits me. I like dancin’ to livelier tunes. Them waltzes and shit is for grandmas.”

“Dancin’!” snorted Campeti, a general, growing concern on his mind. “Who with?”

They were silent while “the object” was solemnly placed at Marvaney’s feet and the last stitches finished. Finally, the young pharmacist’s mate spoke tentatively. “Chief Bashear said he killed six lizards. How many did you get, Silva?”

Dennis snorted. “Six, huh? Where I was standin’, I didn’t see him kill any. Well, one, maybe. Give him an assist.”

“How about you?” Miller prodded. Silva shrugged. “Two or three, I guess. Hell, everybody was shootin’. Who knows?”

Stites glanced at Campeti and then looked at Silva again. “How about the Skipper? Boy, he sure looked mad!”

Silva nodded. “Yeah, he got one or two. With his pistol. He just stood there and let one run right up to him and bam!” He clapped his hands. “Right in the eye! The Skipper’s got guts, I’ll say that.” He looked thoughtful. “He was mad, though. I never seen him that mad. I don’t know if he was madder that they got Mack or that we ran out’a lizards to kill. He wasn’t even that mad that time in Subic when me and-” He stopped, and a huge grin slowly spread across his face. “Well, never mind, boys. I got that rocker back later anyway.” The others laughed as they finished preparations to send their friend to his watery grave.

That evening, as the sun touched the horizon, there was a small, forlorn splash alongside the lonely, rust- streaked ship. For a while, it remained still as the gloom deepened and the running lights snapped on. It must have been a strange, alien image to any creature watching from shore. Puffs of smoke rose from the aft funnels and hung motionless in the calm evening air. Then, slowly, it began to move. Most of the creatures paid it no heed; their interests were wholly devoted to packing vegetation into their large, multiple stomachs. If they’d witnessed the strange events of the day, they’d already forgotten.

Not all had forgotten, however. Some watched intently and continued to stare at the lights as they moved through the slot and into the strait beyond, long after the shape of the ship itself was lost to view.

Keje-Fris-Ar sat on a stool beside his breakfast table in the ornately decorated chamber that was the foundation for the central tower of Home. It was the largest chamber on the entire ship that wasn’t given over to livestock or cargo, and it was tastefully adorned with colorful tapestries and finely carved figures. Puffy pillows clustered in the various discussion areas, and in the center of all towered a nearly mature Galla tree, growing from a basin of earth that extended down to the very keel. Ample sunlight for it to thrive flowed through colorfully decorated hatches that were usually, as now, flung wide. A gentle breeze circulated to rustle the long, green-gold leaves. The only thing marring the dignity and splendor of the chamber was the small, plain table, set to one side, where Keje-Fris-Ar, High Chief of all the clans of Salissa Home, and his companion, High Sky Priest Adar, enjoyed their morning meal. The splendid hall was Keje’s personal office, throne room, and council chamber rolled into one, where matters of great importance to all the clans were discussed. On such occasions, the ceremony and dignity were solemn indeed. But for everyday use, when there were no great matters to attend in proper form, Keje

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