Scotland's Morrison is a well-respected comic book writer of such titles as Animal Man, Doom Patrol and the Batman graphic novel 'Arkham Asylum.' Hotter Blood marks his first published short prose horror fiction.
Michael Newton Newton's work includes more than 82 books, including over 30 installments of Mack Bolan. His recent work includes the VICAP series. Newton lives in Indiana.
Elsa Rutherford Rutherford is the author of The Water and the Blood and Hoodoo, and conducts writing seminars in her home state of Alabama.
John Shirley California's Shirley is the author of In Darkness Waiting, Cellars and Dracula in Love, and the acclaimed short story collection Heatseekers.
Kiel Stuart Stuart's short fiction has appeared in Tales of the Witch World I, Magic in Ithkar 3, Pulpsmith and The Horror Show. She lives in New York.
Lucy Taylor Florida resident Taylor's short fiction has appeared in Women of Darkness, Women of the West, Thin Ice, Cavalier and others.
Karl Edward Wagner North Carolina's Wagner has written or edited over 35 horror and science fiction books, including At First Just Ghostly and The Fourth Seal.
Chet Williamson Williamson is the author of four novels and numerous pieces of short fiction, which have appeared in such diverse magazines as The New Yorker, Playboy and Twilight Zone. He is a Pennsylvania resident.
J. N. Williamson Williamson has written over 30 novels and 90 short stories, and is the editor of the popular Masques anthology series. He lives in Indiana.