An hour later, my fax machine spews out a letter. It's from the FBI field office in San Jose. A twelve-year-old girl is missing, last seen hiking in the hills above Los Gatos. A man in a pickup was observed cruising the area. The witness, another child, seems shaky. Will I come down, interview her, try to produce a sketch of the driver?

I'll come right away, of course… prepared, too, to believe everything the ‘shaky’ witness has to tell me.


7:00 a.m.

Driving south, I pick up my cell phone, punch out a number in L.A.

Pam answers, voice groggy.

I know it's early. Sorry I woke you, I tell her. To say I've been missing you is why I called. You said it yourself – that I wouldn't know how much till I got back home. Well, this is my eighth day back, and now I think I know.

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