Waterways. They extend down the Meuse across the border into France. I rang Lasalle in Paris as you suggested.'

'His reaction?'

'Surprising. Electric when I mentioned your name. He's flying to Givet just south of Dinant. And we have permission to overfly the frontier if necessary. What are we looking for?'

'A missing Belgian barge. The Gargantua. It sailed from Dinant upstream towards Les Dames de Meuse and hasn't been seen since. I want to find it.'

'May be a problem – in the Dames de Meuse – if we don't find it further downstream. The chopper pilot warned me. They get heavy mists in that area. The Ardennes rise to thirteen hundred feet. On either side of the river. Imagine the risk our chopper pilot will face if you want a closer look.'

'I think, Paula,' Tweed said, 'you'd better wait here until we return.'

Paula, her forearms rested on the table, sat very erect, clasping her hands as she stared at Tweed. 'Paula did not come to drink coffee hour after hour in an airport. Remember Monica? My real baptism of fire, she said. When do we leave?'

Tweed glanced at Butler who shrugged his shoulders. 'Better give in now. She's a will of her own, this one has. And a pair of sharp eyes. May come in very useful.'

'Thank you for the vote of confidence, Harry,' Paula said, giving him her warmest smile.

That was when the phone rang. Benoit reached for it. 'I told Grand'Place they could get me here,' he told Tweed. He listened, spoke in French, then handed the receiver to Tweed.

'It's Lasalle in Paris – for you. He rang London and they told him you should be at Grand'Place…'

'Tweed speaking…'

'The Parrot never gives up, my friend,' Lasalle boomed. 'He has followed your girl friend. I have a surprise. Lara Seagrave is on your doorstep.'

'What does that mean?'

'She is staying at the Mayfair Hotel, Avenue Louise in Brussels. She has returned from Antwerp – where she followed her usual routine. Took many photographs of the port area. And watched many ships through her binoculars. The Parrot is furious about one thing. She left her hotel in Antwerp to visit a street of ill fame, the Boekstraat. The Parrot thinks she met someone there – but he didn't know there was a rear exit. Have you traced Klein yet?'

'Unfortunately, no.'

'I have other news, which may mean nothing. Came in on the grapevine through our pal, Calgourli. A communications specialist called Legaud, Jean Legaud, was hired by a stranger recently. Now I hear one of the CRS communications trucks is missing. It may have crossed the border into Luxembourg last night. Report from a frontier post. Similar type of van. A black Citroen truck.'

'Who is Legaud?'

'Had to leave a big telecommunications company suspected of fraud two years ago. No proof, no prosecution. Legaud is a specialist in telephones, radio communication…'

'You did say radio?'

'Yes. That means something?'

'It might. Thank you for calling, if that is all.'

'For the moment. See you on the Meuse.'

Tweed had just put down the phone when a uniformed security official came in after knocking and Benoit called out 'Enter'.

'A Mr Robert Newman has just arrived from Grand' Place. He is asking for a Mr Tweed.'

'Show him in.'

Tweed was relieved. He'd phoned Newman from London at his hotel in Liege, asking him to meet them at Grand'Place the following morning. He stood up as Newman came in, introduced him to Benoit, and then Newman spoke to Tweed.

'I need to talk with you urgently. On your own…'

'This office next door is available,' Benoit offered, opening a door.

Tweed listened while Newman told him briefly about his visit to the Meuse, what the bargee, Willy Boden, had told him, his encounter with the crusty Colonel Ralston – and his later encounter with Peter Brand at Profondeville.

'This girl friend of his, Carole Browne,' Tweed commented. 'I take it she was positive a man called Klein had visited this palatial villa?'

'Several times. She was quite certain. I believe her.'

'And you mentioned bullion to Brand, you say?'

'Yes, to stir him up. I think I did just that.'

'You do realize that Brand's reference to Les Dames de Meuse is probably a trap?'

'Of course. You think I'm thick? That's why I'm going – to see what happens.'

'I should have assumed that. Bob, we're all going -Benoit has laid on an Alouette – so we can search the river from the air. And all this points to what I've suspected. Now we have a clear link between Klein and his banker, who is Peter Brand. More than that, those heavy wheel tracks from Brand's landing stage across the lawn and out into the drive – that could be the vehicle which collected the bullion stolen from Basle on its way to be melted down.'

'My thought too…'

'So it becomes very urgent to locate that barge, Gargantua – which probably transported the bullion from Basle through the canal complex to Profondeville – and was unloaded during the night.'

'Klein is clever.'

'A master planner. And it becomes even more urgent to locate Haber, the owner of that barge. He's the only one who can tell us what happened. He may even be transporting the timer devices made by that murdered Swiss

There was a knock on the door, Benoit showed his head, informed them the chopper pilot said they'd have to wait for take-off. Visibility was ten-tenths. Dense fog. Could be clear at any moment. He'd keep them informed.

'I'm in a dilemma,' Tweed confessed as he sat down. 'Lara Seagrave has turned up at the Hotel Mayfair here in Brussels. She's twenty minutes' drive from where we're sitting. And she's just back from photographing the port of Antwerp.'

'I still don't understand this talk of hijacking a ship,' Newman responded. 'Klein has a whole arsenal of sea- mines and bombs. Does that sound like the simple hijacking of one ship?'

'No. Incidentally, in case anything happens to me I think you should know I have someone planted inside Klein's organization. Code-named Olympus. Came about by chance. I get occasional reports – but I think Klein is working on the cell system, that not one single member of his team is told more than they need to know.'

'This Olympus. Man or woman?'

'I'm not telling anyone that. Not even you. Olympus has to have all the protection I can provide. If Klein even suspected, he'd cut their throat. Look at his track record. You know what I fear he's planning?'

'Something pretty big…'

'A holocaust,' Tweed replied.

Klein booked in at the Hilton on the Boulevard de Waterloo in Brussels the morning Tweed arrived at the airport. He registered at the Executive Desk on the eighteenth floor in the name Dupont and went up in the elevator to Executive Suite Number 1914. This was the room Marler would occupy when moved to Brussels.

Looking out of the window he gazed at the enormous cathedral-like edifice of the Palais de Justice. Domed, it was the largest building in Europe – larger than St Peter's in Rome. He was staring out of the window when the phone rang.

'Dupont speaking.'

'Legaud here. I called twice earlier. No reply…'

'I'mreplying now. Where are you?'

'Maastricht. The equipment is in perfect working order. I shall arrive and make delivery by this afternoon…'

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