'Are you worth any of my time or not? Two sorts of bravery that I can think of. Physical – blokes jumping out of aeroplanes, running across open ground chucking hand grenades at pill-boxes, doing boys' games stuff. Don't know, but I'd reckon that's the easy bit.

Try the next one. Moral, standing against the flow, not crossing to the other side of the road to avoid involvement, being your own person. Going into Timo Rahman's garden is bravery, but I don't know which.

Do I stay or do I dump you? I give you my word, you'll get no sympathy from me. Tell it like it was, not all the crap about Iraq and what you were called and how far you fell, but what brought you here. Tell it straight.'

He felt the grip on his chin and jawbone slacken.

Her spectacles had misted and the blossom flakes obscured her penetrating gaze. Malachy began haltingly, as if a great shyness enveloped him, to tell a story of an old lady – widow of a London Transport bus driver – who had gone to bingo alone. 'But it was not for her, it was for me. It was to be able to stand and not back away, confront and not flinch. I'm not proud.'

'Just get on with it,' she said.

He told her about a pyramid, where the vagrants were at the base, and about the High Fly Boys who were the next stratum up.

A manhunt fanned out across streets, parks, hotels, churches, clubs and pavement cafes to search for the owner of a brown fleck overcoat.

The target area was the city where a fortress had been built in the ninth century on the instructions of Ludwig the Pious, son of Charlemagne, at the junction of the Alster, Bille and Elbe rivers.

An army of men was mobilized, all of ethnic

Albanian origin, and had the common factor of loyalty to the fis, the clan, headed by the absolute authority of Timo Rahman. Ignorant of history, driven by obedience to Timo Rahman, men were briefed by the kryetar, the under-bosses, and were directed to smaller squares on the city map where they should seek a prey. In charge of each crew, of not more than ten men, was a chef. That morning, the codes and disciplines of distant Albanian villages settled on the streets of Hamburg. Word passed to the smallest groups that a cheap hotel on the Steindamm had yielded up the remnants of the fugitive's clothes, and a description – taken from a terrified Tunisian at his reception desk – was given them.

The Hauptbahnhof was watched and the passengers leaving on Inter City Express trains were checked. Men stood idly by the ticket machines at U-Bahn and S-Bahn stations. They were at the checkin counters of the airport, and at the terminus for long-distance buses. It was as if a foreign virus spread in the veins of a great city.

Among the hunting packs, spread out across the length and breadth of Hamburg – from Poppenbuttel in the north and to Maschen in the south, from Eidelstadt in the west and Mummelmannsberg in the east – there was desperate enthusiasm for success, to win the praise of the pate, Timo Rahman, and his gratitude.

A kryetar directed a chef to work his crew along the length of the park, the Planten und Blumen. That crew, five of them, who were all from a remote village close to the Macedonian border, made a line across the gardens, with their chef on the central path. They were house thieves, skilled pickpockets and pimps, and they made slow, careful progress from the park's St Pauli end. They knew nothing of the heritage or history of the city around them. Prosperity, wealth, opportunity made a flame that attracted moths. They were from the immigrant masses that had surged inside the city. Welcomed at first because they provided the menial labour force, they had later become detested when they changed the nature and culture of Hamburg.

Only Timo Rahman, the power and the untouch able, had the authority to stage a search of such magnitude, to cast a net of that width… None knew why a man had so crossed the pate that hundreds hunted him. The crew with their chef, all dreaming of the reward of success, moved through the park, passed the great justice building where thieves, pickpockets and pimps were sentenced, and the walls of the remand gaol where they were held before conviction – none looked at the court or the prison. As the rain poured down on them, they hunted a man.

'You are joking, Ricky? Is this some sort of wind-up?'

He swung his legs over the side and dropped down on to the pontoon.

'I tell you where I am, Ricky… I am inside a damn great harbour with a damn great sea wall protecting it, and we are still being blown half out of the bloody water. What you're saying, Ricky, it's not a starter.'

He held the mobile to his face and used his other hand to steady himself against the boat's side. The pontoon shuddered under his boots. The rest of them on the boat were inside the old wheel-house, scraping seventy-year- old wood to make it ready for the first coat of varnish. Harry Rogers, alone on the pontoon where only an idiot would be, shouted into the phone:

'I'm down in the west. There's no possibility of putting to sea because there's a depression settled in, and going to be there for a week. I'm working with mates on a restoration. There's storms forecast all week, not just down here. The North Sea's as bad, maybe worse. It's out of the question – sorry and all that.'

The wind bent in arcs the rigging his friends had already replaced on the beam trawler whose hull had been laid down in a yard across the harbour – now gone and replaced by holiday apartments – in 1931. He had not bought into the syndicate owning the boat because it was fully subscribed, and his ambition was bigger. One day he would have his own.

Across the harbour, spray burst over the sea wall.

Against the pontoon, the ropes holding the boat groaned in the swell.

'I tell you this, Ricky, for nothing. No one's out, not even the fish. Not here, not in the Approaches, not in Irish waters, absolutely not in the North Sea. Try listening to the forecast. Don't take my word – listen to the bloody shipping forecast. Where are you? Don't you have a radio there?… Oh, you're in Germany, oh.

It'll be no different there, not on their North Sea coast

– could be bloody worse, frankly.'

The rain spattered on his face. It ran from his slicked hair and down his cheeks. Because he had been inside the wheel-house when the phone had rung, he had not had his waterproofs on – but it was Ricky on the phone and he'd come running from the earshot of the other men.

'I'm not being difficult, Ricky – never have been and won't start now. I'm telling it like it is… Steady. Of course I know what you've done for me. Steady on, Ricky. Listen, I deal in facts… Well, what you want and what's on the weather forecast just happen to be two different things… I'm not being difficult. When was I ever?'

He had blustered his protests, in the wind and in the rain, out on the pontoon that lifted and fell under him. Harry Rogers had known that in the end, push coming to shove, he would buckle. He would bend as the rigging did in the wind.

'You're not telling me what's so important? No, of course not.. . Best I can do, Ricky, is to get up there tonight, load up, sail on the night tide… You'll give me the co-ordinates on the VHF?… Have to be good enough, won't it?… I don't know how long it'll be.

No, I am not giving you shit, Ricky. You're looking at two-fifty nautical miles and there'll be waves over the top of us. We'll make what speed we can… No, I'm not saying you're shouting, Ricky… Been good to talk, as it always is… Yes, and you too, you look after yourself.'

He heard the call cut, the purr in his ear, and put the phone into his pocket. He slid back on to the old trawler's deck, went into the wheel-house and lied about 'something' having come up that required his attention at home. On the quay, as he walked into the force of the weather, he rang his son and found him in a supermarket – endured the disbelief – then called his grandson.

'If you obstruct me and refuse permission for the cameras – which you are entitled to do, citing a violation of human-rights legislation – then I make a promise to you. The affairs of your company – a travel agency, yes? – will undergo a most detailed inspection from the Revenue. It would be the type of inspection that you would find both time consuming and expensive in your accountant's fees, and it is from my experience inevitable that irregularities in your financial affairs will be exposed. Or you can choose not to obstruct me but to welcome my technicians to your home and allow them to fit cameras.'

Johan Konig sat in the back office of the travel agency's flagship premises. Back in Berlin, he had learned that the kaisers of the industrial and commercial world had a fear only of excessive attention from fiscal investigators. Nothing fazed them but the nightmare of tax people rooting in their affairs.

'I am sure you are aware that the Revenue are often clumsy in their dealings with businessmen to whom a reputation of probity is important. Carrying out computers and files when the front hall of a workplace is crowded with customers, attracting inevitable attention on the pavement, with the damage that creates, is often their way..

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