'You want them in the same casket?' Victor asked.
'Of course not!'
'We only got the one casket,' Vickie said. 'Either we double up or somebody goes without.'
'You'll get another casket.' Impervia's voice was the hissing fuse on a bomb. 'You'll put this woman in the casket you have and you'll get another casket for that woman there. You'll be quick about it and you'll handle them with respect.'
'Here,' I said, stepping forward. I had my trusty purse out and enough cash in hand that I hoped Vickie and Victor would shut their mouths. 'This will cover your expenses. Just do what needs doing.'
Vickie and Victor stared at the money a moment, then both reached to grab it. They had a three-second shoving match over which of them would take possession of the gold.
Under other circumstances, it might have been funny.
Impervia stomped away to the edge of the lake and stared out over the water. She kept her back turned as the teenagers picked up Myoko's body.
Pelinor drew me aside. 'While Impervia was speaking with the undertaker,' he said, 'I arranged for a coach to Niagara Falls. There's no regular run scheduled, so, uhh, we'll have to pay extra.'
I nodded; whatever the price was, I could cover it. Didn't I always pay for everything? I could afford the coach and the coffins as easily as I bought the first round of drinks whenever we went to a tavern.
(It occurred to me, we'd probably never go bar-crawling again. With Myoko gone, we couldn't bear the hollowness. We might even start avoiding each other.
(Nothing would ever be the same.)
Annah went with Vickie and Victor back to their wagon. She spoke with them quietly for several minutes. When she returned, she said, 'The undertaker will hold all the bodies while we're in Niagara.'
'And if we don't come back?'
'If we don't return in three days, they'll take the corpses to Gretchen's ship.'
At which point, Zunctweed might throw Gretchen into the lake — or worse. The spells that made slaves obey their owners didn't apply once the owner was dead… and I'd seen slaves commit gross atrocities on their late owners' bodies. Even slaves who seemed resigned to their lot might take posthumous vengeance for years of indignity. Kicking, mutilating, attacking the corpse with any weapon they could find. Then, after the savagery was over, they'd docilely report to their owner's heir. Slavery spells didn't end with one owner's death; they just took a brief holiday, then reasserted themselves with a new master.
I wondered whom Zunctweed would go to once he learned Gretchen was dead. Maybe me. Sometimes when Gretchen got into a huff, she'd threaten to leave me Zunctweed in her will.
As if I didn't have enough problems.
We left Vickie and Victor moping over the impossibility of lifting Oberon's body into their cart. With all of us heaving, we might have been able to move his massive weight, but Impervia refused to let us try. She was furious with the world, and the undertaker's children were the most immediate targets for her wrath. 'I saw how much Phil paid them,' she told the others. 'They can deal with this on their own.'
Perhaps she just wanted to get moving again. Away from the beach and the corpses. With seething glares, she forced us to gather our gear and depart.
Leaving our dead friends in the less than capable hands of Vickie and Victor.
As we walked up the street into town, Pelinor gamely tried to fill the silence with overhearty remarks about our surroundings—'Pretty little sign on that store there, what's it supposed to be, a hammer do you think?' — but no one else responded to his efforts at conversation. That didn't stop him: Pelinor was the sort who handled his grief by talking trivialities.
I didn't mind his babble; it was better than empty quiet. No one else tried to shut him up either — not even Impervia. She was putting up a good front of being in control, but underneath… underneath, she was a deeply emotional woman who thought most emotions were sinful. Someday that inner conflict might rip her apart.
But not yet. Not yet.
So we trudged through Crystal Bay's central square. Along the way, we passed numerous tethered horses, all of whom received a 'Good day,' from Pelinor and comments on their hocks and withers. Local residents who saw us coming ducked into stores or side streets until we were gone. Considering Impervia's mood, I'd say people were smart to hide… but it was still unnerving to see our presence turn the place into a ghost town.
Therefore I was glad when we finally reached the stagecoach company. If you could dignify it with the name 'company.' Its meager excuse for an office was nothing more than a windowless shack in front of a stable. The stable was not much fancier — room for only one coach, and perhaps eight horses if they doubled up two to a stall.
Not what you'd call a big operation. Quite possibly, the stage ran only once a week, doing a circuit of nearby villages, then ending back at Crystal Bay. The rest of the time, the coach driver apparently served as the local blacksmith; a shed beside the stables had its door open to reveal an anvil and a furnace, neither of which were currently in use. In fact, there was no one in sight at all. The only promising sign was that the coach had been trundled out of its shed and hitched to a team of four, all of whom looked adequately strong and healthy.
Pelinor went off to talk to the horses while Impervia stuck her head into the office shack. 'Empty,' she reported. The glowering look on her face suggested dark suspicions — that the driver had absconded with our down payment, that he was hiding and ready to ambush us, or perhaps that he'd been murdered by Ring agents — so it must have come as a letdown when a man emerged from a privy at the back of the yard, his trousers still half-undone.
'There you are!' he called, buttoning his pants with no great haste. 'Hope I didn't keep you waiting, but my pa always said to empty the chutes before takin' folks on a drive.'
He smiled as if we should be impressed by his father's acumen. That smile seemed to sum up the man: sunny, casual, and his idea of inspired advance planning was remembering to visit the outhouse before leaving on a trip. Our driver (who introduced himself as Bing: 'Fred Binghamton, but my pa always went as Bing, and that's good enough for me!') was nearly as dark as Impervia and almost twice as muscular — he was, after all, a blacksmith — but he had none of the holy sister's knife-edge aggression. Though he was young (mid-twenties), Bing's face already had abundant laugh lines; his eyes showed a permanent twinkle and he moved with the contented slowness of a well-fed bear.
Bing obviously enjoyed life… and if his wits were less than lightning-fast, his good nature had a contagious quality we badly needed at that moment. It would be ridiculous to say the sight of him cheered us up — that was impossible. But Bing was so pleasantly
I couldn't help noticing his smile grew wider when he looked Impervia's direction. He obviously liked what he saw, and didn't mind anyone knowing. I doubt if he even recognized Impervia's tunic and trousers as nun's apparel — Magdalenes weren't often seen in backwaters like Crystal Bay, and besides, Impervia's clothes were still clinging wet from getting splashed. I could forgive Bing for ogling a nun; the question was if
Several long seconds passed: Bing smiling broadly, the rest of us holding our breaths to see what Impervia would do. Slowly she lifted her hand… then, incredibly, she brushed it through her snip-clipped hair as if trying to comb it into some more orderly arrangement. A moment later, she dropped her gaze; with her jet-dark skin it was impossible to tell, but I would almost have said she was blushing.
I shook my head in amazement. Any other man on any other day would have received a sharp-tongued reprimand; Impervia might even slap his face. But today… grief affects people unpredictably. I could have sworn Impervia was so angry over Myoko's death, she'd lash out at anyone who gave her the least excuse. Obviously, I'd been wrong. Maybe she'd been ready to roar at Bing — to go through her usual routine of instant hostility toward male attention — when suddenly, she just didn't have the heart. Not enough energy to work herself into a rage: especially not over someone as transparently harmless as Bing. I don't know if that's what actually went through Impervia's mind, but I could see the bottom had dropped out of her fury. Nothing left but that weak almost-feminine gesture of straightening her hair.
Her fire had turned to ashes. She looked exhausted.
Bing was not the sort whose smiles lengthened into leers. After only a moment more, he turned from Impervia and began talking pleasantly with Pelinor: explaining some nicety about the way the horses had been hooked to the coach. ('My pa made that harness; it's got special features.') When Bing bent over to point out some detail about the cinch under one horse's belly, Impervia's gaze flicked over to study him behind his back. As if he was a puzzle and a challenge.
But her eyes still looked tired.
I walked over to her. 'How are you doing?' I asked.
She sighed. 'Praying for strength.'
'Really.' She glanced my way, then back at Bing. 'Nothing's ever simple, Phil. A few hours ago, I was so…
'What silly little problems do you have?'
Impervia nodded toward Bing. 'When I see a man like that, the devil whispers in my ear. It's not lust — not much — but it would be so