You could, however, opt to delete all partitions (including Windows partitions) on the drive, remove only Linux partitions on the drive, or use only unallocated space.

FIGURE 1.12 Fedora's powerful partitioning tool enables you to create a partition scheme unique to your requirements.


If you followed the earlier partitioning instructions, choose to Use Free Space on Selected Drives and Create Default Layout.

If you choose one of these three, you get a default layout that uses logical volume management. This is a special type of partitioning that makes disk partitions much easier to work with.

Logical Volume Management for Beginners

Logical volume management sounds a lot more difficult than it is. In effect, what it does is allow you to produce single logical partitions that can be made up of multiple physical drives. Logical volumes can also be resized as required, something that is usually difficult when dealing with ext3 partitions (Fedora's native partition type). There is one thing that you need to remember: Create a separate /boot partition independent of the logical volumes; otherwise, your system will not boot!

This example looks at creating a partition table on one hard drive. To get started, click the New button to bring up the screen shown in Figure 1.13. First of all, you need to create a small partition that has the mount point /boot. This is to enable Fedora to actually boot and needs to be a maximum of only about 100MB in size. Make sure that only the first disk is checked (sda in the example) and select /boot from the drop-down mount point menu. Finally, change the size of the partition to 100MB and click the OK button to create the first partition.

FIGURE 1.13 Make sure to create your boot partition; otherwise, all your good work will be in vain!

Now we need to create physical volumes that will allow Fedora to combine them into a logical volume. Click the New button again to bring up the same window as Figure 1.13, but this time you want to change the File System Type to physical volume (LVM). Make sure that only one drive is checked, and finally select the option Fill to Maximum Allowable Size to instruct Fedora to use all available space.

When you have created the physical volumes, you now need to bind them together through a logical volume. Click the LVM button in the partitioner's main window to bring up the LVM options (see Figure 1.14). You can give your logical volume group a more meaningful name than VolGroup00, but you must ensure that there are no spaces in the name. Next you can choose a physical extent size for your volumes, or rather the size of chunks that the disks will be 'cut up into.' Unless you really have a specific need to change this setting, you should leave it at 32.

FIGURE 1.14 Harness the flexibility of logical volumes through Fedora's easy-to-use utility.

Now you need to create your partitions within your logical volume group, and you do this as you would any other Linux distribution, making sure that you at least have a / partition and a swap partition. In the example, click the Add button to be taken to the Make Logical Volume screen (see Figure 1.15) where you can specify a mount point, file system type, volume name (again no spaces), and finally the size of the partition.

FIGURE 1.15 Use this screen to define the logical volumes that make up your logical group.

You have to create at least two partitions: the / partition and the swap partition. However, you can add several mount points, depending on your specific requirements. Some users find it helpful to create a separate /home partition, which we do in the example. As you add each logical volume, it appears in the main LVM Group options screen (refer to Figure 1.14). When you are finished, click the OK button to return to the main partition screen, which should look similar to Figure 1.16.

FIGURE 1.16 The completed masterpiece. It is worthwhile spending extra time to get the best partition layout for your requirements.

Now you are ready to proceed to the next screen by clicking the Next button.

Choosing, Configuring, and Installing the Boot Loader

After you accept the partitioning scheme, a screen appears asking you to select a boot loader for booting Fedora (see Figure 1.17). This screen also enables you to choose not to use a boot loader (when booting from removable media, a commercial boot utility, a DOS partition, or over a network), and to boot other operating systems if you have configured a dual-boot system.

FIGURE 1.17 Select whether you want to use a boot loader and configure other boot options.


Fedora works well with other operating systems, but the reverse is not always true. If you need specialized help with configuring a dual-boot system, check various HOWTOs at for hints and tips.

Select the GRUB boot loader. GRUB is typically installed in the MBR of the first IDE hard drive in a PC. However, the boot loader can also be installed in the first sector of the Linux boot partition, or even not installed on the hard drive. Note that you can also backtrack through the install process to change any settings.

Note that you can assign a password for the boot loader. If you choose to use this option, you have to enter a password at the GRUB boot screen (see the section 'Logging In and

Shutting Down' at the end of this chapter for information on graphical logins). Carefully note the password! It does not have to be the same password used to log in, but if you password protect booting through your computer's BIOS and use a boot loader password here, you will subsequently need to enter three passwords (BIOS, boot loader, and login) to access Linux. Type in a password of at least eight characters twice (once on each line); then click OK or Cancel to exit the dialog.


If you are planning to dual boot your PC with Windows, it appears in the list of boot options as Other. You can click the Edit button to access options that enable you to rename it something a little more informative, or even set Windows as the default option for GRUB.

If you click the Configure Advanced Boot Loader Options button, you are asked for arguments to pass to the Linux kernel before booting. Kernel arguments are used to enable or disable various features of Linux at boot time. If you install the source to the Linux kernel, you can find documentation about the more than 200 different kernel arguments in the file kernel-parameters.txt under the /usr/src/linux/Documentation directory.

Click Next to set your boot loader configuration. You then proceed to the network inter face configuration, as shown in Figure 1.18.

FIGURE 1.18 Select or enter networking configuration information.

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