We compromised on two medium pizzas, since Kate didn't want pepperoni 'leaking' over to her vegetarian side of the pie. I enjoyed every slice and talked as we sat on one of the couches in Kate's family therapy room.
'So you've figured out that Kent Dugan is not a nice man.' Kate closed her pizza box and wiped her mouth with a napkin. I noticed she'd eaten only one small slice. 'I hope you'll take the chief's advice and steer clear, Abby. Let Boyd handle him.'
'Even though Dugan knows more about JoLynn than he's telling, I'm definitely keeping my distance. I've already screwed up enough trying to investigate him.'
'You found out about the copy machine and laminator,' Kate said. 'That's important.'
'True. I'll bet he made the fake inspection and registration stickers as well as the driver's license for JoLynn.'
'Why would he make her a fake ID?' she asked.
'That's what we need to find out,' I said. 'I only know it can't be a coincidence that she lived with someone who could have made those forgeries for her.'
'What if she really is Dugan's sister?' Kate checked her watch. We had only an hour together and our time was almost up.
'Then why introduce herself as his wife?' I said. 'And I'm not only taking Dugan's word on that. Roberta Messing believed they were married.'
'Could all this be part of some bigger fraud?' she said.
I considered this. 'You mean Dugan has known all along where she was, that
'I hadn't thought it through that far, but yes, that could be the answer,' she said.
I sighed. 'Why do I
'You saw a comatose young woman, a helpless, battered girl. Our only knowledge of her before her car wreck comes from the Richter relatives and the veterinarian. Some of those folks thought she was a sweet, gentle book lover. Some thought she was a manipulator. If we conclude who she is and what she's like without firsthand information, that's not really fair to her, is it?'
I smiled. That was it. 'Thank you, Doc. You're absolutely right. I always trust my instincts on whether a new client is sincere, but JoLynn and I have never actually met. I only know her through everyone else's perception.'
Kate stood. 'People are never one-dimensional and they do love to keep secrets. JoLynn is probably no different. It's a fascinating aspect of human nature, one that has kept me very busy today. Now, could you help me clean up before my clients start arriving for therapy?'
'Sure. But you didn't eat much.' I picked up my empty pizza box and Diet Coke can.
'I wasn't all that hungry.' She walked over to the open kitchenette door and dumped her box in the garbage can. Then she held out a sponge in exchange for my trash. 'Wipe the crumbs off the table, would you?'
In this tiny interaction, I could see her physically withdrawing from me—this after I mentioned her appetite.
I gripped her arm. 'Look at me, Kate.'
'What?' She tried for a clueless expression and failed miserably.
'It's time you let me in.'
'What are you talking about?'
'You're thinner than ever, you say you have no appetite and you don't share your feelings anymore. I want you to talk about how that man shattered your belief in yourself.'
She blinked away the sheen of tears. 'Okay, but not tonight. I have work to do.'
The walk to where I'd parked in a garage several blocks from Kate's office did nothing to rid me of the worry I felt seeing my sister still hurting after so long. She'd been duped into believing a man cared for her, fell hard and then was forced to face the truth.
And then it dawned on me. Why should I be surprised she went straight to the con angle with JoLynn? Duh. Sometimes I think I'm about three-fourths of a half-wit.
It was eight o'clock and the sun was about to give up for the day, but the heat and the traffic left the air thick with exhaust and humidity. Just breathing made me tired, but then this had been a long, difficult day.
I reached the garage, took the elevator up—way, way up—then walked toward my car. The Camry looked lonely in its far-off corner. I'd had to crowd into that spot when I arrived, but now most people had left. My hollow footsteps on the concrete were joined by another sound.
I looked back, saw no one.
But I was certain I wasn't alone.
I picked up my pace, fumbling in my bag for my remote and car keys.
Too late. When I turned this time, I saw him coming at me fast. The man was quick and efficient. He restrained me from behind with a damp, gloved hand over my mouth and a muscular arm around my chest and shoulders. He pulled me against him and whispered, 'You need to quit digging around in her past. You don't know what you're getting into.
Over the noise of blood pounding in my temples, I thought,
My alarm was going off, and I thought,
I managed to sit and press my back against something as equally hard as the floor. Either I was as drunk as a waltzing pissant or something bad had happened. My vision was so blurred I couldn't see much but blended gray and black. I blinked several times, trying to focus.
The smell of mildew, car fumes and garbage surrounded me. The parking garage.
Since the world remained fuzzy and dim, I felt around to my right like the blind woman I'd become, and touched a car bumper.
That's when the real alarm started up—the extra-fancy and very loud car alarm I just
Damn it, I was about to become deaf as well as blind if I didn't shut that stupid thing off. Another button poke and this time I got it. Blessed silence.
I sat there, and thank God, my sight slowly returned. I realized through the haze of my thoughts that I was near the passenger side of my car up against the parking garage wall. How in hell had I ended up here?
I didn't remember being hit on the head—but then, would I remember? I reached up and felt around for bumps or cuts. Nothing hurt . . . no swelling or blood.
'Maybe you should get your little old self out of here, Abby Rose,' I said out loud. But the words didn't come out right. They slid together and I laughed again.
But when I tried to stand, I discovered that even if you haven't been bashed senseless, your brain can be as screwed up as if someone had removed it and put it in backward. My legs reacted like I'd tried to stand on teddy bear legs.