
She wrote out the bill. Her expression again was one of disbelief. These English, they do not eat! Marler thanked her, passed several banknotes across to Paula when the waitress was summoned to another table. Then he stood up and walked slowly out of the restaurant and across the square.

Paula handed the money to the waitress, and watched with trepidation as Marler reached the far side and drifted to the left past the Post Office. Fatman leaned forward. Even at that distance Paula could sense his indecision as Marler walked past his parked Mercedes.

Reaching the corner of the building, Marler turned right and disappeared. Fatman moved. Clambering out of the Audi, he locked the car, then followed the way Marler had gone, his short fat legs moving clumsily. Paula guessed he was not accustomed to using his feet: the car was his mode of travel.

She watched him arrive at the same corner, disappear out of sight. Marler's prediction had come true. But what could Marler do to lose him – put him out of action – in the centre of a crowded town? She left the restaurant, paused as another tram screeched slowly past, before running to the Mercedes. Unlocking the car, she ran round the front, slipped into the front passenger seat, slid the ignition key into place, waited.

Meanwhile Marler had strolled along the side of the Post Office. He turned right again at the back of the building into Graslei, a cobbled road running alongside a canal. In the near distance a bridge crossed it. Here he realized luck was on his side.

About half-way along the third side of the building was a group of American tourists clustered together for protection in a foreign land. Well dressed, they were the wealthier Americans who came abroad out of season. A girl courier was lecturing them on the history of Ghent as they huddled close to the wall.

Marler edged his way round the back of them as though part of the group. He smiled at a blue-rinse matron. 'Isn't this just all too wonderful?' she drawled as Marler sidled further into the group. He nodded and glanced back. Fatman had appeared, had stopped, unable to see his quarry.

Marler was now standing at the entrance to a narrow alley – Hazewindstraatje. Flemish names could be jawbreakers. He knew the paved alley led straight back to Koornmarkt. Walking swiftly down it he came out close to where the Audi was parked.

The pavement was crowded with people away from the kerb. Marler had one hand in his trouser pocket as he approached the Audi. Taking his hand out of his pocket, he let a handful of small change fall.

Crouching down, he began to pick up the coins. No one was taking any notice of him as he unscrewed the dustcap from the front wheel. He had noticed three trams were trundling towards Koornmarkt. Perfect! Taking a biro from his pocket, he jammed the pointed end hard down on the spring-loaded valve. The hiss of the air escaping from the tyre was muffled by the screech of the trams. Inside two minutes the tyre was flat as a pancake.

He stood up, walked swiftly to his Mercedes, throwing the dustcap into the gutter. Paula leaned over, opened the door for him. He slid behind the wheel, slammed the door shut, switched on the engine.

`That was a damn near-run thing, as Wellington said about Waterloo,' he remarked. 'Appropriate, as Waterloo is not so far away.'

In his rear-view mirror he saw Fatman appear at the end of the alley. He looked towards the Mercedes, fumbled with his key, dived inside, switched on his own engine.

`Now for some fun,' Marler said.

He drove out of Koornmarkt, heading for the highway to Brussels. Fatman was in such a panic that he was going to lose them that he threw caution to the winds. Ramming his foot down, he pursued the Mercedes.

`What fun?' Paula asked.

'Fatman has a flat front tyre. Watch in your wing mirror. These cobbles will play havoc with him. Any second and one wheel will be riding on the metal rim.'

He increased speed. A cab driver coming in the opposite direction had to be moving at 100 k.p.h. – a little over 60 m.p.h. Marler increased speed. Behind him Fat- man was desperately trying to keep his target in view. Then it happened. Marler checked his rear-view mirror as Paula watched in the wing mirror.

At far too great a speed the Audi was racing with a wheel grinding over the cobbles on its metal rim. For a second the vehicle rocked madly, then Fatman lost all control. The Audi skidded, swerved into the back of a stationary garbage-collection truck, ramming into it like a sledgehammer. The front telescoped. An avalanche of garbage flooded down over the bonnet, piled up over the windscreen. Fatman had not taken the precaution of fastening his seat belt. He was hurled forward, his head shooting through the glass like a shell from a gun.

Marler turned a corner and the grisly sight vanished from view. Paula let out her breath, thought of something inconsequential to say.

`You mentioned Waterloo. I've never been there. Maybe I can see it sometime.'

`Don't bother,' Marler replied. 'Nothing to see. And nothing ever happens at Waterloo these days.'


`He referred to 'my modest villa' – it's a palace,' Tweed commented.

Newman had driven Tweed in the Mercedes and they had arrived at Waterloo. He had been driving slowly and now he stopped close to a pair of tall ornamental gates between two large stone pillars. Beyond the pillars stretched an endless ten-foot-high wall. On top of the wall extended a wire which, Tweed felt sure, was electrified. And the gates were closed. On one pillar a large metal plate carried the legend, in English: MOONGLOW REFUGEE AID TRUST INTERNATIONAL.

`He seems to feel himself in need of a lot of security,' Tweed observed.

Newman got out of the car, went to the speak-phone below the name-plate, pressed the bell, spoke into the grille when a voice asked in French who was calling.

`Mr Tweed. By appointment. To see Dr Wand…'

He didn't wait for a reply. As he sat behind the wheel and closed his door the electronically controlled gates began to move slowly inward. Fifty yards or so beyond the gates, perched on top of a terrace, was a wide three- storey mansion with a mansard roof and the walls painted dove grey. On either side of the straight drive the gardens were laid out with a series of sunken paved areas surrounding a fountain. On a larger scale, it reminded Tweed of Delvaux's estate, but without the taste.

Newman drove inside, stopped just beyond the gates and jumped out. Grabbing one of the white-painted stones lining the drive, he carried it behind the car and laid it against one of the open gates, returned to the car. `What are you up to?' Tweed enquired.

`When the gates close automatically – which they are beginning to do now – the right-hand gate will be stopped by that small boulder and won't close. Just in case we find we have to make rather a swift departure…'

Arriving at the foot of the terrace, Newman turned his car so it pointed back down the straight drive. Side by side they mounted ten steps to the terrace, walked up to two large wooden double doors. Before Tweed could press the bell the door opened. A heavily built man with dark hair slicked back and dressed like a butler stood to one side.

`Dr Wand is waiting to see you now, gentlemen.'

Tweed walked in first, followed by Newman. There was a loud pinging noise. Which was when Newman realized the door was framed with a metal detector. The butler closed the door. He addressed Newman.

`One moment, sir. Are you carrying any weapons?' `Yes,' Newman said promptly. 'A Smith amp; Wesson.' `If you don't mind,' the butler went on in French, 'I'll take care of that while you see Dr Wand.'

`No you won't.'

`It is the custom of the villa. No one carrying a gun is permitted into Dr Wand's presence.'

`Then open the bloody door again, flunkey, and we'll go back to Brussels.'

Newman saw his right hand twitch in an upward movement, then relax. During this verbal duel Tweed had remained silent. This could be a dangerous outing and he felt quite prepared to let Newman handle it in his own way. The butler gave Tweed a little bow.

`If you don't mind waiting a few moments, I have to consult my employer.'

`Go ahead,' Tweed urged him.

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