reach of his tools.
He wished he had a better light on it -
His breath caught in his throat. There was a feeling as if the universe had stopped for an instant; then a shock of alarm. His scalp began prickling as if an icy, soundless wind had come astir above his head.
He knew somehow exactly what was going to happen next — and that there was no use trying to revoke his wish. Some klatha machinery already was in motion now and couldn’t be stopped…
A second or two went past. Then an oval of light appeared quietly about the recess, illuminating the setting within. It grew strong and clear. The captain realized it came from above, past his shoulder. Cautiously, he looked up.
And there the little monster was, suspended by its base from the upper deck. Its slender neck reached down in a serpentine curve to place a beam of light precisely where he’d wanted to have it. His skin kept crawling as if he were staring at some nightmare image -
But this was only klatha, he told himself. And after the Sheewash Drive and other matters, a lamp which began to move around mysteriously was nothing to get shaky about. Ignore it, he thought; finish up the job…
He reached down with the tools, laboriously adjusted the thrust setting, tested it twice to make sure it was adjusted right. And that wound up his work in the engine room. He hadn’t glanced at the lamp again, but its light still shone steadily on the shaft. The captain collapsed the tools, stowed them into his pockets, balanced himself on the curving surface of the drive shaft, and reached up for it.
It came free of the overhead deck at his touch. He climbed down from the shaft, holding the lamp away from him by the neck as if it were a helpful basilisk which might suddenly get a notion to bite. In the control room he placed it back on the desk, and gave it no further attention for the next twenty minutes while he ran the throttled engines through a complete instrument check. They registered satisfactorily. He switched the main drive back on, tested the emergency override. Everything seemed in working condition; the
He came back with the coffee, finally stood looking at the lamp again. Since he’d put it down in its usual place, it had done nothing except sit there quietly, casting a pool of light on the desk before it.
The captain put the cup aside, moved back a few steps.
“Well,” he said aloud, “Let’s test this thing out!”
He paused while his voice went echoing faintly away through the
“Move over to that table!” he told the lamp.
The whole ship grew very still. Even the distant hum of the drive seemed to dim. The captain’s scalp was crawling again, kept on crawling as the seconds went by. But the lamp didn’t move.
Instead, its light abruptly went out.
“No,” Goth said. “It wasn’t me. I don’t think it was you either — exactly.”
The captain looked at her. He’d grabbed off a few hours sleep on the couch and by the time he woke up, Goth was up and around, energies apparently restored.
She’d been doing some looking around, too, and wanted to know why the
“Short hops,” the witch nodded reassuringly. “No real runs for a while, though!”
“Short hops should be good enough.” He reflected. “I read that item in the Regulations. They right about the klatha part?”
“Pretty much,” Goth acknowledged, a trifle warily.
“Well…” He’d related his experiences with the lamp then, and she’d listened with obvious interest but no indications of surprise.
“What do you mean, it wasn’t me — exactly?” he said. “I was wondering for a while, but I’m dead sure now I don’t have klatha ability.”
Goth wrinkled her nose, hesitant, said suddenly, “You got it, captain. Told you you’d be a witch, too. You got a lot of it! That was part of the trouble.”
“Trouble?” The captain leaned back in his chair. “Mind explaining?”
Goth reflected worriedly again. “I got to be careful now,” she told him. “The way klatha, is, people
He frowned. “Not quite.”
Goth tossed her head, a flick of impatience. “It wasn’t me who ported the lamp. So if you didn’t have klatha, it wouldn’t have
“But you said…”
“Trying to explain, Captain. You ought to get told more now. Not too much, though… On Karres they all knew you had it. Patham! You put it out so heavy the grown-ups were all messed up! It’s that learned stuff they work with. That’s tricky. I don’t know much about it yet…”
“You mean I was, uh, producing klatha energy?”
But he gathered one didn’t
A light dawned. “That’s why they waited until I was off Karres again before they moved it!”
“Sure,” said Goth. “They couldn’t risk that with you there — they didn’t know what would happen…” He had been the subject of much conversation and debate during his stay on Karres. So as not to disturb whatever was coming awake in him, the witches couldn’t even let him know he was doing anything unusual. But only the younger children, using klatha in a very direct and basic, almost instinctive manner, weren’t bothered by it. Adolescents at around Maleen’s age level had been affected to some extent, though not nearly as much as their parents.
“You just don’t know how to use it, that’s all,” Goth said. “You’re going to, though.”
“What makes you think that?”
Her lashes flickered. “They said it was like that with Threbus. He started late, too. Took him a couple of years to catch on — but he’s a whizdang now!”
The captain grunted skeptically. “Well, we’ll see… You’re a kind of a whizdang yourself, for my money.”
“Guess I am,” Goth agreed. “Aren’t many grown-ups could jump us as far as this.”
“Meaning you know where we went?”
“I… no, let’s get back to that lamp first. I can see that after your big Sheewash push we might have had plenty of klatha stirred up around the
“Looks like you pulled in a vatch,” Goth told him.
She explained that then. It appeared a vatch was a sort of personification of klatha, or a klatha entity. Vatches didn’t hang around this universe much but were sometimes drawn into it by human klatha activities, and if they were amused or intrigued by what they found going on they might stay and start producing klatha phenomena themselves. They seemed to be under the impression that their experiences of the human universe were something they were dreaming. They could be helpful to the person who caught their attention but tended to be quite irresponsible and mischievous. The witches preferred to have nothing at all to do with a vatch.
“So now we’ve got something like