complexion of a man who has spent time at sea. He wore a business suit.

Tweed stood up. He held out his hand in greeting.

`Good of you to come. Not something we could discuss on the phone, I gather?'

`Don't trust them. Not even scramblers. No thank you,' he responded when Monica offered him coffee. He looked at Paula and Monica before seating himself in the chair Tweed indicated.

`I don't wish to question the reliability of your staff. But this is a subject strictly between you and me.'

`I was just going to search for a file,' Paula said tactfully and left the room with Monica, who made a similar excuse. Noble sat upright in the armchair, grim-faced.

`Tweed, what's all this about ships vanishing without trace and for no apparent reason?'

`Five in the general area of the Solent this year.'

Tweed pointed to the wall where Monica, on his instruction, had attached three maps. One of the south coast centring on Lymington. Red-topped pins marked the general areas where Walford, Lymington's Acting. Harbour Master, had reported they had disappeared.

A second map, large scale, was of the whole of Europe. The third, taking up the most space, was a map of the entire world.

`Know about those,' Noble commented. 'There have been others.' He paused as though wondering how much to reveal. 'Hell, I know you. But this is top secret. I'm in touch with naval intelligence of other nations. Top secret,' he repeated. Another pause.

`Of course,' Tweed encouraged him.

`We've had similar reports of vessels disappearing for no reason off the coasts of Holland, Germany, and Denmark.' He stood up. 'Got more of those pins? Thanks,' he went on as Tweed handed him a glass ash-tray full of red-topped pins.

`How many ships were involved? What types? And what were weather conditions like?' Tweed fired off his questions.

`Two offshore from Holland.' Noble jabbed in pins. `Six off the German coast. Often near the Frisian Islands, curiously enough. Borkum, Norderney, and Sylt. There's a German naval base on the northern tip of Sylt…' He jabbed in more pins. 'And then eight off the western coast of Denmark – south of the port of Esbjerg.' Noble rammed in pin after pin, then turned to face Tweed, his hands on his hips.

`What types, you said. Yachts, coasters, fishing boats, and freighters. In every case no wreckage found. And no survivors. Except in one case. A trifle grisly.'

`Go on, I'm intrigued,' Tweed urged him.

`A German radar expert called Vogel took his small sloop out from Norderney in a dense sea mist. He was number six, had gone out to find out what had happened to a close friend. He never came back. A search the following day by a helicopter located a piece of floating wreckage. A chopper crewman descended with a cradle to bring up the relic. He retched up all his breakfast. Vogel's head was jammed in the remains of the bow. He had been decapitated. Head sliced off below the chin as neat as you like. Same with what was left of the sloop.'

`What did it?' Tweed probed. 'Surely a German pathologist…'

`Yes. A German pathologist checked the specimen. He'd no idea what had done it. Said the neck was severed so cleanly he'd have thought a surgeon with a huge knife had done the job. Fantastic idea. He didn't mean it – he was just demonstrating how bizarre it was.'

`And that's the lot? Missing ships?'

`Glory, no.' Noble picked up the ash-tray from a table, moved to the world map. 'Two fishing boats vanished off the west coast of Africa near the Dakar bulge.' Noble stuck in two more pins. 'Then three freighters disappeared well south of the Cape of Good Hope. Blown off course by a gale, then conditions became very foggy. Oh, there was fog off Dakar, too. Now we move much further east. The Timor Sea – midway between northern Australia and the island of Timor. Three large fishing vessels were lost there. Plus a Japanese freighter, the Subaru.' He jabbed in the final pin and sat down in the armchair.

`The four vessels which vanished in the Timor Sea did so when a dense fog was present. Seems to be the only common factor. Fog. We're worried and perplexed. Just too many. And no survivors. Except Vogel – if you count his head. Make any sense to you?'

Tweed didn't answer at once. He seemed to have drifted into a daze as he stared at the maps. Noble checked his watch. He spoke as Tweed stirred.

`You're on to something, aren't you?'

`I'm not sure. You used the word bizarre. That describes my theory. I need more data.'

`When you phoned me and mentioned missing ships you asked if I could locate Sir Gerald Andover's motor yacht, Seahorse III.' Noble broke off, stared at the maps. 'While I remember it, shouldn't I remove those pins before I go?'

`I'd sooner you didn't. And this is probably the most secure room in London. We've tightened up. And each night two armed men guard my office.'

`Leave the pins, then. Now, Andover. I started phoning contacts up at Esjberg in Denmark and worked my way south. I got lucky at Antwerp. This morning. Sea- horse III is now berthed in that Belgian port.'

`And by train a short ride to Brussels, then another short train trip to Liege,' Tweed said to himself.

`Pardon? Missed that.'

`Nothing. Just talking to myself. I owe you one…'

Alone in his office Tweed had swivelled his chair round so he was facing the maps. He studied them through half- closed eyes. Before leaving, Noble had told him that the `incidents' off Dakar, the Cape of Good Hope, and in the Timor Sea had all taken place well clear of normal shipping lanes.

`Then what were the fated vessels doing there?' Tweed had asked.

`All blown off course by gales and heavy seas we assume,' Noble had replied.

`Significant,' Tweed said.

He roused himself as someone tapped gently on the door. He called out for the visitor to enter. Into his office walked Marler, summoned by Monica at Tweed's request.

Marler, in his early thirties, had been a member of the SIS for several years. He was the deadliest marksman with a rifle in Western Europe. Of medium height, slim, clean- shaven, he was smartly dressed in a check sports jacket, grey trousers with a razor crease, a crisp white shirt and a pale blue tie. Fair-haired, he spoke with an upper-class drawl. On the continent he could pass for the typical Englishman of independent means. He perched on the arm of the large chair as Monica and Paula returned.

`Can we come in, now your naval person has gone?' Paula enquired.

`Make yourselves at home,' Tweed told them. 'You'll be interested in what I tell Marler.'

`Got a job, I do hope,' Marler drawled. 'Hanging around looking in sports-print shops gets a trifle boring.'

Monica watched him Smart as paint, she thought. And so unlike Howard. Behind the Director's back she referred to him as 'our mobile fashion-plate'.

`Yes,' Tweed confirmed. 'And a very dangerous job I suspect it could be.'

`Better and better. Gets the old adrenalin moving. Any travel involved?'

`That's for you to find out. Monica, before he leaves, give Marler five thousand pounds. Plus two thousand in Belgian currency.'

`Brussels on the agenda?' Marler enquired. 'This sounds up my street. Some good eating-places there.'

`That's a guess,' Tweed warned. 'Belgium, I mean. No more than a hunch. Your job is to track the movements of a Dr Wand…'

He explained tersely all he knew about the target, all Monica had been able to dig up so far. He emphasized that no one could be sure what Wand looked like, which made his task difficult.

`Sounds like the blighter Butler saw at The Boltons the night he played paper boy. Not so many men wearing gold pince-nez.'

`If that is Dr Wand,' Tweed warned. 'Apparently he's so far never been photographed.'

`Oh, he will be.' Marler produced a small camera from a pocket. If it does turn out to be Brussels, shouldn't I he weaponed up?'

`Essential,' Tweed agreed. 'In Belgium you shouldn't have much difficulty obtaining what you need.'

`Contacts in Antwerp, Brussels, and Liege,' Marler confidently reminded Tweed.

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