293 relationship with testosterone levels,
Ruminant Feed Ban (1988), 282 157-60
Rutherford, Ernest, 46 Sulston, J o h n , 246
Supreme Court (American), 290
Sadiman volcano (Tanzania), 32 Sutton, Walter, 45
Salk Institute, 116
salmonella, 142 Szilard, Leo, 280
Sanger Centre, 246, 301
Sapir, Edward, 92 Tatum, Edward, 47
Schrodinger, Erwin, 12, 14 Tay-Sachs disease, 191
SCID (severe combined immune Tjio, Joe-Hin, 24
deficiency), 249-50 Tooby, John, 102
scrapie, 272-4, 276—7, 279-82 Tredgold, Alfred, 294
Second World War (1939-45), 48, 79, 291 Trivers, Robert, 117-8, 215, 310
sexually antagonistic genes, 107-21 Trousseau, Armand, 67
sexual selection, 4 2 - 7 , 5 2 - 3 , 158-60 Tully, Tim, 224-5
Shannon, Claude, 15, 16 Turing, Alan, 15, 16
Shaw, George Bernard, 292 Turner's syndrome, 216-7
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 171
Shimojo, Shin, 312 uracil, 51
sickle-cell anaemia, 141
Sigmundson, Keith, 218 Vallejo, Eugenia Martinez, 206
Skinner, B. F., 92 van Helmont, Jan Baptist, 15
Skuse, David, 216-7 Vavilov, Nikolay, 4 7 - 8
SLI (specific language impairment), Venter, Craig, 246
9 7 - 1 0 1 , 106 Verdun, Battle of (1916), 232
Southwood committee (1988), 282 von Tschermak, Erich, 44
Spanish Civil War (1936-9), 48
Spearman, Charles, 80 Walker, Alan, 33
Specified Bovine Offals Ban (1989), 282
Spencer, Herbert, 287-8 Watson, James, 13, 14, 48-50, 61, 196, SRY, 110-12 299, 305-6, 308
St Bartholomew's Hospital, 39 Webb, Beatrice, 292
St Hilaire, Etienne Geoffroy, 180 Webb, Sidney, 292
Wederkind, Claus, 144-5 Wilson, E. O., 306, 310
Wedgwood, Josiah, 294-5, 297 Wilson, Vicky, 132
Weinberg, Robert, 237 Woese, Carl, 20
Wellcome Museum of Medicine, 273 Wohler, Friedrich, 15
Wellcome Trust 246 Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome, 54-5
Wells, H. G., 292 Wood report (1929), 296
Werner's syndrome, 203
Wernicke's area, 97, 101 'xeno-transplants', 129
Wexler, Alice, 64 X-rays, 47, 176, 233, 294
Wexler, Milton, 57-8, 64 Xq28, 117, 118
Wexler, Nancy, 6 2 - 3 , 64, 264
Whorf, Benjamin, 92 Yerkes, Robert, 79
Wieschaus, Eric, 176 Young, J. Z., 27