(CLR) must convert the Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) content into native machine code at run time.
¦ FILES References executables and other files that the operation system should load into RAM for execution. You should specify managed code modules in this section.
.BIB File MEMORY Section The MEMORY section in the Config.bib file defines reserved memory regions, assigning each region a name, address, size, and type. A good example is the MEMORY section that you can find in the Config.bib file in the Device Emulator BSP. This Device Emulator BSP is available with Platform Builder for CE 6.0 R2 out-of-the-box. You can find Config.bib in the PLATFORM<
Figure 2-4 MEMORY section from a .bib file
The fields in the MEMORY section define the following parameters:
¦ Name This is the name of the MEMORY section. The name must be unique.
¦ Address This hexadecimal number represents the starting address of the memory section.
¦ Size This hexadecimal number defines the total length of the memory section in bytes.
¦ Type This field can have one of the following values:
.BIB File CONFIG Section The CONFIG section defines additional parameters for the run-time image, including the following options:
¦ AUTOSIZE Automatically combines RAMIMAGE and RAM sections and allocates any unused memory in the RAMIMAGE section to RAM, or if necessary takes memory from the RAM section and provides it to the RAMIMAGE.
¦ BOOTJUMP If specified, moves the boot jump page to a specific area within the RAMIMAGE section, rather than by using the default area.
¦ COMPRESSION Automatically compresses writable memory sections in the image. The default value for this option is ON.
¦ FIXUPVAR Initializes a kernel global variable during the Make Binary Image phase.
¦ FSRAMPERCENT Sets the percentage of RAM used for the RAM file system.
¦ KERNELFIXUPS Instructs Romimage.exe to relocate memory writable by the kernel. This option is generally enabled (ON).
¦ OUTPUT Changes the directory that Romimage.exe uses as the output directory for the Nk.bin file.
¦ PROFILE Specifies whether the image includes the profiler.
¦ RAM_AUTOSIZE Expands the size of RAM to the end of the last XIP section.
¦ RESETVECTOR Relocates the jump page to a specified location. This is required for MIPS processors to boot from 9FC00000.
¦ ROM_AUTOSIZE Resizes XIP regions, taking into account the ROMSIZE_AUTOGAP setting.
¦ ROMFLAGS Configures the following options for the kernel:
¦ ROMOFFSET Enables you to run the run-time image in a memory location that is different from the storage location. For example, you can store the run-time image in FLASH memory, and then copy and run it from RAM.
¦ ROMSIZE Specifies the size of the ROM in bytes.
¦ ROMSTART Specifies the ROM's starting address.
¦ ROMWIDTH Specifies the number of data bits and how Romimage.exe splits the run-time image. Romimage.exe can put the entire run-time image into one file, split the run-time image into two files of even and odd 16-bit words, or create four files of even and odd 8-bit bytes.
¦ SRE Determines whether Romimage.exe generates a .sre file. Motorola S-record (SRE) is a file format recognized by most ROM burners.
¦ X86BOOT Specifies whether or not to add a JUMP instruction at the x86 reset vector address.
¦ XIPSCHAIN Enables the creation of Chain.bin and Chain.lst files to set up an XIP chain, so that you can split an image into multiple files.
.BIB File MODULES and FILES Sections BSP and OS design developers must frequently edit the MODULES and FILES sections of a .bib file to add new components to a run-time image. The format for the MODULES and FILES section is practically identical, although the MODULES section supports more configuration options. The key difference is that the MODULES section lists files not compressed in memory to support XIP, while the FILES section lists files that are compressed. The operating system must decompress the data when accessing the files.
The following listing shows two small MODULES and FILES sections from a Platform.bib file. For a complete example, check out the Platform.bib file of the Device Emulator BSP.
; Name Path Memory Type
; -------------- ---------------------------- -----------
DeviceEmulator_lcd.dll $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)DeviceEmulator_lcd.dll NK SHK
backlight.dll $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)acklight.dll NK SHK