‘To Warsaw.’
Louverture gave a loud guffaw. ‘Impossible! It might have escaped your notice, Mademoiselle, but the powers that be in this pestilential place they call the ForthRight have decided to eliminate that part of their population. Warsaw is now a war zone and hence the Rhine is patrolled by ForthRight naval vessels with orders to sink any barge entering those waters without requisite authorisation. Even the most courageous of captains would be reluctant to undertake such a mission.’
‘I will offer two hundred guineas a litre, delivered to Gdansk dock.’
Ella felt the gaze of Louverture settle on her, as he tried to assess whether she was on the level. Louverture shook his head. ‘It is still impossible. To smuggle such a quantity of blood is beyond the wit of man.’
‘Of course, Monsieur,’ Ella said sweetly, ‘if such a transaction is too big for you, then I must find a more powerful partner.’
As she thought it might, the prospect of letting twelve million guineas slip through his fingers caused Louverture to make a hasty reconsideration. ‘Twelve million guineas? That’s a fortune.’
Ella took a sip of her champagne and waited for greed to work its magic. ‘I promised you I was going to make you an obscenely rich man!’
Louverture laughed. ‘Beautiful women like you, Miss Thomas, promise men many things. Unfortunately they generally promise much more than they ever deliver.’
‘Monsieur Louverture, believe me, I never disappoint. I never tease. When I say I will do something, I always deliver. I have never left a man unsatisfied.’ Vanka choked on his champagne and it took both men at the table a few moments to digest Ella’s little announcement. ‘But for twelve million guineas, there is one other service I would ask to be included in this bargain.’
This had been Vanka’s real brainwave. The problem Ella and Vanka had struggled with was how to smuggle Ella out of the ForthRight: as a Shade she was too easily identified and hence would never be able to get through CheckyaPoints, especially now her alias of Marie Laveau was known and the passport Vanka had acquired for her useless. But if she travelled as part of the Revue Negre she would be just one Shade amongst dozens.
Louverture’s right eyebrow arched in suspicion at Ella. ‘And this is?’
‘I need to travel to NoirVille, but unfortunately I lack the necessary documents. I want to become a temporary member of the Revue.’
‘That’s not a problem: better too many beautiful women than too few. No, the problem is the blood: that I’ve gotta think about.’ Just then the music coming from the dance floor shifted and immediately Louverture turned towards the stage. ‘But if you will indulge me for a moment, Mademoiselle, this is the climax of the evening. This is Miss Josephine Baker’s piece de resistance.’
Ella recognised the dance immediately. It was the danse sauvage, the dance that had made Josephine Baker into one of Europe’s biggest and most controversial stars. As the music mutated into a rippling pattern of African rhythms, Josephine Baker, accompanied by a tall, muscular male partner, took the stage.
For a moment Ella could barely breathe with excitement: Josephine Baker was her heroine. Josephine Baker was the girl who had achieved everything that Ella was determined to achieve. She had been born into poverty in St Louis at the turn of the twentieth century and had the courage to quit her native America to seek fame and fortune. She had made a new life for herself in a far-away country and found stardom as a dancer and singer in Paris of the 1920s.
Josephine Baker was a girl who had triumphed over adversity; just like Ella intended to.
Ella was simply thrilled to be seeing Josephine Baker in the flesh
… and there was a lot of flesh on display. All the dancer was wearing as she whirled onto the dance floor was a pair of black satin bikini pants and her iconic skirt made up of a string of artificial bananas. The pants, the skirt and her broad smile – which seemed to illuminate the Resi – constituted all her costume. Her near-nakedness drew gasps from the audience and there were some jeers and catcalls from the more UnFunDaMentally inclined customers but these were drowned out by the cheers and the applause of Josephine Baker’s fans.
For Ella it took a moment for the dream and reality to mesh. Somehow La Baker seemed smaller than she had imagined, younger too, but when she started to dance there was no mistaking her. No one could mistake the sheer energy and exuberance the girl brought to her dancing. But there was more than energy and a dancer’s panache in her performance… there was also an unbridled eroticism.
When she had read about Josephine Baker’s danse sauvage, Ella had imagined that apart from the nudity, it would be pretty tame. She had been wrong. It was obvious that the authors who had described the decadence that had washed through Continental Europe in the early 1920s hadn’t been brave enough to tell the truth about the levels of salacious debauchery plumbed in post-war Berlin and Paris.
Now Ella realised what all the fuss had been about, just why Josephine Baker had shocked European society a century ago. Her dance was earthy, it was animalistic, it was erotic and it was untamed. Shit
… it was borderline pornographic.
As Josephine Baker spun and twirled across the floor, snaking and slithering her slim and wonderfully toned body around her partner, Ella began to understand why the dance had been labelled ‘degenerate’ by the critics of the day. Josephine Baker connived to include all the moves and gestures in her dance that any ‘respectable’ person would know to be taboo. The one saving grace was that the dancing was performed at such break-neck speed that it was almost impossible to appreciate just how down and dirty it actually was. And it was obscene
… obscenely artistic.
The girl, Ella decided as she watched open-mouthed, must be double-jointed; there was no other way to explain how anyone could leap and cavort as Josephine Baker did. Dressed in her tiny costume, she tore across the stage in a whirlwind of splits and pirouettes, wriggles and shakes. Her arms, rump, head and legs all moved seemingly independently of one another, shaking and snaking to the various rhythms laid down by the band’s pulsating jad.
The remarkable thing was that though her audience was liberally flecked with a sizeable number of Shade- hating SS officers – the quantity of black uniforms Ella could see attested to that – the vast majority of the audience loved her, clapping and cheering, laughing and shrieking as the black dervish whirled across the dance floor. In two or three breathless minutes the danse sauvage was over, leaving the audience stunned… agog with astonishment.
She was replaced on stage by a chorus of crooning men, who obviously ranked much lower in Monsieur Louverture’s affections than Josephine Baker. ‘She’s amazing, is she not?’ breathed Louverture as he mopped his forehead with a handkerchief, gazing all the while in a rapturous manner at the stage where Josephine Baker had just performed. Here, Ella thought, was a man in love.
He was also a man who was no longer in the mood to talk business: for the next ten minutes he resisted all Ella’s attempts to get him to commit to supplying blood to Warsaw. Even the prospect of earning twelve million guineas didn’t seem enough to overcome his intransigence. She was just on the point of admitting defeat when she became aware of a woman standing next to her clad in a gown of shimmering blue silk, a colour that set off her tawny skin to perfection. The huge brown eyes of Josephine Baker gazed down at Louverture and his guests.
Looking at her, Ella realised the photographs she had studied of her heroine didn’t do her justice. Sure she was as lissom as she had been pictured, sure her hair was flattened down in her trademark slicked-down, Eton-crop hairstyle, and sure her eyes were as expressive and as enticing as Ella had imagined they would be – but no photograph could ever capture the sheer vitality that radiated out of the woman. Just standing there, hip cocked, smiling down at Louverture, Josephine Baker pulsed with energy and unsuppressed joie de vivre.
‘Say, Louffie honey, ain’t cha gonna introduce me to your new friends?’
Louverture and Vanka leapt to their feet so quickly that they rattled the table. ‘Ma cherie,’ crooned Louverture as he kissed the dancer’s hand, ‘may I have the pleasure in introducing Colonel Vanka Maykov and his friend, Mademoiselle Ella Thomas. Colonel, Mademoiselle, I have the great honour of introducing the Black Venus… the Shade Goddess… Mademoiselle Josephine Baker.’ Josephine Baker held out her hand to Vanka who bobbed his head to kiss her fingers, then shimmied herself into the seat next to Louverture, rewarding him with a flirtatious little peck on his cheek. As Louverture poured her a glass of champagne, she looked up and smiled at Ella.
‘You a dancer, honey?’ Josephine Baker asked. ‘You sure got the chassis for it.’
‘I was a dancer when I was younger, Miss Baker, now I sing.’
‘No kidding?’ Josephine Baker raised her left eyebrow in surprise. ‘You looking for a job, honey?’
‘Miss Baker, nothing would give me greater pleasure than to sing in a show in which you were starring. And