‘You’re meeting them at the marina, right?’

‘At dark,’ said Shepherd. ‘Seven.’ He jumped when he heard a buzzing noise.

Singh was holding an electric razor and grinning. ‘Shall I do the honours?’ he said.

‘Go ahead,’ said Shepherd.

Singh shaved off Shepherd’s chest hairs.

‘We’ve already got the marina staked out, but I’m guessing all we’ll see is you and them having a chat,’ said Hargrove. ‘We’ll be listening in so see if you can get some idea of where you’ll be going, and where you’ll deliver the cash.’

‘Will do.’ Shepherd pointed at his chest. ‘You missed a bit, Amar,’ he said.

Singh grinned. ‘The range is good for three miles, maybe four or five if we’re lucky,’ he said. ‘We’ll know from the lump where you are and the direction you’re heading in.’

‘Lump’ was police slang for a tracking device.

‘Has Europol got the Albanians covered?’

‘They’ve been on them since this afternoon,’ said Hargrove. ‘Our problem is finding out where the Uddin brothers will be meeting you. We need to see them with the cash. We’ve got them under surveillance but there’s no guarantee that they’ll turn up in person. So, you’ll have to take it slowly on the return journey, without making it obvious, of course.’

‘Got you,’ said Shepherd.

Singh taped the microphone to Shepherd’s shaved chest, then ran the connecting wires round his body. ‘That’s you sorted,’ he said.

Shepherd pulled up his trousers and slipped on his shirt.

‘Do me a favour – put your coat on and nip down to the car park,’ said Singh. ‘Switch it on and talk to yourself for a bit.’

Shepherd went outside, made sure that no one was within earshot, switched on the transmitter and recited the Lord’s Prayer, the first thing that came into his head, as he walked about.

When he got back to the room, Singh confirmed that the transmitter was working. He ran his hands down Shepherd’s arm, back and chest. ‘You can’t feel it,’ he said. ‘You’re fine. Just don’t go jumping into the water with it.’

Shepherd picked up a sandwich. ‘There’s no question of busting them tonight?’ he asked Hargrove.

The superintendent shook his head. ‘We’ll give them a clean run,’ he said. ‘We’ll have all the evidence, but we’ll wait until we’ve got their passport contact before we move in, by which time you’ll be long gone.’

Shepherd drove the Land Rover into the marina car park and switched off the engine. The Mercedes was already there and the Uddins were standing at the locked gate that led down to the jetties. They were both wearing long coats and gloves and Salik had a thick wool scarf round his neck. He waved and Shepherd raised a hand in response. He reached down and switched on the transmitter, then climbed out of the Land Rover and locked the door.

Salik hurried across the car park and Shepherd sensed he was about to hug him so he stuck out his hand. Salik shook it. ‘Everything okay?’ asked Shepherd.

‘I’ve spoken to Kreshnik. It’s all ready,’ said Salik.

Shepherd nodded at Matiur. ‘Sure you don’t want to come with me?’

Matiur shuddered. ‘I’m happier on dry land.’

A big man got out of the Mercedes, wearing a blue waterproof jacket with the hood up and green wellington boots.

‘That is Hussain,’ said Salik.

‘He looks seasick already,’ said Shepherd.

‘He’ll be okay.’

‘And when exactly are you going to tell me where I pick up the stuff?’

Salik handed Shepherd a piece of paper. ‘Kreshnik gave me the GPS co-ordinates. You can find the place from this?’

Shepherd nodded. ‘To within twenty metres,’ he said. He studied the numbers on the paper and squinted as he recalled the charts McConnell had shown him. He read out the numbers slowly, as if he was checking them. ‘Cap Gris Nez,’ he said. ‘Good choice. Quiet coastline but the autoroute E402 runs close by. Lots of traffic to get lost in.’ Shepherd figured that would give Hargrove enough information to go on.

‘You know the area?’ said Salik.

‘I know the charts.’

‘You’ve got a good memory.’

‘I get by,’ said Shepherd, and put the piece of paper into his back pocket. ‘What about coming back? Where do I deliver the stuff?’

‘Hussain has the GPS co-ordinates,’ said Salik. ‘He will give them to you on the way back.’

‘Yeah, well, he’d better not lose them,’ said Shepherd.

‘It’s safer that way,’ said Matiur.

‘Safer for you, you mean,’ said Shepherd. ‘I’m going to be buzzing around at fifty knots not knowing where I’m going.’

‘As soon as you have the cans on board, Hussain will tell you where to go.’

‘But it’s the south coast, right? I don’t want to be running up to John o’Groat’s.’

‘It’s the south coast,’ said Salik.

‘Which means I won’t need to carry extra fuel,’ said Shepherd. ‘See? That’s why it’s nice to know these things in advance, Salik. We’d look pretty bloody silly sitting out there with Hussain telling me he wants me to take him a hundred and fifty miles and me having to explain that we don’t have enough fuel.’

‘It’s the south coast,’ repeated Salik, ‘and I’m sorry if we appear to be keeping you in the dark but there’s a lot of money at stake.’

‘That’s okay. It’s not the first time I’ve been treated like a mushroom,’ said Shepherd, ‘and it probably won’t be the last. Will you be there?’

‘Matiur and I will both be there to take delivery,’ said Salik. ‘Don’t worry.’

Shepherd wasn’t worried. But at least now Hargrove knew that all he had to do was keep tabs on the Uddin brothers to find out where the consignment was arriving. ‘What time did you tell Kreshnik we’d be there?’ he asked.

‘Eleven o’clock.’

Shepherd glanced at his watch. ‘We’ve plenty of time. Have you arranged any signals?’

‘Hussain has a flashlight.’

Shepherd grinned. ‘A mobile phone would be better,’ he said. His face hardened. ‘Is that all he’s got?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Does he have a gun?’

Salik and Matiur exchanged a look so transparent that he almost laughed. ‘It is for security,’ said Matiur.

‘His or mine?’

‘It’s a lot of money, Tony,’ said Salik.

‘And if I try to run off with it, he’ll shoot me?’

‘Tony, please.’

‘If I’d known you were going to send someone to ride shotgun, I’d have worn my vest.’

‘If Kreshnik decides to double-cross you, the gun could be useful,’ said Matiur.

‘If the Albanians decide to double-cross us, we’ll both be dead.’ Shepherd waved to Hussain and pointed for him to get into the boat. ‘We’ll head off now,’ he said.

Salik stepped forward and hugged Shepherd, surprising him, then kissed his cheek. ‘We shall see you later tonight, my friend,’ he said. ‘ Inshallah.’

‘You can bank on it,’ said Shepherd. ‘ Inshallah.’

Shepherd looked at the GPS monitor. He had turned the brightness right down so that it wouldn’t interfere with the night-vision goggles. He slowed the boat to twenty knots and steered to port. ‘About a mile to go,’ he told Hussain.

Hussain hadn’t said much during the crossing: fifteen minutes into the trip he’d leaned over the side and

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