can’t be allowed to get away with this.”
“I’m sorry,” said Kim, “but I don’t understand. More organs, for transplant? Better organs? That’s a good thing, isn’t it?”
“Depends how much you charge,” said JC. “People are supposed to receive organs based on how badly they need them. This is an expensive way to queue-jump. This whole floor is a crime scene.”
“We have to make contact with the outside world!” said Happy. “People have to hear the truth, before MSI can bury it!”
“I’m not disagreeing with you, Happy,” said JC. “I just don’t see how. No phones, no e-mail, no telepathy. Everything’s being jammed.”
“Then one of us has to get the hell out of here and deliver the bad news in person,” Happy said firmly.
“Of course,” said JC. “A volunteer is what’s needed here. Would I be right in thinking that you have such a person in mind?”
“I’ll go!” said Happy. “Be glad to see the back of this place. Really!”
JC considered him thoughtfully. “You’re really willing to go back down all those stairs, on your own, past all those very dangerous floors, and through a lobby probably still booby-trapped with things even worse than shell ghosts? In the hope that, if by some chance you should actually reach the exit door, you would be allowed to leave the building alive?”
“Well,” said Happy, “When you put it like that… Not as such, no.”
“There is a short cut,” said Melody.
“Where?” said Happy immediately. “Point me at it. Oh wait a minute-the elevator? I don’t think so.”
“I was thinking more about the window,” said Melody. She pointed at the glass windows that made up most of the opposite wall. “I mean, I’m sure they’re all heavily reinforced security glass, but one good burst from my machine pistol should take care of that. Then all you have to do is climb down the outside of the building, thus avoiding all the nasty floors and unpleasant surprises in the lobby, and hurry off to summon the cavalry.”
“Climb?” said Happy. “The word plummet comes more forcefully to mind! You know I hate heights.”
“Sounds like a plan to me,” JC said cheerfully.
“You’re all against me,” said Happy.
“Cheer up, lover,” said Melody. “I was only kidding. I won’t let the nasty team leader throw you out the window.”
“Thank you,” said Happy.
“Not as long as there’s any other option.”
Happy glared at her. “I don’t know why I put up with you.”
“Because I can do that incredibly disgusting thing with my tongue,” said Melody. “And you love it when I…”
“Not listening, not listening!” JC said loudly. “Far too much information. Let’s leave the topic of throwing Happy out the window for the time being. Truth is, I don’t think whatever is in here is going to let any of us out, through the doors or the windows, anytime soon. Melody, if you’d be so good…”
“I know, I know, find a computer. Got one right here.”
“Then boot it up and get me some answers,” JC said brusquely. “In particular-why this whole floor feels so bad…”
Melody sat down before the computer, and it turned itself on before she could even touch it. She scowled at the glowing monitor for a moment, then stabbed at the keyboard. Files came and went on the screen. Melody sniffed loudly. “No firewalls, not even basic security protocols, just like before… Someone is definitely going out of their way to make this easy for me.” She glared up at the ceiling. “I do not need any help! I am a genius, dammit! I do not need my hand held!”
“Never mind the mysterious helper,” said JC. “What appalling and completely illegal things were these scientists up to?”
“It confirms what was in the papers I found,” said Melody. “None of the work on this floor had anything to do with ReSet. The work here was MSI’s original research, before the extra funding diverted them. The company kept this research going in the background, just in case. .. The scientists were trying to develop improved human organs, to be better than the originals. Organs that would be far more resistant to damage and could actually supercharge the human body.”
“I told you,” said Kim. “Monsters. They were making monsters here.”
“They were working with individual organs, not creating Frankenstein creatures,” Melody said dryly. “And according to this, they weren’t having much success. Stem cells to organs to superorgans-a lot can go wrong along the way. But something happened on this floor when the New People were created below. Strange energies were released. They sleeted through the whole building, changing everything they touched. It affected the organs being produced by the Bio Reactor. It made things. New things. The scientists took one look and ran screaming.”
“Took one look at what?” said Happy.
“I don’t know,” said Melody. “But I’m pretty sure whatever these things were, they’re still here.”
She shut down the computer and stood up abruptly, glaring about her. The others huddled together unconsciously, checking out every possible hiding place with a hard look, and still they couldn’t see anything. The atmosphere had moved beyond tense to actually oppressive. They all felt like they were being watched, studied, by cold, unseen eyes. Happy sniffed the air.
“Is it only me, or can you smell something?”
“Yes,” said JC. “A ripe, spoiled sort of smell. Meat that’s gone off. Blood, too. Other things of that nature, none of them good.”
“It’s getting stronger,” said Happy. “It’s leaving a really nasty taste in the back of my mouth.”
“Hush,” said Melody. “I can hear something…”
They all stood very still, straining their ears against the quiet, and slowly they began to hear soft, approaching sounds. Dragging sounds, of something heavy hauling itself along the floor, through sheer will-power. Wet, slapping sounds, slipping and sliding, coming from a dozen different directions at once.
“Oh no,” said Happy. “I know it’s going to be some horrible human shape of patched-together organs, probably all red and blobby with no proper exterior, so you can see things moving inside, with dozens of eyes bobbing about at the top. Dripping blood and bile and leaving a smoking trail of acid behind it…”
He stopped as he realised they were all looking at him.
“You’ve been watching those Japanese manga movies again, haven’t you?” said JC.
Happy wrapped his dignity around him, and stared back. “ Legend of the Overfiend is a classic! Though it does practically define the phrase guilty pleasure.”
“Take a few of your little chemical helpers, and get yourself together,” said JC. “You’re no use to me if you can’t keep your head in the game.”
“I am trying to cope without them,” said Happy. “Ever since my piss started turning funny colours. Better living through chemistry is all very well, but in practice it doesn’t half take it out on your liver.”
“And because you can’t get it up when you’re trashed,” said Melody.
“Why do you keep putting mental images into my head that I know I’m going to have to scour out with wire wool?” said JC.
“Heh-heh,” said Melody.
Kim drifted in beside her. “Maybe we should make time for some girlie talk, later,” she said. “It’s not easy having a love life when you’re dead.”
They all looked round sharply. The heavy, dragging sounds were definitely closer. Wet, slippery sounds accompanied them, sounds that grated on the nerves and upset the stomach. All of them heading straight for the group, with definite purpose.
“I suppose a big transplant Frankenstein thing isn’t entirely out of the question,” said Melody. “But the noises don’t seem right for that.”
“Definitely organic,” said Kim. “And kind of squishy.”
“They were only developing organs,” JC said firmly. “Not building actual people.”
“Who knows what happened after the new energies changed things?” said Melody.
“Hell with this,” JC said briskly. “I’m not built for standing around and waiting.”
He strode down the long, open floor, towards the sounds. It took him a while to realise that none of the