'The female Sorcery-Lord. Called Dreamsinger. She showed up at a tavern and—'
'You met a Spark Lord? When?'
'Tonight,' I said. 'Just a while ago. Now she's gone to Niagara Falls, and we need your boat to—'
'So this Sorcery-Lord is in Niagara Falls?'
'That's where she said she was going.'
'And you want my boat to go there too?'
She drew away from me — not abruptly, but in typical Gretchen fashion: a squeeze of mock affection, then an ooze of regretful detachment, and finally a playful flash of her naked body before she closed the comforter around herself. 'All right,' she said, 'we'll head for Niagara Falls.'
She'd probably claim that she dressed in a hurry… and she
So I sat on the bed and waited as patiently as I could. Trying to rush Gretchen was worse than useless — if you annoyed her, she slowed down to punish you. The woman had a knack for petty vindictiveness: entirely unconscious too. She'd be genuinely shocked if you suggested she was deliberately taking longer than necessary to redden her lips, pluck her eyebrows, and choose which garters went with which stockings inside which boots to wear on a muddy night in late thaw; and then she'd slow down even more.
Gretchen could drive a man mad in so many ways.
'Now tell me,' she called as she rummaged through boxes in her closet, 'what did this Dreamsinger look like?'
'Don't know,' I answered. 'She was hidden in Kaylan's Chameleon.'
Gretchen stuck her head out of the closet. 'Now I
'If you were my ideal sexual object, do you think I'd admit it?'
She laughed and disappeared back into the closet — no doubt convinced I couldn't possibly desire any woman besides herself.
I said, 'You realize this trip might get dangerous? We aren't the only ones going to Niagara. Have you heard of the Ring of Knives?'
'God, those people? I swear, that dreadful Warwick Xavier spies on me with a telescope.'
'He's a smuggler; he watches the lake for customs agents.'
'He watches my windows for a glimpse of my booboos.'
'Do you ever give him one?'
Gretchen laughed. 'Of course. Every girl needs someone to torture.'
'In addition to herself.'
Gretchen didn't dignify that with an answer. For a while, the only sound from the closet was the squeal of metal hangers scraping sharply along clothes- rods.
'So,' I finally said, 'why so many shine-stones tonight?'
'Nothing, darling, just a whim.'
'What kind of whim?'
'An idle one.'
Since she couldn't see me, I rolled my eyes. 'You weren't, for example, afraid of the dark and wanted as much light as possible? Or feeling so depressed, you thought the light would cheer you up?'
'Don't be ridiculous. I feel fine.'
'Really? Titania was worried about you.'
'What did she say?'
'She didn't say anything. But she has a way of twitching her whiskers…'
'Titania should keep her whiskers to herself.' Gretchen stuck her head out of the closet again. For some reason, she was wearing a green felt hat shaped like an iguana. The rest of her was still naked. 'Really, darling, I'm fine. Honestly.'
She vanished once more into the closet. I could hear boxes being shoved around… or possibly being kicked. Under all that racket, she murmured something so softly I couldn't make it out.
'Beg pardon?' I said.
Gretchen didn't answer right away. Then she spoke in a manner intended to sound airy and offhanded. 'I suppose Titania thought I was upset because the Earl of Brant canceled his visit yesterday. But why should that bother me? He's a busy man; he said he had pressing affairs of state.'
I winced. For centuries, the phrase 'affairs of state' has meant hopping into bed with some trollop. The expression is so universally associated with sex that people in government avoid it when referring to legitimate activities — if you truly spend your time on official duties, you don't say you're dealing with affairs of state. That only makes folks snicker.
Besides, I
Gretchen must have known that too: she was blind about many things, but astute in detecting the lies of unfaithful lovers — she had extensive knowledge of such lies, having used them all herself. No callow pup like the Earl of Brant could deceive Gretchen Kinnderboom, especially with such a transparent excuse. Affairs of state indeed! The earl was thumbing his nose at her, as if she wasn't worth inventing a better story.
I knew it. Gretchen knew it.
Gretchen must also have known I'd see through the earl's lie… yet she told me anyway. Almost as if she were
That was the way things were. I cared what Annah thought, but all I had left for Gretchen was pity: that the earl's cruel brush-off had shaken her so badly she was finally seeking an emotional connection with me.
Just a few hours too late.
'So you must have been bored,' I said, trying to keep my voice light, 'sitting here without company. Why didn't you send me a note?'
'Don't be ridiculous. I wasn't bored.' The rummaging in the closet had gone silent. 'Besides, what would you think if I
'No. It looks like she needs a friend.'
'True.' Though she'd tried to buy men on many occasions. 'So why are you interested in this Spark Lord?'
The rummaging sounds resumed, plus the clatter of hangers and the opening/closing of the drawers built into the closet. 'I've never met a Spark,' Gretchen said as she rifled through her wardrobe. 'It's one of my lifelong dreams.' She faked another laugh. 'You know what a horrid social-climber I am.'
'This Spark isn't social, she's a
'But she won't do that to
'I don't think Dreamsinger cares whether her actions make sense. She's a few candles short of a black mass, if you catch my meaning. Either that, or she just
Gretchen stuck her head out of the closet again. Still naked from the neck down, she had on a black suede cowboy hat and long diamond earrings. 'You talk as if you know all about the Sparks,' she said.
'No one knows all about the Sparks; but my governor grandma studied them as best she could. Asking other governors for information… gathering reports on where particular Spark Lords had been seen… what they did… whom they associated with…'
'It's a wonder the Sparks didn't kill your grandmother for snooping.'
I shrugged. 'They expect such behavior from governors; they even approve. The more a governor learns about Spark Royal's capabilities, the less that governor is likely to cause trouble.'
'Because the Sparks are unpredictable and have outrageously powerful technology?'
Gretchen disappeared back into the closet. 'Rumor has it they're backed by extraterrestrials.'
'Yes,' I agreed, 'rumor has it.'
'High-up races in the League of Peoples.'