`First answer. We fly back to Hamburg soon. I'll try to come with you – but don't hold me to it. And, yes. Dedicated is the word for Dalby. I see you left behind the rose he gave to you.'

`Plonked it in a vase of water in the bedroom.' Tweed had ordered a bottle of Montrachet. She watched him over her glass. 'I might have worn it if you'd given it to me.'

`Finish your pheasant. The desserts here are good…'

He drove her back to the flat, she invited him in for a nightcap, he refused, saying he had notes to make, promised to phone her in the morning and drove on to Park Crescent.

Monica, whom he had phoned from the flat while Diana was changing for dinner, was waiting for him behind her desk. He sighed as he put his raincoat on a hanger, went behind his own desk.

`I don't know why you work for me. The awful hours I ask you to keep. Any sensible woman would have thrown the job in my face years ago.'

`And how would I have spent my days back at the flat down in Pimlico? Talking to Jonathan the cat? I find his conversation rather limited. Can I report now on what you asked me to do?'

`I'm all ears.'

The building was very quiet at 11.30 at night. Everyone had gone home except the security guard on the front door. The curtains were drawn across the windows and there was no sound of any traffic. A time of night Tweed liked, when his brain was at its most active.

`I called Peter Toll at Pullach. Very defensive. Nothing on Newman. Peter pleaded for two more days..

`That's all he's got.' Tweed's expression was grim. 'Then I lower the boom on him, contact his chief. Bob is somewhere out there behind the Iron Curtain.' He glanced at the wall map. `I feel it in my bones. Now, what does that remind me of? Something Guy Dalby said. No matter. Go on.'

`We still have Harry Butler holding Walther Prohl, Toll's man, at Heathrow. The security chief was getting restless, so Harry invoked the Official Secrets Act. Is Prohl still on hold?'

`Definitely, but transfer him to Wisbech from Heathrow.'

`To keep up the pressure on Toll?'

`No. It's an attempt to protect Newman. It will have been reported to Markus Wolf that a man looking like Newman – and travelling under his name – flew out of Germany. It may just confuse my old opponent. Next?'

I phoned Kuhlmann again. He reports Dr Berlin has still not reappeared at his home on Priwall Island. They're searching but can't get even a whisper of where he's gone.'

`Bad news. It looks more and more as if I'm right. Don't ask me anything. I just hoped to God I was wrong. Any more murders of young blonde girls?'


`Which again confirms the pattern I'm building up. Pretty horrific – for us.'

`Be mysterious. Now you and Diana have seen all four sector chiefs on home ground, have you found anything out?'

`Yes and no.' Tweed leaned back in his swivel chair. 'And I need that wall map changed tomorrow. Replaced by one of the whole of Western Europe – including Britain and Scandinavia. A much larger stage is involved than I suspected at first.'

`That reminds me. Do you know a Chief Inspector Bernard Carson? Scotland Yard. Central Drug Squad..'

`Yes, when he was with the CID. A tough customer. Why?'

`He wants to come and see you urgently tomorrow. I made an appointment – provisional, subject to my confirming early in the morning. At ten o'clock.'

`Confirm.' Tweed wrinkled his forehead. 'I wonder what he can possibly want?'

`You'll find out when you see him. Should I make myself scarce?'

`Wait till he arrives. So that's it?'

`No. You were going to tell me about your visits with the glamorous Diana..

`Glamorous? Why do you say that? You haven't even seen her.'

`Just the way you talk about her.' Monica smiled cynically.

`Well, for starters, during one of those visits she acquired another? 400. In cash. Twenty-pound notes. I told you that I'd checked her handbag…'

`You haven't pried again!'

`I have. Earlier this evening at Newman's flat when we'd got back from seeing Dalby. Over dinner she confirmed she has no bank account here, that she doesn't use travellers' cheques. She had? 250 when I first checked. Now, out of the blue she has another? 400. So who gave it to her?'

`I think you're downright unethical. A woman's handbag is sacred…'

`Nothing's sacred when I'm tracking treachery, maybe even a mass murderer.'

`All right. Now, you have total recall. She carried this handbag on each visit? Good. Did she keep it with her during each visit? Who of the four had the opportunity to slip her money?'

She waited, placing a pencil between her teeth, lightly holding the stem. Tweed closed his eyes and concentrated. His visual memory was phenomenal. He started talking, eyes still closed.

`Harry Masterson was first. Clematis Cottage. He took her off to show her the upstairs, but she left her handbag on a settee. That was when I first checked to see how much money she had. At no time did she have it with her when she was alone with Harry.'

`Not conclusive. Women have places on their person where they can conceal twenty banknotes. Inside her tights is one place.'

`The next one we visited was Lindemann,' Tweed said as he saw in his mind their entering the lodge at the corner of the mews. 'Don't think there was anything there…'

`Except dusty tomes,' Monica commented caustically.

`Just a minute! Don't say anything. There was something. I remember Diana suggested she'd like to see his kitchen. They went in together and were alone for quite several minutes. When Diana came out she had that handbag tucked under her arm. That money could have been handed to her then.'

`What about Hugh Grey?'

Eyes still closed tightly, Tweed moved in his mind to Hawkswood Farm. Hugh bustling down the weed-strewn garden path to greet them, Paula staying at the door. The big sitting-room, the dyke rising up in the distance.

`Grey took her for a walk. Quite a long one while I chatted with Paula. He could easily have handed her the wad while they were outside.'

`That leaves Dalby…'

`Who took her outside to look at the back garden while I stayed inside. Another opportunity.'

`So any of them could have handed her the dibs. Back to square one. What was Diana's impression of them? Like some coffee? I made some just before you came in. It's in the thermos.'

`Yes, please.'

He went on talking while Monica opened the top drawer of one of the steel filing cabinets, took out two brown mugs, the thermos and a carton of milk.

`She loved Harry, thought he was great fun…'

`She has good taste.'

`She even liked Lindemann, which surprised me. Hugh Grey she didn't like at all. The idiot made a pass at her while they were out walking..

`Should have been Harry. That's his prerogative.' She put a paper place mat on Tweed's desk, perched the mug on top. `There you are. Black as sin. That leaves Dalby.'

`She admired him. Said he was dedicated. As for his attitude to women, she thought it was take-them-or- leave-them. Work came first.'

`She's shrewd as well as a man-eater. Don't like the sound of her at all.'

`Why a man-eater?'

`From what you've said she had them all dancing round her at the end of a string. A man's woman. Other women probably hate her guts. Which means they wish they had her power over men. Why is she so important? You've watched over her like a mistress ever since she arrived…'

`Because she's a witness.' Tweed suddenly jumped up from behind his desk. 'God! What a fool I've been. I've shown her to all of them – and one of them is Janus. She needs round-the-clock protection. Get Pete Nield on the phone for me…'

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