allowance, and the big wad would go to the foundation. Melvin had made it very clear that Eric and I should have no expectations beyond simply living in the style to which we had become accustomed.

We were born to be idle rich, Eric and I, and we’d never risen above it. I wondered what our new allowance would be. Katie was feeling constrained by our thirty thousand a month.

Ahead of us, the hearse turned onto the gravel road into the cemetery. We parked beside it. As we waited for the other cars to park, I walked to the open grave. What a view he’d have, of the cliffs and the waves breaking. I was about fifty feet from the edge of the grass, and it was twenty feet straight down from there into the violent water. In a thousand years the whole place would be gone, worn down by the surf. Usually he planned better than that, but while it lasted, it would definitely be a view to die for.

There were six pallbearers. Nathan Kern and the governor took the middle on each side, for show. The casket was heavy, though, and it needed at least four strong men out of the six. So Eric and I were in front, and two gardeners from the estate were in back. We walked the short distance slowly. The sun was bright, between clouds; the better to dramatize the moment. The mourners added darker colors to the brilliant blue and greens, and the brown of the earth piled by the grave.

Five minutes after we set the box down, we were done with the words and the gardeners were lowering it into the ground. I took the shovel they handed me and dropped some ceremonial dirt down on top of the box, and then a couple more good heavy loads just for the exercise. I was just kicking into gear, and I would have filled the whole pit, but then I had to stop. I felt lightheaded and my vision blurred and my breath stuck in my throat, and that was when I knew he was gone. I dropped the shovel and walked over to the cliff, and I didn’t know if the pounding I heard was the waves or my own blood filling my ears.

Then Katie was beside me. “Jason? Are you all right, dear?”

I nodded. Wherever we all end up going, he was there now- where he knew the answers to all my questions and where I couldn’t ask them of him. I looked around again at the strength and ferocity of that place with its hard stone and unrelenting breakers. It was everything hard, without mercy or forgiveness. I hoped he’d enjoy it.

“Come on, let’s go back.” Katie sounded nervous. She knew me well enough to want me away from the cliff.

“Don’t worry.” The moment was over. I took her hand and we strolled back to the others.

We stood for the right number of minutes in the rolling clouds and sun, nodding to the mourners, saying the proper words. The cloud shadows were chill, a reminder that the New England summer would soon have its own abrupt end.

“I’m getting cold, dear.”

I hadn’t noticed Francine next to us. The last I’d seen her, she’d been talking to the senator.

“You should go home, Mother,” Katie said. “I’ll call tonight.”We watched her skitter across the grass, like a little crab.

“I’m getting cold, too,” I said.

“No, you aren’t.”

“Let’s go home anyway.”

My own car was waiting for us. I was about to open the door for Katie when Melvin’s lawyer waddled over to us.

Fred Spellman was a nice man. He must have been very smart to have been Privy Counsellor, but I’d never seen him in action. To us, he had always been Uncle Fred, and I had better childhood memories of him than of Melvin.

He gave me a paternal pat on the back and kissed Katie’s hand, and I might have thought he’d been crying. But he took a deep breath and pulled himself together.

“Well, well.” Then he paused and took another breath and tried again. “Well. We have some things to discuss, Jason, my boy. I need to have you and Eric come see me.”

“Right. The reading of the will.”

Melvin’s secretary, Pamela, was next to us. She really had been crying, and she still was. She hugged Katie, patted my shoulder, and walked on, all without words. I watched her.

“It won’t take long,” Fred was saying. “Would tomorrow morning be too soon? Or do you need time to… adjust? I don’t want to hurry you, but there are some things that will need attention, sooner rather than later.”

“That’s fine. The body’s still warm, but at least it’s underground.” I looked away from Pamela to my watch. “We could do it right now, sitting on his grave. That would be poetic. I’ll call Eric.”

“He’s not serious,” Katie said. “What time tomorrow?”

Maybe I had gone too far with him. He stared at me in a way I hadn’t seen. “Nine o’clock?” he suggested. “Eric is available.”

“What about Angela?” I said. “The grieving widow, you know. The scene wouldn’t be complete.”

“She will have her own meeting.”

“Whatever.” I opened the door and Katie slipped in. “May I bring my wife?”

“That will be at your discretion.” He smiled, the old teddy bear smile. “I think you should. It helps to face these things together.”

I shrugged. “It’s really not a big deal, Fred. Not to me. We’ll just putter along like always. Nathan Kern will have the headaches.”

That look again. I couldn’t read it, and it was not from the kindly family friend I’d always known. But then we both turned to watch Eric vroom vroom out of the cemetery on his Yamaha. Nice touch, or it would have been if the thought had occurred to him. I would have done the motorcycle-at-the-funeral thing to make some kind of statement. He did it because he was oblivious.

Or maybe the bike was the most presentable thing he had. None of his five cars was very solemn. The leather jacket was going to mangle the borrowed suit.

“Tomorrow morning, nine o’clock.”

“I’ll be there, Fred.”

I got in the car, but not fast enough. Nathan Kern floated elegantly up to the window.

“Jason! I don’t know what to say.” Not that that had ever stopped him from saying it. “It just doesn’t seem possible.” If Fred was the king’s chamberlain, Nathan was the archbishop.

“Apparently it was,” I said. I was the court jester.

“We will need to talk. I know the foundation will be as important for you as for your father.” Selfless nobility, thy name is Nathan Kern.

“I don’t plan to have much part in it.”

He was surprised at that, and he shouldn’t have been. He knew me better. “But it was always Melvin’s foremost concern.” His elegant fingers were trembling. I thought the diamonds would fall out of his cuff links.

“He left his estate to it. I feel sorry for you, Mr. Kern. You have some big responsibilities now.” I was getting tired of the day or I might have been a little nicer. I could feel Katie preparing the lecture. “Give me a week, and I’ll be glad to come see you.” By then I might even build up some curiosity about him and his world. There had to be something beneath the sanctimony.

“Yes, yes, of course,” he said.

I took that as a good-bye and closed my window.

We finally got out onto the road. “You could have acted like an adult,” Katie said.

“That’s not my way.”

We’d come up behind a truck, and there was no place to pass.

The coast road went on a few more miles like this, two winding lanes. “Everyone there was looking to you to take your father’s place.”

“I’d rather die.”


I punched the accelerator and passed blind on a curve. The road ahead was clear so I kept the speed up. Katie held on to her shoulder belt.

“You don’t have to kill me, too.”

I slowed down. “All right, I won’t. But the only reason I’m not taking this car off a cliff is because I don’t want to die the same way Melvin did.”

“Thank you.” She would have bitten through the guardrail, her jaw was clenched so tight. I needed to make a

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