brought me good luck. It will help you get out of here.”
Jack said nothing as he looked down at the tip of a rabbit’s foot protruding from his closed fist. Without a word, he slipped it into his pocket and smiled at his friend.
As he looked Charlie in the eye, he watched the light slip away; he heard the last subtle breath escape his lips as his head gently tilted forward.
Jack’s head snapped up as he saw Cristos nod at Aaron and Aaron begin his approach.
Without thought, Jack broke into a full-on sprint, racing down the aisle, calling out the rows as he went. K, L, M… O, P… S. Quickly ducking in, he scanned the shelves, eyes darting back and forth. He heard Aaron’s running footsteps charging his way. Moving down farther and farther, Jack finally spied it on the fifth shelf: 9296.
The box was simple, reinforced cardboard, looking as if it had been up there for years, blending with the numerous metal cases, transfiles, and accordion folders. The section was civil, not criminal. Jack didn’t fully understand what Charlie did, but he realized that his friend had taken matters into his own hands when he heard that Jack and Mia were killed. He was the only other person to know about the box and its location and, Charlie being Charlie, realized that people would be coming for it, so he took it upon himself to create a contingency plan.
With Aaron’s footsteps nearly upon him, Jack drew down the box and flipped open the lid. And as he peered inside, he was floored by what he saw.
Aaron charged down the center aisle, clutching his pistol, his bag banging against his back. He had watched Jack dodge right into row S and pumped his legs as hard as he could. Cristos’s orders not to kill him were clear, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t maim him, shoot him in the leg or the spine to cripple him. All they needed was the case’s location; it didn’t matter if it came out of Jack’s mouth clearly or as a last gasp.
And as he turned the corner, his gun held high, double-fisting it as trained, he caught a glimpse of Jack standing there. But much to his surprise, Jack wasn’t scrambling away like a trapped animal-he was facing him, his eyes focused. And when he realized what Jack was holding, it was too late.
By the time Aaron pulled the trigger, a bullet was already tearing into his own chest, straight through his heart, the force knocking him back and to the ground.
Jack was instantly upon him, grabbing his gun and tossing it away. He took his cell phone, the key-fob-like device, and finally the black bag from his shoulder before melting back into the shadows of the aisle.
Jack looked back at case 9296, the case that, besides a canvas shopping bag filled with Oreos, two bags of chips, beef jerky, and a six-pack of Budweiser, also held a loaded pistol and two clips in the event that a situation arose. Charlie always said this place was his home and that his home had its little touches, its little stashes for all kinds of emergencies.
Jack quickly ran to row Y, looked up to the seventh shelf, and found the evidence case that he and Mia had stashed away on Thursday. He quickly opened it, verifying that it hadn’t been discovered and emptied. He had no idea what he was looking at, nor did he take any time to inspect it.
He unzipped Aaron’s black bag, tucked the metal case inside, and threw it over his shoulder. He slipped the gun into the waistband of his pants but pulled it out as he heard Cristos’s rampaging approach; his accent had all but vanished as he screamed desperately on the run, “You will never get out of here!”
Digging into his pocket, Jack felt Charlie’s rabbit foot and smiled. Filled with hope, he charged out of the row, catching a glimpse of Cristos seventy-five feet away, racing toward him. Gunfire erupted, erratic and staccato, ricocheting off the floor, walls, and shelves. He pressed on, driving his legs as hard as he could.
Without looking back as he ran toward the rear of the evidence room, Jack shouted between deep breaths, “I’m going to burn everything in this case!”
Suddenly arriving at the rear fire door, Jack ground to a halt, pulled out the rabbit’s foot, and stared at it- more specifically, at the three keys that dangled off the small chain. He tucked the largest key into the lock, turned it, and, with a broad smile, opened the rear emergency exit.
Cristos ran through the evidence room. He needed that box at all costs. His life, his future, depended on it.
When he saw Jack race out of the shadows, he knew what had happened. Somehow Charlie had gotten the better of him. Although shot multiple times and left to die, the old man had somehow reached up from the dead and helped his friend. They had taken his gun, his cuffs, but they couldn’t take his mind; Charlie had tricked them all.
Cristos had no idea where Jack was running to, but his greatest fears were realized as he saw the open emergency door, the wash of dim light pouring out of its opening. Cristos held his gun tightly, ran through the door, and charged up the stairs.
Jack watched as Cristos ran through the doorway and up the stairs, waiting a few moments before he emerged from the shadows and pulled the emergency exit door closed. He knew there was no reentry and that the door exited five floors up on the opposite side of the building.
Without another thought and his plan in motion, Jack ran through the cavernous evidence room, past Charlie’s dead body, and through the lobby and its carnage. He hit the elevator button and prayed for its quick arrival. He felt the rabbit’s foot in his pocket and prayed that it would impart the luck that Charlie wanted to give.
Cab four on the far left arrived; he hopped in and hit the button for the lobby. He quickly stepped up on the handrail and pushed aside the small ceiling service panel. But what he saw made any hope of escape via the shaftway quickly disappear. Hundreds of pin-red security lasers bounced around the shaft, flicking on and off and on as the cab rose toward the main floor. If Jack was to break the plane of a single one, every alarm in the complex would sound.
Jack knew that the chances of getting out of the Tombs were slim. He still had to face Josh up in the lobby, but at least Larry would be there. And with the rear fire stairs exiting in the back vestibule of the building, it would be only moments before Cristos was behind him again.
With the case in his possession, Jack had the one chip that could get Mia back, the one item that Cristos wouldn’t dare let get away. And as he looked at Charlie’s blood on his hands and shirt, Jack decided right there that too many people had already died over this box to let it slip into Cristos’s hands. This wasn’t just about saving Mia anymore; it was about salvaging some meaning for those who had perished in its wake.
The elevator door opened. Jack stood there staring out at Josh and Larry, whose conversation suddenly fell silent as they saw Jack, a black bag over his shoulder, the top of a metal case protruding from the top.
“Mr. Keeler?” Larry’s tone conveyed his shock at Jack’s appearance, the blood on his shirt, the gun dangling from his hand.
But Jack wasn’t looking back at Larry; he was staring directly at Josh, whose shock was even more evident. Josh subtly moved his hand into his jacket.
The sound of a cell phone shattered the moment, echoing off the cavernous marble space. Josh quickly pulled his phone and answered it, his eyes never leaving Jack’s.
“Yeah,” was all he said, listening intently, nodding his head. With Larry’s focus on Jack, he never saw Josh draw his pistol.
“What’s… going on?” Larry said, his fingers drifting toward the emergency button on his desk.
Jack gripped his pistol tighter.
Josh slowly closed his cell phone and slipped it back into his pocket. The moment hung in the air, the two men locked into each other with knowing stares.
Suddenly, Jack whipped up his gun, firing at Josh, who dove for cover returning fire, the report amplified in the large space.
“Larry!” Jack shouted. “Stay down!” Larry scrambled under his desk, quickly drawing his weapon as he reached up to the command desk and hit the single red button. The cry of the alarm shrieked through the building.