The Larry Silver thing had thrown a big wrench into the plans. When Ramon called Raul to report on his successful mission, Raul told him to leave the body there, where it could be easily found, three blocks from Jules’s place. Then they’d have something to hang over Jules, if they needed it later. But that, it turned out, was a big miscalculation. Raul didn’t know the neighbors had called the cops about the noise. That the cops would make the connection.
Once the cops were all over Jules, Raul figured he’d be sorely tempted to cop a plea by implicating the twins. So Raul, pulling the double switch, convinced Jules that he had a plan to make sure Jules wouldn’t get pegged for the murder. Said he had some homeless sucker he’d frame for it. That way, Raul controlled the situation from every angle.
Hence Jules’s sudden calm and arrogance, I said. If he believed Raul, he figured he was bulletproof on the Larry Silver thing.
I wonder about that, though, said Butch. I can’t see Jules buying that story.
Yeah, I said. He was a wily little fucker. Much more probable that Raul told Jules he was going to pin it on Ramon. Told Ramon the homeless guy story.
His own twin brother? said the ADA.
I wouldn’t put it past him, Butch said.
I wouldn’t put it past him to actually do it, either, I said.
After all, said Dorita, Ramon actually did kill Larry Silver.
Didn’t even have to frame him, really, I said. Just needed to make a phone call.
And that was a scheme Jules would have no trouble believing in, said Dorita.
And then Veronica. At first it must have seemed a total disaster. But Jules didn’t see it that way. He just revised the plan. Because, apart from
Jules’s emotional motivation, which was real and, truth be told, understandable, now there was an even bigger pot of gold at the end of this particularly twisted rainbow: control of FitzGibbon’s corporate empire. With Veronica out of the way, and Jules disinherited, the only thing standing between the twins getting the whole damn thing was FitzGibbon himself.
And we had to believe, though we’d never know the details, that Jules had some plan to take it away from them.
Yes, I mused, it makes perfect sense. The two little geniuses, Jules and Raul, each no doubt believed that in the end he’d outwit the other.
But something doesn’t jibe, said the Nose. Why would Jules hold her in his own place? Maybe he could prevent her seeing him, but she’d hear him, wouldn’t she? You told us Lisa had to make a bunch of noise to prevent you from hearing Veronica. It had to work the other way too. She must have heard Jules talking. Wouldn’t she know his voice?
And even if she didn’t, the ADA said, she’d have overheard enough to figure out who he was.
I was thinking the same thing, I said. But there’s an explanation.
Which is? asked the ADA.
There’s only one way it all makes sense, I said. Jules never intended for her to live. His plan was never to just get the ransom. That was the lure. To get Raul and Ramon on board.
He intended all along to kill her, said Dorita.
And engineer FitzGibbon’s death as well, I said. Daddy was the real target. Right from the beginning.
Jesus, said Butch. Nicely done.
And, remarkably enough, the little prick had almost gotten away with it. But in any Byzantine scheme, there are always imponderables. Stuff you can’t predict. Lisa. The weak link.
Raul didn’t even give her a thought, Dorita said.
Actually, I said, we don’t know if he even knew she existed.
Good point, said Butch.
Jules saw the danger, though, I said. Hence his clumsy attempts to scare me away from her.
Didn’t work, said Butch.
Not lucky, said the ADA.
Not lucky enough, I said.
We talked through the rest of it. The whole thing could have come unraveled much earlier, of course. FitzGibbon was a hard-headed, and sophisticated, man. Controlling. As the thing dragged on, he started questioning Raul’s tactics. He wanted his Veronica back. He started talking about going to the cops. So Raul went to Jules, who had another brilliant idea. Or, more likely, it had been his plan all along. He began supplying the twins with psychotropic drugs. Whatever came to hand. Mescaline. Psilocybin. LSD. And Raul began spiking FitzGibbon’s food and drink with the stuff. Those things are hard enough to deal with when you know you’re taking them. For FitzGibbon, it must have been utterly disorienting, terrifying. He started to question his own sanity. He became more and more afraid, and Raul played on his fear, kept him off balance, and malleable.
In spite of their efforts, though, FitzGibbon had continued to display signs of suspicion, and, ironically enough, it seems that he really had become enamored of me.
Must have been the drugs, Dorita interjected.
No doubt, I said.
FitzGibbon had gotten increasingly insistent that I be hired to help with Veronica and the kidnappers. The twins didn’t for a minute think that FitzGibbon had figured out the scam – he was too far gone by then for that – but they were terrified that somehow, some way, FitzGibbon was planning to communicate to me the fact of the supposed kidnapping. To get me on the team. And they couldn’t take the chance that somehow I might stumble onto what was going on. On at least a couple of occasions Ramon had caught FitzGibbon trying to call me, and managed to cut off the call in time.
And I didn’t pick up the calls, I said.
You’ve lost me, said the ADA.
I kept getting these calls on my cell, I told him. ‘Private number.’ I ignored them. If I had answered the phone the first time, one time…
Hindsight is a wonderful thing, said the Nose.
I was starting to like the guy.
So, I said, the twins increased the dosages. And by the time of the fashion show that Dorita showed up at, FitzGibbon was basically a shell of his former self. An automaton. Incapable of forming an independent thought.
The drugs also explained his so-called suicide, we agreed. He had started to have hallucinations, terrible dreams. Fears and paranoia way beyond anything he’d known. And that had led, as a train wreck leads to twisted metal and death, to his plunge from the thirty-third-floor balcony. Whether the little monsters had planned for it to happen then, or in that way, we didn’t know. Most likely FitzGibbon just did them a favor, spared them from having to give him a little push over the railing.
But before he jumped, he felt compelled to leave one last word for Veronica, whom he still believed, or hoped, to be alive. The e-mail.
I guess I can see it now? I said to Russell Graham.
The ADA pushed a printout across the table: sorry doll i can’t really explain it’s so weird but doll you were right i’ve been unfair to Jules i wish we could have worked it out i love you both Eamon
I went to the office. The real office. Well. It didn’t seem so real anymore. I took my index cards with me. I closed my office door. I spread them out on the floor. I put into one pile all of those that made sense, in light of everything we’d learned. I put in another pile those that didn’t.
The second pile was empty.
I walked the length of the thirtieth floor. I acknowledged nobody. Lest I be deterred from my intended task. I strode past Cherise without a glance in her direction. I arrived at Warwick’s office door. I did not knock. I walked