and Auroch were setting me up to take the blame for whatever Maldrake had planned for you.”

“Would you have continued to act on Maldrake’s behalf had you known he was the vile wyrm?” Arteris asked. The council members stared at Brisbois.

For the first time, Brisbois faltered. He looked down at the marbled floor and said, “As long as Lord Maldrake’s interests paralleled mine, it… it would have made no difference to me had I known he was the dragon.”

“Is it possible, man, that you are still enchanted by the dragon?” Sir Graybow asked.

At that, Brisbois’ head jerked up, and he glared at the castellan. “I am not now enchanted by the dragon, nor have I ever been enchanted by it. I am a free-willed man, perhaps more so than any of you here. Everything I did, I have done willingly and knowingly.”

“Does honor and justice mean nothing to you, Sir Brisbois?” Flinn asked quickly.

Spittle came to the man’s lips, but Brisbois quickly wiped it away. “We can’t all be knights of renown like you, Sir Flinn. Some of us think your quest to attain all four points of the Quadrivial is amusing.” He clenched his hands on his knees and added, “I think it’s pitiable.”

Silence fell in the room, and all eyes were on the unrepentant knight. “Sir Brisbois,” the baroness began heavily, “it saddens me to hear you say those words. As such, I have no choice but to-”

Flinn stood suddenly. “Your Ladyship,” he bowed in the direction of the baroness in apology for interrupting her, “I have something I would like to say-in defense of Sir Brisbois.”

“In defense?” the baroness repeated shrilly. Several others in the room echoed her sentiment, including Jo and Sir Graybow.

Flinn held up his hand and turned to Brisbois, holding the knight’s eyes with the intensity of his gaze. “It’s true that I returned to the Castle of the Three Suns with the intent to avenge myself on you. I wanted to have you dismissed as a knight, much as I had been. But-” Flinn rubbed his chin, the stubble of a beard itching him. “- stripping away one’s rank as a knight would mean nothing to a man like you. I suggest you be censured in other, more appropriate, ways.”

“You are saying that I not be dismissed from the order?” Brisbois demanded.

“I am,” Flinn nodded. Brisbois put his head in his hands. Flinn turned to the baroness and the council. “That is, of course, if the council has no objections.”

The baroness sat back in her chair and looked at Sir Graybow. The castellan nodded curtly to the baroness and then stood. Flinn took his seat.

“We haven’t objections, Sir Flinn,” Graybow began, “so much as concerns. Your… desire to show leniency to Sir Brisbois is commendable, to say the least. I doubt that any other knight here would be quite so willing to do the same.” The castellan gestured to either side of the table. “But there are other issues to consider here, such as our faith in this man. If he were to remain a knight, how should we trust him? How can we put our faith in a man who- by his own admission-holds honor so cheaply?” The old knight sighed. “You have spoken on behalf of this man, Sir Flinn. What do you propose the council should do with him?” Graybow sat down.

Flinn stood slowly. “I ask that the council retain Sir Brisbois’ stature as knight, but that he be censured by serving as my footman for one year.”

Brisbois jumped to his feet. “Your footman? You mean your lackey! You-” The guards pushed him into the chair, and one placed a warning grip on his shoulder to quiet him.

“Am I to understand, Sir Flinn,” the baroness asked gravely, “that you believe such service would be punishment enough for all that this man has done to you?”

Flinn bowed low. “I do, Your Ladyship. Sir Brisbois is a skilled and talented knight, but he needs to learn… manners. I intend to teach him that.” The warrior paused and then added, “And I intend to teach him proper respect for the Quadrivial.” Flinn gestured to Jo, who nodded at the baroness when Arteris’ eyes flickered to the young woman. “My companion, Johauna Menhir, saw the remnant of honor and courage in me when I was a-a self- centered hermit. She taught me the importance of following the Path of Righteousness, no matter how far one has strayed from it. I would like to teach Sir Brisbois that same truth.” Flinn took his seat.

The baroness scanned the council members’ faces. They each shook their heads or shrugged their shoulders in abstention. She turned back to Flinn. “I have nothing further to say. As of this day, Sir Flinn, he is yours.”

“Your Ladyship!” Brisbois protested again, though this time he remained seated. “This-this is slavery! This is-”

“It is bondage, Sir Brisbois, not slavery. For the next year you are a bondsman to Sir Flinn,” Arteris said sternly. She pointed a sharp finger at Brisbois. “And know you this: if you break that bond in any way, do not return to the Castle of the Three Suns. I will have no truck with a man who would bring dishonor on himself twice. Is that understood, Sir Brisbois?” Arteris’ voice was icy with disdain. Brisbois pursed his lips and refused to answer. “Is that understood?” the baroness reiterated, sharply.

Brisbois’ eyes flashed, then he nodded and replied curtly, “Understood, Your Ladyship. For one year I shall be Sir Flinn’s bondsman, and I shall obey his every command.” He gestured to the two guards. “Are these necessary anymore?”

Arteris glanced at Flinn, who shook his head. She said, “Guards, you may leave. And you, Sir Brisbois, may take your post behind Sir Flinn.” The chastised knight stood slowly and then walked stiffly into position behind his new master. Flinn ignored him.

The baroness spoke directly to Flinn. “You have sought justice today, Sir Flinn, to right an old wrong. Certainly you have righted that wrong and will gain that justice in the year to come from Sir Brisbois. But he is not the true culprit, as you well know.”

Flinn nodded and stood. “I do, Your Ladyship. I now see that Verdilith engineered my downfall from the very beginning. He transformed himself into Lord Maldrake and entered the estates of Penhaligon, fooling all.” Flinn was glad to see several of the council members bow their heads at his mild rebuke. “He used his enchantments on my wife, deceiving her into believing that she loved Lord Maldrake. Then he convinced Sir Brisbois to falsely accuse me. At the open council today he… killed my former wife.” Flinn sat down.

“What do you intend to do, Sir Flinn?” Arteris asked. “Or are you content with Sir Brisbois’ bondage as the extent of your vengeance?”

“No, Your Ladyship, I am not,” Flinn said forcefully. “I intend to hunt the dragon until he is dead, and I shall set out tomorrow for just that purpose.”

Arteris nodded. “Good Sir Flinn, I had hoped you would say as much. We shall gather together a number of our best knights-”

“I beg pardon, Your Ladyship,” Flinn stood and interrupted the baroness again. It was his second such transgression, and several of the council members scowled at him. Sir Graybow shook his head warningly. “Your Ladyship,” Flinn said slowly, thinking fast, “I must admit it has been a long time since I have been at court, and I apologize for my less-than-courtly ways.” The baroness stared at him coolly and then formally nodded. Flinn continued, “I intend no disrespect, Your Ladyship, but I will be hunting the dragon on my own, with only two comrades and my new bondsman.”

“I see now that the knights who had been sent to rout out the dragon were led astray by Lord Maldrake, for he always insisted on joining such ventures,” Sir Graybow spoke up. “As castellan of this castle, I think it unwise of you to hunt Verdilith with only yourself and three others. Surely even one knight, such as myself, would help your cause.” A little ripple of wonder spread through the room.

Flinn inclined his head in respect toward the older man. “You are quite right, Sir Graybow; a knight such as yourself would help my cause indeed. I thank you for the offer, but I cannot accept it. Should I fail, I will return for that help, do not fear.” Flinn suppressed the thought of Karleah Kunzay’s prophecy.

Baroness Arteris clasped her hands together before her. “If you ask for help, Sir Flinn, then we shall gladly grant it, for we are in your debt. Is there anything else you would ask the council?”

Flinn nodded, then moved to stand behind Jo. He put his hands on her shoulders. “Yes, Your Ladyship, there is one other matter. I would ask that you accept Johauna Menhir as my squire. She has been a boon to me this winter, and without her I wouldn’t be here before you. She has learned the sword and bow, and she rides well and is familiar with animals. Most of all, she has the heart and courage to be a knight in the Order of the Three Suns. She will one day do Penhaligon proud.” Flinn’s grip tightened on Jo’s shoulders and she trembled.

The baroness nodded. “If that is your last request, we shall certainly not refuse it. We will be having the next formal initiation ceremony in a month, this spring, and both you and your squire should attend.” She accepted a soft

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