His orgasm came quickly, engulfing him in the abyss of pleasure. He gave another plunge and felt his seed pour hot and quick inside her.

Isla fell forward on his chest, her face turned to the side. A fine sheen of sweat covered them both, and the only sound was their ragged breaths filling the chamber.

Hayden caressed down her hair and over her back. He was tired of running from Isla and this thing between them. It might never work, but how would he know if he didn’t try?

For himself and Isla, he had to try. He just hoped she was receptive to the idea. After everything he had done to her, he deserved for Isla to tell him to go away. And he would if that was her wish.

Hayden looked up at the window and saw light coming from the sides of the blanket. It was still daylight, but Isla needed rest. He also wanted to make sure the ache was gone from her head for good.

He couldn’t stop the niggling worry that it was Deirdre. Isla had said it was different than usual, but he had seen the fear in her eyes. He had once vowed to protect her, and he would do just that.

Whatever happened to Isla, he would make sure he was with her from now on. She wouldn’t have to face Deirdre alone. He would help her fight the evil, even if it meant sacrificing his own life.

“Sleep,” he whispered. “I’ll be here when you wake.”

She murmured something he didn’t understand. Hayden smiled. She’d already been half asleep.

And for the first time in years, Hayden let himself slip into a deep, dreamless slumber.


Deirdre grinned as she looked at herself in the mirror. Almost whole again. And her magic was back. She closed her eyes and thought of Isla. The traitorous bitch was in league with the MacLeods, and it was time Isla remembered who ruled her.

To Deirdre’s surprise there was a barrier around MacLeod Castle. It was strong, too. There was only one who might have that kind of magic — Isla.

That only fueled Deirdre’s ire. It took her more time than she’d like to admit to build her magic enough to penetrate the shield.

And that’s when she found Isla.

Deirdre laughed and rubbed her hands together in anticipation. It was going to be too easy.

“I’m coming for you, Isla.”

There was blood everywhere. It coated the walls, the blankets, and the bed. Isla looked down at her hands to find it on her as well.

She gagged and tried to jump from the bed. Her feet tangled in the covers and she landed hard, her head hitting the floor with a thud and pain exploding in her body.

Isla propped herself up on her hands and kicked with her feet until her legs were free. She was naked, her body streaked with thick, red blood.

Though her mind told her not to, she looked to the bed. There was Hayden, strong, commanding Hayden, now lying dead in a pool of his own blood.

His midnight eyes were turned to her. There was no life left in them, but she still saw the accusation, the betrayal in their depths.

Tears blurred her vision before trailing down her cheek. How could this have happened? How could Deirdre have taken over and she not known it?

“Nay,” Isla said. “Nay!”

The castle was eerily quiet. Too quiet. Were the others dead as well? Was she to blame?

Isla stumbled to the bed, her feet numb with shock. She reached out a trembling hand and stroked a lock of Hayden’s fair hair from his forehead.

Her heart stopped as she realized she had seen his face before. The same blood, the same black stare. It had been so long ago, but it was the first time she had ever came to herself after Deirdre had sent her on a mission.

“Dear Lord,” Isla murmured. “I’m the one that killed Hayden’s family. I’m the drough he’s been searching for.”

Unable to look at the man who had stolen her heart, the man she had betrayed, Isla turned and raced to the door. She started down the winding steps and tripped. A scream tore from her throat as she pitched forward and began to fall …

Isla gasped and sat up in the bed. Her heart hammered and sweat coated her body. She glanced at her hands, but there was no blood.

She was afraid of what she might find, but she had to know if she had killed Hayden. She turned her head to find him on his side facing her. His face was relaxed, his lips slightly parted as he slumbered.

Isla lightly caressed his hollowed cheek. She needed to tell him what she had done to his family. Everything they had bridged would be ripped apart, but he had a right to know. He’d spent years searching for the drough who had destroyed his family.

He had given her hope and a reason to continue on, and now she would repay that with a truth that would tear him apart. A lone tear trailed down her face. She hurriedly wiped it away.

She couldn’t carry around this truth with her, as tempting as it was to do. Especially when she knew it had been Deirdre who had given her that awful dream. It was what Deirdre planned for her, but Isla wouldn’t be a willing accomplice.

The MacLeods and other Warriors were strong. She knew Hayden would protect the Druids with his life, and she would help as much as she could.

Isla would do as Hayden suggested and fight Deirdre’s command. She would make certain she was far enough away from MacLeod Castle not to harm anyone.

Though her heart tore in two, she rose silently from the bed and began to dress. She tried not to think of the joy and wonder she had found in Hayden’s arms, of the love and hope he had unlocked inside her.

Love. Her stomach fell to her feet and her breath locked in her lungs. By the saints, she loved him. The knowledge made her heart swell. She had probably loved him from the moment she opened her eyes in the great hall and found him staring at her.

Why after all these centuries had she finally found happiness but was about to lose it all? If she thought there was time, she would wake him and have him carry out his vow. But she knew he would fight her and that would give Deirdre more time than Isla could allow.

Isla didn’t want to wake the MacLeods either. It was better if she departed and did so immediately. Too much was at stake. These people had become her friends, her family. And Hayden … she never wanted to hurt him again. She’d done enough of that already.

She wished there was another way out of her tower. She didn’t want to encounter anyone, but she didn’t have a choice. After checking the space between the blanket and the window, Isla saw it was dark outside. Just what she needed.

With one last longing look at Hayden, she turned and went to the door. It opened without a sound. She closed it softly behind her and started down the stairs.

Every step that took her farther from Hayden was like a dagger to her heart. She couldn’t stop the tears from flowing, and didn’t even try. Her hatred for Deirdre began to burn brightly, causing her magic to swim around her.

Deirdre had now taken everything from Isla. If it was the last thing Isla did, she would make Deirdre regret ever bringing her to Cairn Toul.

Isla walked to the great hall without seeing anyone. She paused on the landing and looked around to make sure no one was about. If she had to, she would use her magic to make her escape. Too many lives depended upon her leaving the castle.

It was as if the castle held its breath with her as she reached the last step and hurried across the hall and

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