sleep on the trestle bed in his office there was no privacy there. He recognized the deep, decisive voice immediately. Gorbachev himself.

`The despatch of the cargo had to be delayed. I've had reports that it is expected at its destination.'

'It would have to be delayed for two weeks in any case,' Lysenko pointed out.

'I know. But I suggest the transhipment goes ahead. It will be safer that way.'

`Under their noses,' Lysenko agreed. 'I have already arranged for just that. And Balkan is now back in Europe.'

`So the timing is perfect.' Gorbachev's tone reflected his satisfaction. He added a rider. 'But do not assume everything is all right until delivery has been made.'

There was a click. Gorbachev had broken the connection. Lysenko went back into the bathroom to continue his shave. He also felt satisfied. His greatest worry had solved itself. Balkan was back…

`Couldn't you have had them followed?' Monica asked Tweed as he prepared to leave for his flat in Chelsea. 'The four sector chiefs, I mean – when they flew back to Europe yesterday.'

'I thought of it, then decided against it. Masterson, Grey, Lindemann and Dalby – every one of them trained men. They'd have spotted streetwalkers within hours. Whoever is Janus, is then alerted. I couldn't risk it. Give him enough rope and he will hang himself I hope.'

`And you still have no lead?' she persisted. 'As to Janus' identity – not even after thinking over your visits with Diana to their homes?'

`I have too many.' Tweed smiled ruefully. 'I can't get out of my head the idea that the key is what method Janus uses as his release from the enormous tension of leading a double life. Dr Generoso laid some emphasis on that.'


`Alcohol is the usual one. Philby used it. Grey drinks – in moderation. Harry Masterson can knock back any quantity and still know exactly what someone is saying. Lindemann is teetotal – but I found that Scotch hidden away in a cupboard. That leaves Dalby, a bit of a wine buff. Come to think of it, I didn't see any sign of even a single bottle at his place. He probably keeps it under lock and key…'

`I mentioned Diana a moment ago. I've got her ticket for your flight tomorrow… today, I mean,' she said, checking her watch, `… but you didn't mention to Butler and Nield that she'd be coming with you.'

`It will be a nice surprise for them.' Tweed looked at his own watch. 'God, it's four in the morning. I am sorry – I should have sent you home hours ago.'

`Why? You know I'm an insomniac – especially when we're up to our necks in a mission. But you're not going to have much sleep.'

`A nap is all I need. And I can't wait to get back into the field. My real anxiety is Newman. What's the latest from Peter Toll at Pullach?'

`A big nothing. And I think Peter is getting worried.' `He'll have something to worry about when I meet him.'

`Next stop the frontier zone,' said Stahl, 'then on to Rostock. There we have a problem – finding a ship to take you out.

The statement stunned Newman. The truck was parked alongside a small lake, quite deserted. No marinas, no landing- stages. It was still dark. Ahead the highway stretched for miles. As he'd jumped down from the rear of the truck Newman noted the same view behind them – a long stretch of highway. Again Stahl had chosen a place to park where they'd receive plenty of warning of the approach of another vehicle.

Seated behind the wheel Stahl was smoking a cigarette, waiting for his passenger's reaction. Newman couldn't help thinking that Falken would have had the next move planned out. He had to decide this one for himself, but Stahl was much younger than Falken.

`You have a suggestion?' he asked.

`The obvious way out is for you to slip aboard the Wroclaw.'

`Which you said was bound for Cuba with your consignment of Skorpions?'

`The Polish master is a Captain Anders. He hates the Germans. He was born in Breslau, as it used to be called when it was a part of The Reich in Hitler's time. Now it is part of Poland – and its new name is the same as Anders' ship, Wroclaw.'

`Go on, there has to be more.'

`I am a friend of Anders. He knows I am hostile to the regime, but nothing of my real work. I know he has carried dissident Poles to Sweden in the past. It all depends what he thinks of you – whether he would agree to smuggle you aboard.'

`What kind of a man is he? Describe him in a few words.'

`Very tough. Makes up his own mind. Once he's done that you can't shift him.'

`I don't want to end up in Havana,' Newman objected. 'What is the alternative?'

`I leave you in Rostock – inside the port area. You find your own ship. You are Border Police. Those papers will take you anywhere inside the forbidden zone.'

`And what, may I ask, was the original plan? The one Falken approved?'

Stahl was taking quick, nervous puffs at his cigarette. He's windy, Newman thought. I shouldn't have expected another Falken-Gerda team. And he's known about this problem ever. since I came aboard his truck. All the way from Leipzig he's been trying to think of a solution – and come up with zero.

`There was a ship due from Denmark,' Stahl admitted. 'Just before I left the depot I phoned my contact in Rostock. He told me the Danish ship has been delayed in Gedser. Something to do with engine repairs. Normally it's a regular ferry run between Gedser and Warnemunde – that's the ferry terminal on the Baltic coast. Rostock is a short distance up the river Warnow. It's up to you. I can't decide for you, Clasen.'

Thanks a lot, Newman thought. Just abandon me in the middle of the protected frontier zone. But get rid of me, soon as you can. I'll have to take over control, he decided.

`This Captain Anders. How do I communicate with him? I don't speak Polish…'

`You don't have to. He speaks German. Your problem with him is you are a German…'

Which was the first time Newman realized he had passed for a German even with Stahl. He was careful not to disillusion him. A decision had to be taken.

`Can you arrange for me to have a few private words with this Anders? I mean for certain.'

`That I can do.' Stahl took out his pack, lit a fresh cigarette from the stub of the old one. 'For certain. And now you had better get back to your seat.'

I'm not going back inside the truck. I'm staying here – beside you. All the way from now on.'

`You can't do that. I'm supposed to be alone.'

`Who knows that – in Rostock?'

`Well… no one. But if they phone Leipzig.'

`They won't. You said my papers authorized me to move about anywhere inside the frontier zone. You have papers for the consignment you're carrying?'

`Yes. I show them at the port entry gates.'

`Give them to me. Come on, Stahl – no bloody arguments. I also want you to go back inside the truck and fetch me one of those Skorpions. Plus one magazine. You can get that?'

`Yes. They're packed under the guns in that box opposite your seat. But I don't like it. You're not going to use the gun?'

`No, you idiot! It's for show. Get moving. You said that we had to get on to Rostock. Do as I tell you.'

His sudden air of brusque authority intimidated Stahl, who left the cab, returning in a few minutes with the weapon and the magazine. Newman, familiar with the weapon, inserted the magazine, then looked at Stahl.

`Leave me to do the talking. Your job is to take this truck to the Wroclaw.' He waited until Stahl had started the engine, was pulling out on to the highway, before he made his final comment.

`And don't smoke a cigarette when we get there.'

Half an hour later as the first cold shafts of dawn light spread across the eastern sky, Stahl slowed down. Ahead a row of red lights lined the side road they had turned on to. A high wire fence stretched away on either side. A closed gate confronted them as two armed guards strolled out of the but on their left. They had reached the frontier zone.

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