asking him what he was like when he was fourteen. She had a son, it turned out. He wouldn’t have figured her for a mother.
“Why are women phoning you in the middle of the night asking you about your teenage years?” Julia asked sleepily.
“Maybe they find me interesting.” Julia chuckled, deep and throaty, it set off a cough, and by the time she’d recovered, it was too late to ask her why she found that so funny.
Louise dialed his number from her car and, before he even had time to say anything, asked, “What were you like when you were fourteen?”
“Yes, fourteen,”she repeated. The sound of his voice was a kick. He was just the right side of wrong.
“I don’t know,” he said finally. “I was no altar boy, certainly. A bit of a tearaway, I suppose, like a lot of lads at that age.”
“I know absolutely nothing about fourteen-year-old boys.”
“Well, why should you?”
“My son’s fourteen.”
“Your son?” He sounded astonished. “I didn’t realize you were…”
“A mother?” she supplied. “I know it’s hard to believe, but there you go, it’s the old story-sperm meets egg and bam. It can happen to the best of us.” She sighed. “Fourteen-year-olds are a nightmare.” She realized that she was clutching the steering wheel of the car as if she were in rigor mortis.
“What’s his name?”
Guys who weren’t fathers hadn’t been interested in Archie’s weight or what she was going to call him. So, she deduced, Jackson Brodie had kids. She didn’t want to know about that, wasn’t interested in secondhand guys with baggage. Kids were baggage, stuff you lugged around. Luggage.
“You have kids?” she asked. Just couldn’t help herself.
“Just one, a girl,” Jackson said. “Marlee. She’s ten. I know nothing about ten-year-old girls if it’s any consolation.”
“Archie’s not a criminal,” Louise said as if Jackson had accused him of something. “He’s basically harmless.”
“I nearly landed in court for stealing when I was fifteen if it’s any help.”
“What happened?”
“I joined the army.”
Jeez. Archie in the army, there’s a thought.
“This is why you’re calling?” he asked. “For advice about parenting?”
“No. I’m calling to tell you that I’m on a housing estate in Bur-diehouse.”
“Great name for a housing estate.” He sounded weary.
“I’m outside a shop that’s been boarded up. I think it used to be a post office. There’s a fish-and-chip shop on one side, a Scot-mid on the other side. Single story, commercial properties, no flats above, nothing remotely residential.”
“Why are you telling me this and should you be there in the dark on your own?”
“That’s very gallant of you, but I’m a big girl. I’m telling you because I thought you’d like to know that this is the address that Terence Smith gave to the court this morning.”
“Honda Man gave a false address?”
“Which is an offense. As you know. I told you that you were an idiot to plead guilty. And by the way, no one else caught the reg-istration of the car involved in the road-rage incident, so you held up the investigation by withholding vital information.”
“So sue me,” Jackson said. “I’ve just seen him, actually, he was trying to kill someone else.”
“Terence Smith?” she said sharply. “Please tell me you didn’t have another go at him?”
“No, although the police were keen to question me.”
“Jesus, what is it with you?”
“Trouble is my friend.”
“He was trying to kill someone? Is that one of your fantasies?”
“I don’t have fantasies. Not about people killing each other, anyway. If I tell you what happened, you’ll think I’m even more paranoid and delusional than you do already.”
“Try me,” she said.
“I saw a girl who looked like my dead girl, she even had the earrings.”
“You’re even more paranoid and delusional than I thought.”
“Told you.”
“You see dead girls everywhere.”
“No, I see the same dead girl everywhere.”
He was officially a lunatic, she decided. Strangely, that didn’t make him less attractive. She sighed and said, “Anyway, cheers. I’m off home. Sleep well.”
There were rules. The rules said, you don’t fool around with wit-nesses, you don’t fool around with suspects, you don’t fool around with convicted felons. And Jackson Brodie managed to be all three at once.
At least that explained why he was in Edinburgh. “For the Festival,” he had said when she first interviewed him, but he hadn’t seemed like the Festival type. Still didn’t. But
“What’s Julia like?”The naming of her had provoked an unexpected, visceral spasm of jealousy in Louise.
“She’s an actress.”That had surprised her. He frowned when he said her name.
She had noticed a chicken-pox scar beneath his eyebrow. Archie had one in almost the same place, a tiny shield-shaped depression in the skin that she supposed would last forever.
His dark hair was flecked with slate. At least he hadn’t done the middle-aged male thing of growing a beard to hide a double chin, not that he had a double chin. He probably wouldn’t look too bad with a beard. When she was younger she could never have imag-ined that she would find middle-aged men with graying hair or beards even remotely attractive. It just went to show. But let’s not forget
It was odd how you could feel so attracted to someone by the simplest things, the way they handed you a drink and said,