King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Kipling, Rudyard
Kissinger, Henry
Kopechne, Mary Jo
Korean War
Kraus, Karl
Kupcinet, Irv
Lal, Rattan
law of unintended consequences
League of Nations
Lee, Stan
Lenin, V. I.
Lewinsky, Monica
Lewis, Bernard
Liberal Arts
liberal education
Liberals, the Left
Conservatives misunderstood by
defense derided by
in election of 2008
essential fallacy of
“fairness” and
and fear of giving offense
government as viewed by
Israel disdained by
power worshipped by
work shunned by
world-view of
Lincoln, Abraham
Lincoln, Robert Todd
Lombardi, Vince
MacArthur, Arthur
MacArthur, Douglas
Macaulay, Thomas Babington
McCormick, Cyrus
McDonough, Yona Zeldis
McDougal, Susan
Mad Cow scare
Madoff, Bernie
Mailer, Norman
Malthus, Thomas
Mamet, David
childhood of
schooling of
in turn from Liberal to Conservative
Mamet, Henry
Mamet, Jack