Dimly, he heard her shout, heard her cry out his name, but he was too lost in the passion, too lost in Isla.
When he felt the walls of her sex clench around him as she peaked, Hayden threw back his head and shouted her name as he finally gave in to his climax, finally gave in to her.
He rode the wave of the pleasure for what felt like eons, each shudder that wracked his body sending him spiraling anew, deeper inside Isla, closer to her than he had been to any woman before.
When he finally opened his eyes, he had never felt so calm, so content. So peaceful.
Hayden kissed her shoulder and rolled them to the side. She gave him a sleepy smile over her shoulder before she drifted off. Hayden knew better than to stay this time.
As much as he enjoyed tasting her body, he knew he had to leave. He couldn’t chance staying, couldn’t chance what would face him in the morning if he awoke beside her.
Couldn’t chance finding her deeper in his psyche than she already was.
He rose from the bed and dressed, waiting until he knew for sure Isla wouldn’t wake. He should talk to her now, tell her this was it, but what they had shared had been too special to ruin it with cruel, harsh words.
Tomorrow would be soon enough to crush whatever was budding between them.
Hayden leapt to the window and turned back to look at the bed one last time. Isla was on her side still, her long, thick hair spread around her like black silk. Her skin was flushed rosy and the moonlight illuminated the many vicious scars on her back, scars he hadn’t noticed as he had held her.
She looked beautiful and tempting. Too tempting for him to risk sampling again.
Isla rolled onto her back and stretched, a smile on her lips. She was stunned to find the sun shining through her window. Had she slept, undisturbed those last few hours before dawn?
She turned her head and found Hayden gone. She swallowed past the lump of disappointment and sighed. His body might no longer be in the tower, but she could smell his woodsy spice scent on the linens.
Unable to help herself, Isla rolled onto his pillow and tucked it against her as she inhaled deeply. She wished he’d have been beside her when she awoke. It had been an amazing experience to caress him as he’d slept.
Isla had looked at him at her leisure. He was magnificent even in sleep, his power and strength evident despite his relaxed muscles. Her hands had stroked him from face to feet, had learned the feel of his lean, hard body.
She smiled as she recalled taking him in her mouth. He’d been surprised, to be sure, but it had soon turned to desire. Isla had never thought she would get enjoyment out of pleasuring a man. But then she had met Hayden.
Of all people, she should know how quickly life could change. Yet she had been unprepared for the passion Hayden stirred within her.
It would be so easy for her to allow herself to dream of a future with Hayden, but Isla had not lived five hundred years and not gained wisdom.
Her stomach rumbled as the smell of fresh-baked bread reached the tower. Though she could stay in bed all day and think of Hayden, there were things she needed to do.
She rose from the bed and glanced down at the ruined chemise. Thankfully she had another. Once she was dressed, she reached for her comb. Instead of leaving it free, she decided to braid her hair to help keep it out of her face while she worked.
Isla walked from the tower after she tied the thin strip of leather at the end of the braid. It felt odd not to have her hair around her, but it only got in the way.
When she reached the great hall, several Warriors were already there. In one glance she noticed Hayden wasn’t among them. The MacLeod brothers, however, were.
They nodded in greeting as she passed on her way to the kitchen. She felt a tickle in her mind, something strange and new. And she didn’t like it. It reminded her too much of Deirdre’s invasion of her mind.
Isla paused and lifted a hand to her temple as she squeezed her eyes shut as pain began to build. She used her magic to push whoever — or whatever — was trying to get into her head out.
“Are you all right?” Broc asked.
She opened her eyes to find the hall spinning. She reached out to steady herself and locked onto a strong arm.
“Whoa,” Broc said. “You need to sit.”
“Nay.” As quickly as the tickle had come, it was gone. Isla blinked her eyes open and released her hold on Broc’s arm. “I’m all right. Just a little dizzy.”
Fallon rose and walked to her. “Are you sure that’s all? Maybe Sonya could help.”
At the mention of the red-haired Druid, Isla saw Broc tense.
“I don’t need to see Sonya. This has occurred before,” she lied. “It’s nothing.”
She didn’t want any of them to know she was disturbed and worried about what had just happened. The less everyone knew the better. At least until she had some answers of her own.
Broc looked over her shoulder and frowned. His fingers bit into her upper arm. She hadn’t even realized he had hold of her until that moment.
She put her hand on his chest and smiled up at Broc. “Thank you. I need to help the others.”
Isla glanced behind her to find Hayden standing at the entrance to the castle. He glared at Broc, murder in his eyes. Beside him, Arran looked puzzled and more than a little curious.
She ignored them all and walked into the kitchen. All four women were busy readying the morning meal. Sonya was the first to glance up. She smiled in greeting before she turned and reached into the ovens.
“There you are,” Larena said. “We were worried you might not be feeling well.”
Isla grabbed the ewer from Marcail’s hand. “I slept.”
“I’m glad you got some rest,” Cara said as she cut into the bread.
Marcail tilted her head to the side, her braids falling into her face. “You do have the look of a woman well content.”
Every eye in the kitchen shifted to her then. Isla forced herself to stay still and not fidget. She finally shrugged and said, “Sleep can do that.”
Isla turned and retreated back into the great hall. At least no one there was eyeing her as if they knew she had been well pleasured last night.
The others followed her out of the kitchen, their hands filled with trenchers piled with food. She noticed Fallon, Camdyn, and Hayden missing, but didn’t think much about it. The way the women kept looking at her made Isla more than a little uncomfortable.
Isla grabbed some bread and cheese intending to go to the beach. She was about to make her excuses when she heard shouting from above that drew her gaze.
Hayden’s voice boomed above Fallon’s and Camdyn’s as he argued. Isla wasn’t sure what was going on, but by the way Hayden’s skin was turning red, she knew his rage was growing.
“If you want someone watching her, you do it,” Hayden shouted. “I’ve got other things to do than spy on her.”
Fallon glanced over the railing to the great hall below, his gaze landing on her. “Hayden,” he warned.
Isla knew in an instant they were talking about her. Her skin turned clammy with fury and embarrassment. She couldn’t take her eyes off Hayden’s back as she willed him to look at her.
“It’s not what you think,” Lucan’s voice reached her.
But Isla knew it was. They didn’t trust her. She could understand that. Yet they had gone behind her back to have her watched.
She squared her shoulders and turned to the castle door. “I’m going for a walk.”
“I’ll come with you,” Marcail said.
Isla speared her with a glance. “I’d rather be alone.”