Nick picked it up.

He unrolled it carefully. He saw immediately that it was on some sort of light-sensitive paper that made it impervious to photocopying. And even as he unscrolled it, he thought he watched the type dilute in clarity; an hour in the sun and this baby was history. No one could duplicate it, except maybe the geniuses at the Bureau’s legendary Forensic Documents Division.

The cover letter was written in Spanish, addressed to somebody named General Esteban Garcia de Rujijo of the Fourth Battalion (Air-Ranger), First Brigade, First Division (“Acatatl”), Salvadoran Army. It was signed by a Hugh Meachum, no affiliation given. It said, as best as Nick’s clumsy Spanish could understand, that the mission as outlined orally in their last meeting was being undertaken by the extremely efficient organization with which the writer was certain the general was familiar, and that it was to everybody’s best interest that the business be completed as quickly as possible. The writer also took the liberty of enclosing some background material – highly sensitive! most secret! – so that the general could rest assured the very best professional people were handling the job, and that therefore he was not to make any attempts himself, as that would completely undermine the cause in whose service they all labored so diligently.

Nick lifted the cover letter to examine the document itself.

It was Annex B.


When he wasn’t shooting, Lon was studying.

He began with rote memory; he divided the map into one foot squares and attempted to commit each to the files deep in his brain. He worked everything out, slowly, one step at a time, with plodding thoroughness. He sat there in the field headquarters hut in Virginia in his wheelchair and just stared and stared at the miniaturized plastic mountain range spread out on the table before him, rocking back and forth on the fulcrum of his belly.

After memorizing the material so perfectly that he could see it in his dreams, he began to look for firing lines. He needed a certain distance, height, a good vantage point, the light behind him, no cross breezes, plenty of camouflage. One by one, he tested sites against his cluster of requirements, finding and discarding possibilities.

When he worked, no emotion showed on his face. It was a wintry Yankee face, iron as New England, the face of a man who knew death because he was himself mostly corpse.

Finally, days into the study, he beckoned to Colonel Shreck.

“Here,” he said. “I found it.”

His finger touched a valley deep in the vastness of the Ouachitas, far, far from the town of Blue Eye.

Shreck bent to read the inscription where the blunt finger marked it.


Dobbler was astounded at how banal Bob found him. He had presumed, with no small amount of vanity, that Bob would find him fascinating, would ply him with questions, would in some way admire him.

Using Bob as others had used him, Dobbler had unburdened himself in one epic purge, like a mega-couch- session, letting it all pour out, his sins, his fears, his weaknesses, his guilts. He even blubbered as he confessed, while secretly admiring his own performance.

But Bob had just looked at him all squinty-eyed.

“What do you want?” Dobbler demanded when he was done. “Tell me, and I’ll give it to you.”

Bob regarded him without much interest.

“Don’t you trust me?” Dobbler wanted to know.

“It doesn’t matter a lot.”

“Why don’t you ask me more questions?”

“You’ve talked enough. You’ve talked too much.”

“Don’t you want to know how Shreck’s mind works? About the relationship between him and Payne? Don’t you want – ”

“Can you tell me how to kill him?”

“Uh – no.”

“Then you don’t know a thing that interests me.”

“But there’s so much more – ”

“You think what you told me is so important. But it doesn’t matter a spoon of grease to me, unless it can give me an advantage in a week or so. Meanwhile, you save it for Memphis; he’ll listen to you. I just want you to stay here and don’t wander off, you hear? You’re just another problem I have to solve.”

That was the beginning. Then Bob went out with his rifle for several hours, leaving Dobbler cabin-bound. Bob didn’t have to tell him that to wander off was to die in these remote regions.

In the cabin, Dobbler was always cold. He shivered from dawn till dusk, threw wood on the fire – “If you don’t stop using up that goddamn wood, I’m going to make you chop it your own damn self,” Bob had said testily – and sat there, sinking into misery, unmoved by the showy blaze of autumn that was exploding like napalm bursts all around. He hated the filth of it also, the lack of a toilet and toilet paper, the same socks and underwear day in and day out. He hated his own smell and wondered why he just got dirtier and Bob somehow seemed always immaculate.

Then one night, late, the door burst open.

Dobbler bolted up in sheer terror, sure they’d been discovered by one of the colonel’s raiding parties. But it was a large, angry young man with a thatch of blond hair and a rumpled business suit who seemed to be wearing four guns under his coat. This would be Memphis, the doctor surmised, and indeed it was. He smiled, anticipating someone more in his world than Bob.

“Who’s this sorry sack of shit?” Nick wanted to know.

“Says he’s one of Shreck’s men. He’s come over to our side because he didn’t realize these boys were Nazis. He has a tape over there with the massacre on it.”

“Who the hell are you, mister? Are you working for Shreck?”

“My name is David Dobbler. I’m a graduate of Brandeis University and Harvard Medical School. I’m a practicing psychiatrist – although some years ago the board removed my certification.”

“He was the smart boy who looked at me like a bug on a pin back in Maryland, Pork.”

“Jesus Christ!”

“As I told Mr. Swagger, I recently discovered that the acts of RamDyne were not, as I had been informed, in the national interest but rather the adventurings of a rogue unit. Naturally, I felt – ”

“That’s all shit, mister,” said Memphis, who had the policeman’s gift for locating weaknesses swiftly and exploiting them greedily. “You must have found something out that you thought Shreck would kill you over. And he probably would.”

“Yes, he would. I have – evidence. Of a massacre.”

“Evidence,” snorted Nick. “The world is full of evidence.”

“Visual evidence. On tape.”

Bob pointed to the cassette, which lay haphazardly on the mantel.

“He says they filmed it.”

“Terrible things,” Dobbler said. “Women, children, in the water. The machine guns, the laughing soldiers, the commanders. The Americans.”

“You have this Shreck? On tape?” Nick said, astounded.

“Yes. And little Jack Payne as well. Giving the orders, guiding a Salvadoran general. It’s all – ”

Nick turned to Bob.

“Jesus, just maybe that would do it. It would certainly suggest a motive for killing the archbishop, and with a motive we could get the investigation reopened and other things might come out.”

Bob thought on this for a second.

Then he said, “Hear him out. See what he’s got. I’m getting out of here for a time. You two geniuses of

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