editor, include its -w flag to disable line wrap.

In this section, you learn how to write a simple shell script to set up a number of aliases (command synonyms) whenever you log on. Instead of typing all the aliases every time you log on, you can put them in a file by using a text editor, such as vi, and then execute the file. Normally these changes are saved in systemwide shell configuration files under the /etc directory to make the changes active for all users or in your .bashrc, .cshrc (if you use tcsh), or .bash_profile files in your home directory.

Here is what is contained in myenv, a sample shell script created for this purpose (for bash):


alias ll='ls -l'

alias ldir='ls -aF'

alias copy='cp'

This simple script creates command aliases, or convenient shorthand forms of commands, for the ls and cp commands. The ll alias provides a long directory listing: The ldir alias is the ls command, but prints indicators (for directories or executable files) in listings. The copy alias is the same as the cp command. You can experiment and add your own options or create aliases of other commands with options you frequently use.

You can execute myenv in a variety of ways under Linux. As shown in this example, you can make myenv executable by using the chmod command and then execute it as you would any other native Linux command:

$ chmod +x myenv

This line turns on the executable permission of myenv, which can be checked with the ls command and its -l option like this:

$ ls -l myenv

-rwxrwxr-x 1 andrew andrew 65 2007-11-12 17:38 myenv

Running a Shell Program

You can run your new shell program in several ways. Each method produces the same results, which is a testament to the flexibility of using the shell with Linux. One way to run your shell program is to execute the file myenv from the command line as if it were a Linux command:

$ ./myenv

A second way to execute myenv under a particular shell, such as zsh, is as follows:

$ zsh myenv

This invokes a new zsh shell and passes the filename myenv as a parameter to execute the file. A third way requires you to create a directory named bin in your home directory, and to then copy the new shell program into this directory. You can then run the program without specifying a specific location or using a shell. You do this like so:

$ mkdir bin

$ mv myenv bin

$ myenv

This works because Fedora is set up by default to include the executable path $HOME/bin in your shell's environment. You can view this environment variable, named PATH, by piping the output of the env command through fgrep, like so:

$ env | fgrep PATH



As you can see, the user (andrew in this example) can use the new bin directory to hold executable files. Another way to bring up an environment variable is to use the echo command along with the variable name (in this case, $PATH):

$ echo $PATH



Never put . in your $PATH to execute files or a command in the current directory — this presents a serious security risk, especially for the root operator, and even more so if . is first in your $PATH search order. Trojan scripts placed by crackers in directories such as /tmp can be used for malicious purposes, and are executed immediately if the current working directory is part of your $PATH.

After you execute the command myenv, you should be able to use ldir from the command line to get a list of files under the current directory and ll to get a list of files with attributes displayed. However, the best way to use the new commands in myenv is to put them into your shell's login or profile file. For Fedora, and nearly all Linux users, the default shell is bash, so you can make these commands available for everyone on your system by putting them in the /etc/bashrc file. Systemwide aliases for tcsh are contained in files with the extension .csh under the /etc/profile.d directory. The shell can use these command aliases, too.

Interpreting Shell Scripts Through Specific Shells

The majority of shell scripts use a shebang line (#!) at the beginning to control the type of shell used to run the script; this bang line calls for an sh-incantation of bash:


A shebang line (short for sharp and bang, two names for # and !) tells the Linux kernel that a specific command (a shell, or in the case of other scripts, perhaps awk or Perl) is to be used to interpret the contents of the file. Using a shebang line is common practice for all shell scripting. For example, if you write a shell script using bash, but want the script to execute as if run by the Bourne shell, sh, the first line of your script will contain #!/bin/sh, which is a link to the bash shell. Running bash as sh causes bash to act as a Bourne shell. This is the reason for the symbolic link sh, which points to bash.

The Shebang Line

The shebang line is a magic number, as defined in /usr/share/magic — a text database of magic numbers for the Linux file command. Magic numbers are used by many different Linux commands to quickly identify a type of file, and the database format is documented in the section five man page named magic (read by using man 5 magic). For example, magic numbers can be used by the Linux file command to display the identity of a script (no matter what filename is used) as a shell script if a specific shell or other interpreter is used, such as awk or Perl.

You might also find different or new environment variables available to your scripts by using different shells.

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