swapping of chunks of, 98—99

Dahomey, 173—74

Claudius, 200

Daly, Martin, 235—36

Clutton-Brock, Tim, 117

Dart, Raymond, 325

Coalitions of males, 195—97

Darwin, Charles, 6, 8, 9, 14, 20, 27, 31—33, Coelacanth, 31, 63

37, 60, 63, 64, 134—36, 138, 139,

Cognitive approach, 321

142, 148, 162, 223, 249, 304, 311,

Cohen, Fred, 69


Coming of Age in Samoa (Mead), 318

Darwin, Erasmus, 23, 240

Commons, tragedy of, 91, 127

Darwinian history, 243—44

Communication, 332—34

Dawkins, Marian, 159, 161

Competition, 64, 65, 93, 94

Dawkins, Richard, 9, 15, 66—68, 96, 124,

diversity and, 60

158, 333—34

female, 232

Deep structure of language, 314

sexual selection and, 133, 136

Deer, 187

within species, 33—34

Democracy, 206—7

testicular size and, 222

Descartes, Renf, 316

violence and, 202

Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex Complexity, 15—16

(Darwin), 134

Computer viruses, 69

Despotism, I98—200, 206—7, 211, 272

Concealed ovulation, 229—32

Determinism, 261—63

Conditioning, 178, 252

Diamond, Jared, 148, 216

Conflict, 17—19

Dickemann, Mildred, I26—27, 197

Conjugation, 95, 102

Dio, 200

Connectionism, 321

Dionysus effect, 339

Connor, Richard, 196, 337

Diploidy, 44, 97

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