Dorothy's tender asshole. She growled with agony and felt the muscles of her rectum clamor with burning grief. Her pink-rimmed asshole popped wide open to let the broad head abruptly pass, then slammed shut with a violent collapse.

Vic only trotted as far as the bedroom door and stopped. He looked up the stairs and his mouth fell open. Thick streams of white smoke billowed from under the attic door. He spun around and yelled to Len, “Holy shit, he's started a fucking fire up there! There's smoke all over the damned place!” Len brutally whipped his cock from Dorothy's stuffed throat and jumped from the bed. She dropped onto her belly and cried tears of relief. “That stupid shit!” Len howled as he bounded up the stairs and shoved at the door. It didn't open, it was locked. Unconsciously he reached down to his pocket, but he was nude, the pants were in Dorothy's bedroom. “The keys, they're in my pants!” he yelled at Vic. “Get 'em from her room!” Vic dashed into the bedroom where Dorothy lay weeping and grabbed Len's pants. He jerked the keys from the pocket with a foul curse and ran back up the stairs. Len opened the padlock and shoved the door open. They burst into the room and were assaulted with the thick, billowing smoke.

“Open the window!” Len yelled. “I can't! It's boarded shut!”

Vic cried back. “Where's the damned fire? I can't see a fucking thing!” David flew from their bedroom and took the stairs in two leaps. He grabbed the door and pulled it shut then slammed the padlock in place. Grabbing the keys and stuffing them into his pocket he jumped down the stairs and into Dorothy's bedroom. She jerked her head up and let out a cry of happiness. “Get dressed! Quick! We've got to get out of here fast! It won't take long for them to figure out how I escaped!” Dorothy grabbed her small bag under the bed and hurried on her slacks and blouse while David pulled the fat wallet from the discarded pants of Len. He threw the wallet into her small case, grabbed her by the arm and said, “Come on, next stop is New York City!” “What about them? Won't they burn?” she asked.

“Burning's too good for them, they'll get out!”

“Goddammit that burns!” Vic howled as he stomped his bare feet onto the red paper embers Len dumped from the wastebasket. Len threw a blanket over the smoldering, urine-splattered mess and smothered it.

The flames stopped but the smoke still hung heavy in the air.

“Where is he?” Vic asked. “Shit!” Len was jerking at the door. “Shit! Dammit! He got out!” “What?” Together they lunged against the door and it strained with a screaming creak but didn't give way. They smashed into it again but the exertion caused them to breathe more heavily. Vic fell away in a gasping fit of coughing. Len spit and kicked the door, he forgot he was barefooted and smashed his toes brutally into the wood. “Ahhhh! Dammit!

Shit!” “Hey,” Vic cried, “look in the closet! There's a chair in there!” Len limped to the closet and realized how David had escaped. He screamed at Vic, “You were supposed to check everything!

You were in charge of making this room break-out proof!” “Aw, fuck you!” Vic yelled back as he jumped onto the chair. “I'm getting out of all this damned smoke!” David started the truck and backed it down the driveway with Dorothy sitting beside him. He screeched the tires and turned onto the road. “Where do we go now?” she asked.

“Straight to the train station. Every minute longer I'm in this town makes me sicker and sicker!” As they were speeding through town Dorothy grabbed David's wrist and quickly said, “Stop!”

“Stop? Why?” “There's Ted!” “Dorothy, we don't have time for goodbyes! Vic and Len will be on our tail any minute!”

“I know! I know,” she excitedly answered. “Just let me talk to Ted and we won't have to worry!” The sense she was making dawned on David and his foot slammed onto the brake pedal hard enough to throw the car into a tail spinning stop. Ted saw them and came running over. “What's up?” he asked. As Dorothy rolled down her window she whispered to David, “Let me handle this-it will be my pleasure.”


David couldn't stop laughing as they pulled into the small train station and learned the next eastbound train would be by in ten minutes. They bought two tickets and plopped gleefully down onto the wooden bench on the platform next to the tracks. It was a clear, sun-shining day. “I don't believe you, sister. I just don't believe you,” David said with a voice full of admiration.

“Oh, come on, it wasn't that big a deal?” “Crying and sobbing on Ted's shoulder like that. Telling him how Len and Vic attacked you for no reason at all… and locked me up without food and water for days…” “That was all true…” David wiped the tears of laughter from his eyes. “Yeah, but did you have to tell Ted every exact detail? Where they assaulted you? And that business about Len and the carrots! That was just too much!” “Was it now?”

David slapped his knee. “And his expression, Christ, I thought his face was going to fall off! And after telling him all those horror stories you kissed him! Then told him we were going away for the rest of the week until the folks got back!” Dorothy shrugged. “Well, that was a little lie.” “And that you loved him and wanted nothing but him and now you didn't know if he'd ever want you again because of the filthy things they did to you! Jesus, he was close to tears!” “He's basically a very kind person. But I don't think he'll be kind to Vic or Len.” “Kind? He'll kill them! Man, I'd hate to be in their shoes right now!” “They deserve everything he gives them.” David grinned. “If I know Ted they'll have to get out of town real fast and real far.” “He won't let them get away,” Dorothy said with a happy giggle. “He promised to even the score didn't he? Ted's a man of his word.” David stood up. “I hear the train coming.” “Oh, good. What kind of seats did you get us?” “The best, sister. Only the best. We've got our own private sleeping room… it'll be a long ride to the big city.” She hugged his arm and inhaled the dry, hot air. “Boy, I sure won't miss this place,” she sighed. “What place? This is no place,” David added with a pill on her round bottom. Vic and Len had managed to hot wire their father's car and were speeding down the road in a search for David and Dorothy. “Where'd they go?” Vic asked.

“Damned if I know,” Len mumbled. “They stole everything, my keys, my wallet, damned near burnt the house down. When I get my hands on that skinny jerk I'll tear him into a hundred pieces!” “Okay, but where'd they go? Where are you going?” “Town! If they're not hiding out there we'll go look out at the lake!” “What about the train station? Think they might take off? You know, run away? Far away?” Len spit on the floor of the car and sneered. “Not them.

They ain't got the guts to leave this town! Shit, there ain't any place to go anyway. Naw, this is their home…” “Hey!” Vic cried as they entered town and saw Ted's convertible coming from the opposite direction. “There's Ted, maybe he knows where they went, he might have seen them.” Ted slowed his car down when he saw the frantic waves of Vic and Len. He pulled over and waited while they turned around and came back. His hands gripped the steering wheel with knuckle-whitening ferocity as they came closer and closer. His guts were in a knot, his throat bone dry, his pulse a jack-hammer in his veins. All he could think of was poor, innocent Dorothy at the hands of those two creeps. And carrots! Carrots! “Hey, Ted, you seen Dorothy or David anywhere?” Len called from his car window. “Pull over and get out,” Ted said with as much control as he could muster.

“I'll tell you where they are.” As their car pulled up in front of his Ted inhaled real deep, he felt a bubbling pleasure in his bowels, a thrilling excitement. The thrill of the hunt, the entrapment, the kill. He opened his car door and stretched his massive frame up onto his feet, heavily booted feet, feet with toes curled in anger and crying to feel the smash of screaming guts. Len was the first to come trotting up, grinning, giving Ted the usual look of admiration and respect. Vic was close behind. “You saw them?” Len asked. Ted inhaled again, he had never felt so great in his life.

For once he was going to crack some heads with a reason, this wasn't going to be any barroom brawl, no this was the kind of thing men like him dream of. This was revenge. His powerful fists roared out with the power of the train which was at that moment speeding Dorothy and David away forever. Their room was small, clean, intimate. Dorothy said she needed some rest and pulled the flip-down bed out. David yawned too. She giggled and opened her slacks. She wore nothing underneath, nothing but splendid, bare flesh with a curly mound of blond fuzz. The blouse was just as complete, it was the only cover on her large, jutting breasts with the ripe, succulent nipples poking out at David's watching, admiring face. She climbed onto the white sheets of the bed and stretched her languid, warm body. “I guess I'll have to buy all new clothes,” she said. As David slid his nude body in next to hers and kissed each beckoning nipple he replied, “Not for wearing around our apartment, no way.” She hugged his head

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