Paula was stunned, went, “Please, it’ll be so great. We have so much in common we can probably go on and on, talking all night long.”
“I’m sorry, but I’m actually having dinner with Dennis Lehane tonight.”
Den, it figured. Paula knew Lehane from the convention circuit. Nice guy, he’d bought her a couple of beers at Bouchercon in Chicago. For an hour she’d gushed to him about how much she loved Mystic River – the book, not the film – but did he ask for her room key or even her phone number? Um, no. God, Paula was so glad she was through with men. But there was no way Paula was going to let fucking Dennis Lehane or anyone else get in the way of her and Laura. She decided to take a chance.
“But I love you,” she nearly shouted.
Paula knew she’d rushed it, that she should’ve at least waited till they’d had a chance to talk a little. But desperate times and all that.
Laura seemed totally confused and maybe a little shocked. She said, “I’m sorry?”
“I’ve known it since we met in El Paso, Laura. We’re soul mates, we have everything in common, we should be spending the rest of our lives together.”
A bookstore employee came over and said, “You’re going to have to step away, ma’am. Other people want to get their books signed too.”
How had this happened? How had it all gone to shit so quickly?
“We have to be together,” Paula pleaded. “I’ve read Charm City twelve times. I nominate you for the Anthony every year. I even read your fucking short story in Bloodlines. ”
“Ma’am,” the bookstore employee said.
“Shut up, you skinny little bitch,” Paula said.
Shit, did she really just say that? Why was Laura getting up, backing away? Why was someone yelling for security?
“Laura, wait, come back here!”
Paula tried to go after her but a security guard grabbed her and hauled her toward the escalator. Laura was receding into the distance and Paula found herself screaming, “We were meant to be together! You were going to give me a fucking blurb!”
But Paula couldn’t even see Laura anymore.
“You’re off my top friends on My Space, bitch!” she yelled, her voice carrying as she was led out to the shameful street.
“We would all end up in an explosion of colliding bodies, clogging the cosmos with flying shit.”
Somewhere in North Dakota, Max and Sean crossed the border into Canada. Max didn’t mind getting into the trunk, his only worry was that the dumb mick would forget to let him out.
Turned out his concerns were justified.
Over an hour after the border crossing Max was still screaming, banging, trying to get the fucker’s attention. Good thing he had his piece with him and could shoot a couple of holes in the trunk or he would’ve suffocated. Still, for a while he thought he might die back there, trapped in a trunk. What a way to go. The gunfire had set up a whole range of odd sounds in his head and it was almost like music. He laughed out loud, thinking, Now there’s a title for a book, Trunk Music.
See, The… A.X. was always working the angles, never stopped with his sheer genius. You put some other bollix – and using the word, he shed yet again another tear for his beloved Angela – in the trunk of a car, he’d be screaming in panic. But The… A.X., he was thinking up book titles.
Finally the idiot pulled over, opened the trunk, babbling, “S-s-s-s-s-s-sorry… M-M-M-Max. I fuh-fuh-fuh-fuh… gah-gah-gah…”
Max slapped him around a little, nothing too heavy. After all, he needed the kid, he was stupid but a good driver, another fucking Rain Man, and a big-time prison escapee like Max Fisher couldn’t be driving himself around, now, could he? Yeah, the guy had been some kind of legendary paramilitary, but all the fight had gone out of him ever since Angela died.
It was starting to sink in for Max, just what he’d accomplished. He turned on the radio, listened to reports of the Attica riots on NPR as they drove. Forty-two people had been killed, including six guards and, of course, there was also Angela and Rufus and the crazy Greek, though the authorities hadn’t put it all together yet. But who was left standing? That’s right, the only legend in these here parts was The… A.X.
And get this – the reports were calling him “armed and dangerous.” Man, did that sound good! Meanwhile, he was a free man, in fucking Canada. It made Max want to weep. Maybe there was justice in the world after all.
Later, they stopped off at a shopping mall and Sean went to feed his face. There was a small bookstore and Max went in, looked at the bestsellers to see if The Max was number one yet. Nope. Zilch. Nada. The fuck was up with that? Some guy named Richard Aleas was selling well but no Paula Segal.
The clerk was eying him and Max, afraid he’d get recognized, figured he’d better buy something. He spotted the Will and Ian Ferguson book, How To Be a Canadian.
Bought that, the clerk asking, “On vacation?”
Max answered him in an Irish brogue, another little tribute to Angela, saying, “Ary, no, I’m over here to see me cousins.”
Boy, he thought that was pitch perfect. The tiny germ of an idea was taking shape in his head.
While he was waiting for Sean to return he flicked through the book and found this: There is nothing you can’t discuss in Canada when it comes to sex. Do not talk about love, however. That makes Canadians uncomfortable.
Then, from behind him he heard, “T-t-t-tis me.”
Here was Sean, ketchup on his upper lip.
Max muttered, “Fuck on a bike.”
Across the mall from them were two Mounties and, seeing them, Sean said, “Th-th-th-th-they… a-a-a-a-a- always… g-g-g-g-get… their m-m-m-m-man.”
Max, trying out some more Irish, hissed, “Don’t you be drawing bad luck down on us, laddie.”
Then he thought, Wait, was that more like Scottish?
They got back in the car, more of fucking Canada. Was this country, like, endless? They were in the middle of nowhere and Max saw a sign saying Grand Prairie, 479 Kilometers. Gee, now that was something to look forward to, a grand prairie. Jesus Christ, a guy could get fucking bored in this place. Where were all the goddamn people?
Meanwhile, Sean – Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the guy was getting on Max’s fucking nerves. The constant stuttering, not understanding a goddamn word he was saying. They checked into a motel and Sean in the bathroom started going, “T-t-t-t-t… f-f-f-f-f-f-fah… l-l-l-l-lo-lo-lah…” Max screamed, “The fuck’re you saying? Lolita? What the fuck about Lolita?” and Sean continued, “L-l-l-l… g-g-g-g-g-g-ga…” Max didn’t know if know if the guy had a speech impediment or he was just a fucking moron, but there was a limit to how much more of this shit he could take. He was a patient guy but this was fucking ridiculous.
The next day, they were driving, continuing north and west. They bought burgers and were eating them on the side of the road, and Sean started going, “You want some k-k-k-k-k-k-ketch-ketch-ketch,” and Max suddenly lost it and said, “I’ll give you ketchup, you stuttering fuck,” and shot the asshole in the head, in mid-stammer.
Max shot him again, and that shut him up for good.
He took Sean’s wallet and passport and then pushed him out of the car, onto the side of the road, where there was a bit of scrub to cover the body. Then he wiped up the car as much as he could using the paper napkins from the burgers and took off on his own.