Survival of the fittest, 33
disease-resistance and, 150—52, 155—56
Swallows, 152—53, 21 I, 223—24, 227
fat distribution and, 159—61
Swift, Jonathan, 209—10
female-choice theory of, I 34—42,
Symington, Meg, 117, 118, 120
161—62, 164—66
Symmetry, 152—53
Fisher' s theory of, 142 —46, 152—5 3,
Symons, Donald, 182—83, 191, 232, 253,
162, 164, 166, 167
269, 271—72, 274, 296, 333, 339
Good-genes theory of, I42—43, 145—50,
152—53, 162, 164, 167
honest signals and, 153—59
Tacitus, 200, 202
intelligence and, 3 38—44
Talmud, 120
pluralistic view of, 166—67
Tang Dynasty, 199
sensory bias and, 161—64, 167, 168
Tangled bank theory, 60—63, 65, 81, 86
symmetry and, 152—53
Tannen, Deborah, 253
Shakespeare, William, 4, 10—I
Taxonomic assumption, 314
Short, Roger, 219, 220
'Temple of Nature, The' (Darwin), 23
Sickle-cell anemia, 72
Terns, 139—40, I44
Silverman, Irwin, 251
Territoriality, 177, 187, 203
Simpson, Wallis, 287, 290
inheritance and, 239
Singh, Dev, 291—92
Skinner, B: F:, 319, 333, 349
Testicular size, 219—22
Slime-mold, 102
Testosterone, 20, I23, 156, I57, 254—58,
Small, Meredith, 213
Smith, Adam, 93
Thai people, 244
Smith, Holly, 327
Thinness, 287—91