my birthday from the ChampionBus people to pay off that cheating debt you owe that art dealer up in Chicago. Thought you’d like to know.”
Wait just a cotton-pickin’ minute.
Reaching back under my pillow for my blue spiral, I flip to the page that’s got my VERY IMPORTANT THINGS TO DO list. It needs immediate updating.
Using my No. 2:
1. I can get Q uite R ight.
Well, much as I’d love to visit a bit more, I need to get me some shut-eye ’cause tomorrow’s the first Sunday of the month. Got that public Scrabble tournament to attend over in Appleville.
(Not to brag or nuthin’, but I’m a shoe in.)
Lesley Kagen

Lesley Kagen is a writer, actress, voice-over talent and restaurateur. The owner of Restaurant Hama, one of Milwaukee’s top restaurants, Ms. Kagen lives with her husband in Cedarburg, Wisconsin. She has two children. Visit her Web site at

This Conversation Guide is intended to enrich the individual reading experience, as well as encourage us to explore these topics together-because books, and life, are meant for sharing.
A. I’ve always been intrigued by the South. The language, the culture. My daughter goes to school in Virginia and has recently married a wonderful man from Georgia, so I’ve spent a lot of time down there in recent years. I absolutely adore it! I also wanted the story to unfold in a small town because of the interesting dynamics that go on in that sort of setting. Folks who have known each other for years and years create lifelong relationships that are fascinating to me. I’ve lived in big cities for most of my life, many times not knowing my neighbors. Guess I’m a country girl at heart.
A. The seventies were a time in American history that signaled a significant change in our society. Mores were shifting, racial tension bubbling, the Vietnam War raging, and the drug culturesurfacing. It was interesting to visit all this unsettledness onto sleepy little Cray Ridge.
A. You know, I’m becoming increasingly suspicious about this word “normal.” We all claim to be, but who really is Quite Right? I know I’m not. And I grow weary with the effort of proving that I am. Why can’t I go grocery shopping in my jammies? Why can’t I walk in the rain without my umbrella? Maybe we could all agree to be who we are and from now on that will be called “normal.” Do you know who I could speak to about that?
A. A love story.
A. I know, I’m a fool for love and all its many manifestations. The love of a parent for a child and vice versa. The love between a man and a woman. Best friend love. Forbidden love.
A. After reading
A. I grew up with shoot-’em-ups. The simple themes of good guys versus bad guys easily identified by the color of their hats, the hunky guy capturing the heart of the damsel in distress, and the immediate dispensation of justice. Life is so complicated now. This down-to-basics stuff sorta makes me swoon.
A. Yeah, I guess I am, in a covered-wagon sort of way.
A. I adore Gibby’s tail-wagging enthusiasm. Her heart of gold. Her courage inspires me.
A. Sneaky Tim Ray Holloway. Can there be anything more despicable than the theft of innocence on any level?
A. With my whole heart.
A. Gosh, I have no idea how I come up with this stuff. I think it might be something you’re born with, blessed with. Like singers. Or artists. Of course, you need to develop that talent. And discipline. I’m up every morning when it’s still dark to write.
A. My little book seems to have resonated with so many people, on so many levels. I hear from readers who love the nostalgia in the book, others who lost a parent, and some who were sexually abused as children. The booksellers have also been phenomenal. And the book clubs. I’ve had the opportunity to talk with them via phone and in person. It’s fascinating to answer their questions and hear their thoughts, many of which I never even considered. The whole experience, every little bit of it, has been so much more than I could’ve ever imagined.
A. I’m still busy at my restaurant. And doing my voice-overs. I’ve also discovered that no matter how old your kids get they still need you, so they keep me on my toes. I’m also working on my next novel.
A. Yes! A million thanks to everyone who has contributed to the success of