Nat: I’m asking. Is there anything after?
Nat: Oh, then I will actually see something?
Death: Well, maybe I shouldn’t have put it that way. Throw.
Nat: To get an answer from you is a big deal.
Death: I’m playing cards.
Nat: All right, play, play.
Death: Meanwhile, I’m giving you one card after another.
Nat: Don’t look through the discards.
Death: I’m not looking. I’m straightening them up. What was the knock card?
Nat: Four. You ready to knock already?
Death: Who said I’m ready to knock? All I asked was what was the knock card.
Nat: And all I asked was is there anything for me to look forward to.
Death: Play.
Nat: Can’t you tell me anything? Where do we go?
Death: We? To tell you the truth,
Nat: Oh, I can’t wait for that! Is it going to hurt?
Death: Be over in a second.
Nat: Terrific.
Death: How’s four points?
Nat: You’re knocking?
Death: Four points is good?
Nat: No, I got two.
Death: You’re kidding.
Nat: No, you lose.
Death: Holy Christ, and I thought you were saving sixes.
Nat: No. Your deal. Twenty points and two boxes. Shoot.
Death: No. Play.
Nat: Why not?
Death: Because you fall on the floor! Leave me alone. I’m trying to concentrate.
Nat: Why must it be on the floor? That’s all I’m saying!
Why can’t the whole thing happen and I’ll stand next to the sofa?
Death: I’ll try my best. Now can we play?
Nat: That’s all I’m saying. You remind me of Moe Lefkowitz. He’s also stubborn.
Death: I remind him of Moe Lefkowitz. I’m one of the most terrifying figures you could possibly imagine, and him I remind of Moe Lefkowitz. What is he, a furrier?
Nat: You should be such a furrier. He’s good for eighty thousand a year. Passementeries. He’s got his own factory. Two points.
Death: What?
Nat: Two points. I’m knocking. What have you got?
Death: My hand is like a basketball score.
Nat: And it’s spades.
Death: If you didn’t talk so much.
Nat: What’d you mean before when you said this was your first job?
Death: What does it sound like?
Nat: What are you telling me-that nobody ever went before?
Death: Sure they went. But I didn’t take them.
Nat: So who did?
Death: Others.
Nat: There’s others?
Death: Sure. Each one has his own personal way of going.
Nat: I never knew that.
Death: Why should you know? Who are you?
Nat: What do you mean who am I? Why-I’m nothing?
Death: Not nothing. You’re a dress manufacturer. Where do you come to knowledge of the eternal mysteries?
Nat: What are you talking about? I make a beautiful dollar. I sent two kids through college. One is in advertising, the other’s married. I got my own home. I drive a Chrysler. My wife has whatever she wants. Maids, mink coat, vacations. Right now she’s at the Eden Roc. Fifty dollars a day because she wants to be near her sister. I’m supposed to join her next week, so what do you think I am -some guy off the street?
Death: All right. Don’t be so touchy.
Nat: Who’s touchy?
Death: How would you like it if I got insulted quickly?
Nat: Did I insult you?
Death: You didn’t say you were disappointed in me?
Nat: What do you expect? You want me to throw you a block party?
Death: I’m not talking about that. I mean me personally. I’m too short, I’m this, I’m that.
Nat: I said you looked like me. It’s like a reflection.
Death: All right, deal, deal.
Nat: Sixty-eight… one-fifty… Well, you lose.
Nat: So I’ll see you tomorrow.
Death: What do you mean you’ll see me tomorrow?
Nat: I won the extra day. Leave me alone.
Death: You were serious?
Nat: We made a deal.
Death: Yeah, but-
Nat: Don’t “but” me. I won twenty-four hours. Come back tomorrow.
Death: I didn’t know we were actually playing for time.
Nat: That’s too bad about you. You should pay attention.
Death: Where am I going to go for twenty-four hours?
Nat: What’s the difference? The main thing is I won an extra day.
Death: What do you want me to do-walk the streets?
Nat: Check into a hotel and go to a movie. Take a
Death: Add the score again.
Nat: Plus you owe me twenty-eight dollars.
Nat: That’s right, Buster. Here it is-read it.