‘We burn them with fire in a twinkling, and they enter Paradise that very same hour.’ Then he laughed and said: ‘Out of love of him his Lord sent the wind to take him away.’
In spite of Snorri’s picture of an exclusively masculine Valhalla, there are grounds for believing that women too had the right of entry into Odin’s realm if they suffered a sacrificial death. They too could be strangled and stabbed and burned after death in the name of the god. There are a number of references to the death of a man’s wife or betrothed, so that she may be burned upon the funeral pyre with her husband. Balder’s wife Nanna is said to have died of grief and to have been laid on the pyre beside him. When Sigurd, king of Sweden, was sent out to sea in a burning ship, the body of a dead princess was placed beside him. When Sigurd the Volsung was slain, Brynhild had a huge pyre made ready and was by her own command burned upon it, so that she might join him as his wife in the other world although they had been kept apart in life. The slave-girl on the Volga was stabbed and strangled so that she too could be burned with her master; she consented to this some time before the funeral ceremony, and was treated with great honour – as though, in fact, she were a true wife – until the day of the burning of the body. A surprising passage in
Now at this time Sigrid the Proud had left King Eric, and people said that he felt disgraced by her behaviour. For it was in fact the law in Sweden that if a king died the queen should be laid in howe beside him; she knew that the king had vowed himself to Odin for victory when he fought with his kinsman Styrbiorn, and that he had not many years to live.
There are so many references either to a deliberate act of suicide by a widow or to a sudden death ‘of grief’ at the funeral in the literary sources, that some vague memory of the custom of sacrifice of the wife at her husband’s funeral seems to have survived from heathen times. Of particular interest is Saxo’s account of the love of Signy and Hagbard. They were betrothed against the will of the girl’s father, and Hagbard was finally captured and condemned to death. He was to be hanged, and when Signy saw the signal which told her that the execution had taken place, she and her women set fire to the house and hanged themselves while it burned. Hagbard however had managed to delay his execution by a few minutes, as he wished to see whether Signy would be true to him. He saw the flames rising as he stood beside the gallows, and knowing that she must have fulfilled her vow to die with him, he uttered a song of triumph, in which there is a reference to the hope of immortality with his beloved:
Now… certain hope remains of renewed love, and death shall prove to have its own delights. Both worlds hold joy.
Like Brynhild and the slave-girl on the Volga, Signy claimed in death the place and privilege of a wife which was not granted to her in life. ‘Now they shall enjoy in death what they could not have in life’, were the very words spoken in
Perhaps the picture given in
The second conception which forms part of the picture of Valhalla is that of the everlasting battle. This is given in the poem
The true place for the conflict of dead warriors is surely neither in heaven nor on earth, but in the underworld. This is where Saxo’s hero Hadding watched the everlasting battle when he was conducted to the land of the dead. He saw two armies fighting, and was told:
These are they who, having been slain by the sword, declare the manner of their death by a continual rehearsal, and enact the deeds of their past life in a living spectacle.
Another story, from
The hall of the slain, over which in
It was needful to sail over the Ocean that goes round the lands, to leave the sun and stars behind, to journey down into chaos, and at last to pass into a land where no light was and where darkness reigned eternally.
This can be no other than the underworld, the kingdom of the dead. Valhalla, instead of a bright warrior paradise, seems indeed to be a synonym for death and the grave, described imaginatively in the poems and partly rationalized by Snorri. This world Odin ruled as God of the Dead, as presumably did his predecessor Wodan. Since those who fell in battle came to be dedicated to him by his worshippers, the warrior aspect would naturally come to be emphasized. Possibly another picture was known to the poets, that of a fair dwelling of the gods where benches were made ready for dead kings and favoured mortals. This also belonged to Odin by virtue of his position as All- Father, the high god, which he appears to have usurped from Tiwaz. Such a picture at least is implied in skaldic poems of the tenth century like
There are several links between Odin and the Vanir which at first sight seem puzzling, since the two cults were apparently opposed to one another. The goddess Skadi, wife of Njord, is said to have borne children to Odin. Odin and Freyja are often mentioned together, and we have the strange double of Odin, the god Od (
The Vanir are represented as having close connexions with life in the burial mound, with the symbol of the funeral ship, and with the conception of a journey to the land of the dead across the sea. We know that Freyr himself was said to have been laid in a mound, and to have rested there while offerings were made to him. There is mention of a door in the mound, so that men could enter it, and of wooden figures kept inside. The idea that the