bag. “Do you think they’re gone for good?” she asked.

“I think so.”

“You’re not sure?”

I looked up at her. “Pretty sure is the best I can do,” I said. “I can’t guarantee anything for anyone.”

She looked at me for a while and gave a tiny nod. “I appreciate your letting me know,” she said again. She ate a potato chip. “Did you call Ned too?”


“He must’ve been relieved.”

“I guess. I left a message, and I haven’t heard back.” I laughed a little, but it came out sounding choked. “Lauren said to give him time. I figure a year or so might do it.”

I packed a polo shirt and jeans and tucked my shaving kit next to them. I took a black nylon waist pack from my closet and opened its two pockets. I put a flashlight, a small pry bar, a couple of screwdrivers, a Swiss army knife, a putty knife, and a couple of pairs of vinyl gloves in one. I took the Glock 30 from my bureau and slipped it in the other. I zipped the waist pack and put it in a side compartment of my overnight bag. Jane watched, and her face was very still.

“Where are you going?” she asked.

“Lenox. It’s in western Mass, in the Berkshires.”

Jane crunched loudly on another chip and nodded. “I used to go there in the summers with my parents. It’s a little early for the music, but I guess you’re not going for that.”

“It turns out Danes inherited a house up there, from his late friend and neighbor Joe Cortese. The final transfer took place two months ago, just before Danes split. There’s no phone in Danes’s name in that neck of the woods, and Cortese’s old number is out of service. I’m going to knock on the door.”

Jane looked at the bag again. “And if there’s no answer?”

“I’ll let myself in.”

She glanced at the clock on my nightstand. It was six forty-five. “It’ll be late by the time you get there.”

“I’ll wait until tomorrow to go calling.”

She picked another chip from her bag. “Renting a car?” I nodded. “It’s- what?- a three-hour drive from here?”

“Three and a half,” I said.

“Where are you staying?”

“A place called the Ravenwood Inn, right in town. The woman there said she’d keep a light on for me.”

“Cancel your rental. I’ll give you a lift.”

I zipped up my bag and looked at her. “Don’t you have to work?”

A tiny smile crossed her face. She shook her head. “We’re all but done. We’ve got final versions of the agreements, and all we need now is board approval. Our board said yes today; the buyer’s board is meeting at the end of the week. Until then, I don’t have much to do. Besides, I’ve had my car for three months now, and I’ve used it maybe five times. It’s going to go stale or something if I don’t let it run.”

I took a deep breath. “I don’t know what I’m walking into up there, Jane.”

“It’s not like I’m going with you on your house call. There’s a nice spa up there. I’ll go get myself wrapped in something, or maybe I’ll look at some real estate. Or maybe I’ll just lie in bed all day and eat bonbons.”

I shook my head. “Really, it could be… complicated.”

“I consider myself warned. You want me to sign a release or something?”

“I’m serious.”

She folded down the top of the potato chip bag and tossed it on the bed. She brushed her palms together and dusted off the crumbs. “So am I. I know what you do for a living, John; I’m a big girl.” She crossed her arms on her chest. “Those guys following us took me by surprise- they freaked me out. And those photos…” A shiver rippled through her, and she shook her head.

“I’m sorry that that happened, Jane. I wish-”

She held up a hand. “I know. I know you’re sorry. It was a passing thing, and now it’s past. But you can’t keep that stuff from me, okay? You have to let me know what’s going on.”

We were quiet for a while and I looked into her dark, weary eyes. “Are we taking the chips?” I asked.

It took Jane twenty minutes to shower, change into jeans and a T-shirt, and pack a bag. Twenty minutes after that we were in her gray Audi TT in a fast-moving stream of traffic, northbound on the Henry Hudson Parkway. Jane was behind the wheel; I manned the CD player and doled out the potato chips.

The Hudson River was black below us and empty, but for a tug pushing south toward the harbor. Yellow light spilled from its bridge and vanished on the oily water. The Palisades rose like a stone wave across the river, beneath a mass of purple clouds.

Jane squinted into the oncoming headlights and drove fast and well. And though she was tired, she was full of a nervous energy that could only dissipate itself in talk. It was lurching, lopsided conversation that lingered on no one topic but skittered among several without segue.

“We deferred the issue of my ongoing participation,” she said. “We took it out of the deal agreements and the buyers are making a separate offer.”

“They really think they can convince you?”

“They really think so.”


“And they’re really wrong,” she laughed. An SUV swerved into our lane without a signal. Jane punched the horn and the Audi made a sonorous bark. She downshifted, slid left, swore softly, and passed the SUV.

“I don’t know what went on with you two,” she said, “but you should give Lauren a call.” I didn’t answer, and she glanced at me sideways. “Whatever it was, it left her pretty upset.” She glanced at me again. “She really worries about you, and she looks out for you. She spoke to Ned the other day, and he told her he’d hired that woman you liked for the security job- the ex-policeman, Alice something.”

“Ned hired Alice Hoyt?”

Jane nodded. “Lauren thought you’d like that.”

“I do- she’ll do good work for Klein- but I didn’t expect Ned to see it that way. Especially after what happened.”

“Lauren was funny when she told me; she does a great Ned imitation.” Jane puffed out her cheeks and lowered her voice. “I may not like what he’s doing with his life, but there’s no denying he knows his business.” Jane looked sideways again and smiled. “You should call her.”

We took the Henry Hudson into the Bronx, to the Saw Mill River Parkway, and we took that into Westchester. Traffic was heavy all the way. I put on a Steely Dan disc, and when Fagen started singing “Janie Runaway,” Jane talked about vacation plans.

“I was thinking about Europe- maybe Venice or the lake countrybut then I thought that’s too much work, and maybe what we could use is some serious vegetable time. To me, that means ocean.” She glanced over. I nodded. “It’s late to find something on the Vineyard or Nantucket, but we could get something on the Maine coast or maybe farther north, like Nova Scotia. Or we could go out West- northern California maybe.” She glanced over and I nodded once more. “Bermuda’s nice too,” she added.

“Uh-huh,” I said. I knew by the silence that followed that that wasn’t enough. Or maybe it was too much.

Traffic thinned when we got on the Taconic Parkway, and it thinned some more as we drove in silence through Briarcliff and Ossining. As we crossed the Croton Reservoir, Jane spoke again, and the sound of her voice startled me.

“I’m getting tired. You better drive.”

We pulled off the Taconic in Jefferson Valley and switched places in the parking lot of a shopping center. Jane tilted her seat back. She kicked off her loafers and tucked her feet beneath her. I adjusted the driver’s seat and checked the mirrors. Jane looked at me and spoke very softly.

“Do you want to go on this vacation with me?” she asked. “Just tell me, yes or no.”

“Yes, I do… sure I do. We just need to see about the timing, that’s all. I’ve still got this case-”

“But you want to go?”

“We just need to work out the timing.”

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