'Just pleased. Then he complained for a while about the food he's been getting, as usual, and then, all of a sudden, he went ape. He said we'd killed his bearer.'

Makalanos scowled. 'Just like that?'

'Just like that. There wasn't any warning, just one minute he was pissing and moaning as usual, then all of a sudden he was having fits. I tried to tell him that killing the Doc was the last thing we wanted to do, because we needed him, but he wasn't listening. Shaking all over. Screeching. As close to hysterical as I've ever seen him. We couldn't calm him down, even though we kept telling him the Doc was all right.' He paused there, and then asked, 'He is all right, isn't he?'

Was the creature all right? The obvious way to find out was to query headquarters. What was wrong with that was that Makalanos felt a little foolish about asking that sort of question on nothing more substantial than the unsubstantiated conjecture-or hunch, or suspicion-of the bizarre little beast from space. Colonel Makalanos didn't like to feel foolish.

He liked it even less when the Bureau duty officer assured him that of course the Doc was all right, the Starlab party was busily loading Scarecrow materiel into the LuftBuran at that very moment. 'Anyway,' she added, 'when they're through there'll be a report, so why don't you just watch your news screen?'

Nettled, Makalanos sent Dannerman back to give Dopey the word and do his best to keep him quiet. Then he considered what he should do next. Was it worth reporting Dopey's hysterics to the deputy director?

It probably was, he thought-but when he tried to get through he found the D.D. was not taking calls-was getting ready to head for Kourou himself, to be there when the LuftBuran landed with its cargo.

He swore to himself. Colonel Makalanos was as good at following orders as at giving them, but what orders was he to give to deal with Dopey? And who was to tell him what to do, with Brigadier Morrisey off somewhere in orbit and the deputy director too busy even to answer his phone?

D. S. Fennell, that was who; the one who had signed his latest orders. Makalanos put in a call to her on the coded line, and found her impatient, harried, annoyed at being bothered-but willing to talk. She listened briefly, then shook her head. 'Did you tell him the Bundles for Beasties were on the way? And that didn't cheer him up? Well, just do the best you can, Priam.'

'I wish I knew more of what was going on,' he complained.

'Don't we all? But what's to tell? There was a Chinese submarine shadowing the tug with the capsule, but be warned them off from territorial waters and now they're headed south. To Kourou, I guess. And there were a couple of Mexican frigates that got too close and had to be chased away-and, naturally, a lot of diplomatic complaints, but screw them. So everything's under control… I hope. Now can I get back to dealing with all this crap, please?'

'I guess,' Makalanos said reluctantly. 'Daisy? What are you doing with this Starlab stuff? I thought you were assigned to head up all the rest of the Bureau's business?'

Unwarranted Exclusion of Peaceful Shipping

Federal officials in the Costa Rican Naval Department have announced that Costa Rican fishing and pleasure vessels have been driven out of international waters in the vicinity of the recent landing of the spacecraft from the 'Scarecrows.' Our ambassador in Washington has asked for an appointment with the American State Department in order to file a protest against this high-handed act.

– Tico Times, San Juan, Costa Rica

She gave him a wry look. 'What other business? Haven't you been paying attention? There isn't any. It looks like all the subversives are* pulling their heads in. Right now this Scarecrow stuff is about the only action around.'

Agent Dannerman knocked and came in while Makalanos was channel-surfing the civilian news. 'Dopey wants to talk to you, so Pat's going to bring him along,' he reported.

'Talk about what?' Makalanos asked, glancing away from a late-breaking story about the English Prime Minister's hurried visit to Cardiff, in Wales.

'About this idea he has that something's happened to his Doc. He's quieted down some, so it ought to be all right.' He was looking past Makalanos, at the news screen. 'I guess that's part of this Welsh thing,' he offered. And, when Makalanos looked perplexed, he added: 'It was scuttlebutt going around in Arlington. The way I heard it, the Welsh nationalists were negotiating with MI 5 for a truce, and this Dawid ap Llewellyn guy? He was supposed to be surrendering to the police in Brownsville.'

'I hadn't heard,' Makalanos admitted.

'It's getting to be an epidemic. The Ukrainians, the Tamils in Sri Lanka, the Shining Path in, where is it, Peru? Even the Cambodian rebels and the Irish. I haven't heard anything like that about our own nut groups, but all over the world there are these revolutionaries packing it in. Makes you wonder-ah, there he is.'

Dopey had waddled in, Pat One right behind him, as they were talking. The little alien seemed subdued- worried, Makalanos thought, although he had not learned how to read Dopey's feelings from any expression on the cat face or hues of the great fantail. As Pat One lifted him onto a chair and began to work the controls of the screen, Dopey commented, 'It is a common thing.'

Makalanos looked at him. 'What is?'

'This submerging of differences. Many affiliated races have behaved so, in that time of fear and confusion before they came to accept the Beloved Leaders.'

'Or didn't,' Dannerman said sharply.

'Oh, yes, Agent Dannerman, that is true. Some did not. With inevitably tragic results.' The thought seemed to cheer him up. He added politely, 'One hopes your species will not necessitate extreme measures, but your actions must not give provocation. It is my bearer I am concerned with!'

From her position crouched beside the screen, Pat One interrupted. 'Fight later, guys. I've got something.'

The news screen she had been working over now showed the face of Colonel Hugues duValier, clutching a bracket to keep himself from floating around, and proudly informing the world that he, Colonel duValier, had successfully completed his mission and they were preparing to return to the Kourou base as soon as they were in position for the reentry.

Then the camera panned around the ship. Makalanos saw Hilda's face, peering into the camera, and the German astronauts, and the baffling bits and pieces of alien technology, and the giant, silent figure of the Doc, curiously wearing a sort of metal babushka, but obviously alive and well.

There was a startled shriek from Dopey.

Makalanos turned to him. 'What's the matter? He isn't dead, is he? He's all right-'

The little alien seemed stunned. He mewed to himself for a moment, seeming at a loss for words. Then he said: 'He is not at all all right, Lieutenant Colonel Makalanos. It is worse than I feared! Something must be done at once!'

Pat One, perched on the arm of Dopey's chair, tried to soothe him. 'Take it easy, will you? Look, they'll be back soon, then you can see him yourself, so if you're worried-'

'I am worried, Dr. Adcock! I am extremely worried! Can't you see, the bearer has cut himself off from contact? It is an extremely dangerous situation, and-and-and there is no alternative. He must be destroyed. Please order him shot at once!'


Back on the ground, Hilda Morrisey discovered that Kourou had changed. While she and her shipmates were looting the old Starlab the population of the Eurospace complex had exploded. Planes were landing every hour, bringing in more and more people. The planes weren't just any old commercial jobs, either; these were official government aircraft, from forty or fifty different governments, and every one of them was packed with lawyers and high officials and whatever that government could scare up in the way of scientists and engineers to squabble over the loot as it came off the LuftBuran.

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