right wrist. At that moment the door into the basement was opened, closed, and she heard clumsy elephantine footsteps treading down the planks.

`Ilena, come here,' Hyde called out. He looked down at Paula. 'Ilena is the nurse who will help me when your time comes. Meantime she will attend to your needs – so, Ilena, come and meet our latest patient.'

A nurse? Looking up Paula saw a woman, also wearing a white hospital-like coat, leaning over her. A short and stocky woman whose arms bulged like tree trunks under the sleeves. Her face was slab-like, Slavic, Paula guessed.

A Romanian? Certainly from Eastern Europe. Hard eyes without humanity stared down at her. She was built like an ox. With a feeling of despair Paula realized she'd be no match for this peasant-like horror if it came to a struggle between them. The woman's hair was dark, trimmed very short.

`Does she speak one single word of English?' Paula burst out again. 'She's going to be a hell of a lot of use.'

'Ilena speaks a little English – enough to understand what you have just said,' Hyde remarked in his worst bedside manner.

He handed the hypodermic he had been going to use himself to the woman.

`You might as well practise on the patient now – so you give her the injection.'

Ilena seized Paula's wrist in an iron grip. Without any consideration she rammed the hypodermic home, pressed the plunger. Paula stifled a scream of agony. The world blurred again. I mustn't go under this time, she told herself. But the whole world faded away into nothing.

Kuhlmann, still at Berliner Tor, reacted with great speed and energy after listening to Newman's phone call. A small group of detectives, dressed in jeans and anoraks, was driven in a plain van and deposited in a side street near the Four Seasons.

Waving empty beer bottles, they staggered into the Neuer Jungfernstieg opposite the Four Seasons Hotel and started a mock fight. Patrol cars with uniformed police appeared, battled with the pseudo-punks, eventually `arrested' them.

While this was going on an unmarked police car stopped at the entrance to the hotel. A plain-clothes detective went inside and straight into an elevator up to Tweed's room. He showed his identity card, produced a floppy-brimmed hat of German make and a German trench coat.

`Put these on please, sir. I'm taking you to Berliner Tor. It's a precaution – in case the opposition is watching the hotel…'

Inside the vehicle, with Tweed beside him as he drove at speed round the lake, he explained.

`This is a very special car. All the windows are one-way glass. We can see out, no one outside can see in. And Mr Newman has taken a taxi to Berliner Tor. He told Chief Inspector Kuhlmann he could disguise himself with a cap and some glasses he was carrying…'

Arriving at Berliner Tor, he drove the car to a rear entrance, escorted Tweed inside the building, took him in an elevator to the large office Tweed had used to phone Inspector Nielsen in Copenhagen. Newman was smoking, pacing the office while Kuhlmann spoke on the phone. Finishing his call, Kuhlmann jumped up as Tweed removed the hat and coat.

`No one will know you have been here. Sit down. I have a lot to tell you.' He glared at Newman, waved his cigar at him. 'And you sit down now. I know you're worried – so listen. Wheels are turning at top speed.'

`Paula has been kidnapped,' Tweed said quietly as he sat down.

`I'm afraid so,' Kuhlmann agreed. 'I know this will have hit you hard – you do have all my sympathy. But action is the order of the day.'

`Absolutely right.' Tweed stiffened himself. 'What do you know so far?'

`I phoned a friend of mine at Inter-Vision TV. They work late too. He told me no film was being made on any location within miles of the Four Seasons. He has also checked his transport and no Inter-Vision vehicle has been stolen. Obviously the kidnap gang plastered similar white vans with stickers printed with the company's name. They'll have peeled them off hours ago. It was an audacious ploy. We are dealing with someone very clever.'

`Any trace of one of those vans?' Tweed asked.

`Not yet. Let me go on. I staged my own play act outside your hotel, organized a mock punk fight – which gave me a plausible reason for sending patrol cars into the area. One of the guests at that hotel may be keeping a watch. We found the doorman they grabbed to use his uniform – all tied up with a blanket thrown over him and shoved beneath some undergrowth near the lakeside walk opposite. Edgar, his name is. He's in hospital with a severe chill.'

Tweed looked at Newman who was listening intently.

`Tell us briefly again about the last time you saw her.'

`I've already told Kuhlmann. After you left the Grill Room to change your suit I waited to sign the bill before paying for everything at reception. Paula said she was going upstairs to pack her sponge bag. I haven't seen her since. I feel responsible…'

`No regrets!' Tweed's tone was suddenly decisive. 'It looks as though a fake doorman, dressed in Edgar's uniform, lured her into the street..

`We've already concluded that,' Kuhlmann interjected. `No point in setting up road-blocks, I imagine?' Tweed suggested.

`Too late. They've already had several hours to get clear. I've got men watching the airport for the morning flights. Anyone taken aboard in a stretcher will be checked. But I don't think they'll go that route. Same with the railway stations. And the river police – they are systematically searching every vessel due to move by daylight. Kohler, the Hamburg police chief, is a good friend – he's given me a quarter of his entire force. Plain-clothes men who will use great discretion to keep it quiet.'

`Thank you again,' Tweed said. 'You seem to have covered the waterfront, as we say.'

`I haven't even started! Just listen. You remember you asked me to trace a Dr Hyde? I got lucky when I called a Danish frontier post – from my description the Danish officer told me a driver from Tinglev had taken him as a passenger across into Jutland – Denmark. I called him again a few minutes ago. A white van which transports a special sort of cake Germans like returned after midnight. The officer thought it was a strange hour for him to be coming back. He said his van had broken down, was delayed while it was repaired. They joked about the amount of the cake the Germans eat. Later the officer wished he'd had the van opened up – something rang phoney about the driver's manner.'

`Jutland. Again. Always Jutland,' Tweed said aloud but really talking to himself. He looked at Kuhlmann. 'I'd appreciate the use of your scrambler again. Mind if I make the call on my own? It's a difficult one.'

`I have other things to check in the communications room down the corridor…'

Newman remained silent as Tweed dialled the Park Crescent number. He was more tactful with Monica when she came on the phone.

`I need to speak to Howard again, if he's still there. I will ask him to give you certain instructions after I've finished the call. Instructions which are vital, and I know you'll do a perfect job. He's there? Good. Put him on the line, please…'

`Howard, this time I'm on scrambler at police HQ in Hamburg. So I can talk more frankly. I'll get Kuhlmann to send one of his couriers with my resignation by the first flight in the morning. Written on Four Seasons letterhead, dated and with the time.'

`Do you have to take this drastic action?'

`Yes. And I can't tell you why. What is terribly important is that Monica spreads the news immediately through our network of contacts here and overseas. She'll know who to get in touch with.'

Howard's voice changed, became businesslike. 'It will be done. You're faced with some appalling emergency. I can guess, but I'm not going to.'

`Howard, this is equally vital. Strictly between you and me. Don't even tell Monica – and while I remember, put a strong guard on her. She might just be grabbed to check on the story of my resignation.'

`This gets grimmer. Go on.'

`I want to retain control of all the men I have over here. And that's most secret…'

`You have control.' There was a pause. 'I do have my own bit of bad news. The PM won't sanction use the SAS team from Hereford without knowing more about the operation.'

`Forget the SAS then. We'll have to manage with what we've got. And one man I do need the support of –

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