This is the culminating triumph of the digital hypothesis with which this book began. Genes are just chunks of software that can run on any system: they use the same code and do the same jobs.
Even after 5 30 million years of separation, our computer can recognise a fly's software and vice versa. Indeed, the computer analogy is quite a good one. The time of the Cambrian explosion, between 540 and 520 million years ago, was a time of free experimentation in body design, a bit like the mid-1980s in computer software. It was probably the moment when the first homeotic genes were invented by one lucky species of animal from which we are all descended. This creature was almost certainly a mud-burrowing thing S E L F - A S S E M B L Y l 8 l
known — with delicate contradiction — as the Roundish Flat Worm, or RFW. It was probably just one of many rival body plans, but its descendants inherited the earth or large chunks thereof. Was it the best design, or just the most brilliantly marketed? Who was the Apple of the Cambrian explosion and who the Microsoft?
Let us take a closer look at one of the Hox genes on human chromosome 12. Hox
It also becomes clear why we have up to thirteen Hox genes in each cluster rather than eight, as flies do. Vertebrates have post-anal tails, that is spines which go on well past their anuses. Insects do not. The extra Hox genes that mice and people have, which flies do not, are needed for programming the development of the lower back and tail. Since our ancestors, when they became apes, shrank their tails to nothing, these genes are presumably somewhat silent in us compared with their equivalents in mice.
l 8 2 G E N O M E
We are now in a position to face a vital question. Why are the Hox genes laid end-to-end, with the first genes expressed at the head of the animal, in every species so far investigated? There is as yet no definitive answer, but there is an intriguing hint. The foremost gene to be expressed is not only expressed in the foremost part of the body; it is also the first to be expressed. All animals develop from the bow to the stern. So the co-linear expression of the Hox genes follows a temporal sequence, and it is probable that the switching on of each Hox gene somehow switches on the next one in line or allows it to be opened up and read. Moreover, the same is probably true of the animal's evolutionary history. Our ancestors seem to have grown more complicated bodies by lengthening and developing the rear end, not the head end. So the Hox genes replay an ancient evolutionary sequence. In Ernst Haeckel's famous phrase,
'ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny'. The embryo's development occurs in the same sequence as its ancestors' evolution.7
Neat as these tales are, they tell only a fraction of the story. We have given the embryo a pattern - a top— down asymmetry and a bow-stern asymmetry. We have given it a set of genes that get turned on according to a clever sequence of timing and thus are each expressed in a different part of the body. Each Hox compartment has switched on its special Hox gene, which in turn has switched on other genes. The compartment must now differentiate in the appropriate way. It must, for example, grow a limb. The clever part of what happens next is that the same signals are now used to mean different things in different parts of the body. Each compartment knows its location and identity and reacts to the signals accordingly.
Our old friend
It in turn is triggered by another gene called
of mirror-image wing with two front halves fused back to back in the middle and two back halves on the outsides.
It will not surprise you to learn that
The story starts with the discovery in Greenland in 1988 of a fossil called
of bones in the wrist from which digits were flung off towards the rear (little-finger) side. You can still just see this pattern in an X-ray of your own hand. All this was worked out from dry bones of fossils, so imagine the