'No, of course not.'

'And I probably shouldn't keep cleaning your house. That would be too weird, and you don't need a housekeeper anyway.'

'I don't know about 'weird,' but it's true that I don't need someone to vacuum. I can do that myself.'

'Then we have a deal?' Her heart fluttered, sensing that something momentous was about to happen in her life. Something insane and life-changing.

There was a long moment of silence, his thoughts unreadable on his face. And then: 'What the hell. Let's do it!'

Oh boy. She smiled shakily. 'How soon can I move into the apartment?'

'As soon as you like.' He opened a drawer and took out a set of keys, then began scrawling information on a piece of notepaper. 'Here's the address. There's parking under the building; the apartment has its own space. There's also a storage room in the basement. Will you need any help moving?'

'I have friends who can help.'

He pushed the keys and piece of paper across the desk to her. 'We can straighten out the utilities and the rest later. I know that moving is a lot of work, so I won't expect you to start your new duties for a week or two. When do think you'll be able to begin?'

She blinked. It was all so businesslike. 'The Friday after this one?'

'Excellent! Could you have dinner ready by seven?'

He wanted her to cook for him, too? Apparently he was looking for one-stop shopping for all his appetites. That Visa card had better be loaded with plenty of cash if she had to buy groceries for romantic dinners. 'You want the full deal, huh? Dinner and dessert?'

'Sure, if that's not too much for you. Given the price you asked, it seems a reasonable request.'

'I can handle it, if that's really what you want.' Damn. He was a sneaky negotiator, throwing that in at the last moment.

'It might be nice. Nothing too rich, though. I'm trying to eat right.' He stood. 'Okay, then.'

She stood, too. 'Okay, I guess.' She turned and walked blindly to the door, but before she stepped through it a few crucial issues fought their way to the forefront of her stunned mind. She turned around.

'Two things.'


'One: you will get a complete physical and show me the paperwork saying that you're free of sexually transmitted diseases. I'll do the same for you. And two: this will be a monogamous relationship. I care about my health, just as I'm sure you care about yours.'

He looked confused. 'A physical? Why would that-' His eyes widened as if in sudden understanding. 'Oh. Oh, you think-'

She held up her hand. 'As far as I know, I'm clear, and you may believe the same about yourself. But let's get the paperwork so neither of us has to worry about it. Sound reasonable?'

He nodded, his eyes still wide.

She felt better, seeing that he wasn't as in control as she'd thought. 'Hey, relax! Remember, this was both our fantasies. If it doesn't work, at least we're giving it a shot. That's more than most people would dare.'

'Much more,' he said hoarsely.

'So, rah rah for courage and the unexpected!'

'Rah rah,' he repeated faintly.

'Not something to put on my r?sum?, but maybe something to put in my memoirs, eh?'

'Emma, I-' he started, and then stopped, the words hanging there.


'I-I never expected something like this.'

She wondered if that was what he had meant to say, but smiled. 'Like I said before: it's the unexpected that keeps life interesting.'

Chapter Five

Russ took a hit and landed flat on his back on the ice, staring up through his mask at the high ceiling of the Aurora Ice Arena. A moment later his teammate Greg appeared through his gridded vision, reaching down a gloved hand to help him up.

'You've got to keep your head up, Russ,' Greg said as Russ regained his feet. They skated over to the box together and climbed over the wall, switching out with fresh players. 'You know that; you've got the best vision of anyone on the ice. What's going on? You've been playing like a 'pod all night.'

' 'Pod' was short for tripod, a novice player who used his hockey stick like a third leg. 'My head's not in the game,' Russ admitted.

Greg thumped Russ's helmet with his stick. 'Get it in the game or you're going to get hurt.'

He was right; injuries happened when you weren't paying full attention. In their thirty-five-and-over amateur hockey league, injuries were scrupulously avoided. One bad knee blowout could end your days on the ice forever.

It was Emma Mayson who was screwing up his game. Since yesterday's wild conversation, he hadn't been able to concentrate on anything except the accidental agreement they'd made.

Today at work Kevin had glumly announced that Emma had canceled their date, since she was moving to a new apartment. She'd refused his offers of help, and refused to set up another date. Kevin had vowed to keep trying, anyway.

Russ had given a one-shoulder shrug. It wasn't as if he could tell his friend, 'Don't feel bad. The real reason she canceled is so that I can pay her for sex three times a week.'


With great effort he kept his focus for the remaining ten minutes of the game, but as soon as it was over and he was heading to the locker room, his thoughts went back to Emma. The other guys were laughing and bantering about the game, giving each other a hard time and reliving the highs and lows as they showered and dressed, cans of La-batt's beer appearing out of gear bags and getting tossed to eager hands. It was all white noise.

Why the hell hadn't he cleared things up the moment he realized she thought he wanted her to be his mistress? The words had been halfway out his mouth before a voice inside had stopped him. She's already agreed to it, the voice said. She'd be humiliated if he told her he'd only meant to have dinner three times a week, not sex.

He'd thought that the best way to save her from embarrassment was to wait a few days and then tell her that he'd changed his mind and only wanted her to cook for him. He'd say that his conscience had bothered him, and that he could tell that she didn't truly want to do it.

All of which sounded well and good, but why, then, had he made an appointment to see his doctor and get a physical?

She's already agreed to it, the wicked voice said again. It hadn't been clear that she didn't want to do it either; in fact, there were moments during their 'cooking' negotiations when he'd thought she was coming on to him. That made perfect sense, now that he knew her mind hadn't been on pot roasts.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up.

'Are you going to put that sock on or just fondle it?' Greg said.

Russ looked down at the sock in his hand. He was fully dressed except for one foot, and a quick look around the locker room showed that most of the other guys had already left, headed over to Harold's Tavern for a more in-depth rehash of the game and colder beer.

'I fondle it, but it just lies there,' Russ said.

Greg laughed. 'You've got to spend more time with women. Are you coming to Harold's?'

'Yeah.' Dwelling on the Emma situation wasn't making it any better, so maybe avoiding it would help.

The Harold of Harold's Tavern was eighty-five and possessed an even dozen Lincoln Continentals, all of which took up the front lot of the tavern, forcing patrons to park around the side. Harold himself was a thin man with

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